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Aturan penggunaan modal "can, could, may, might, must" dan contohnya dalam bahasa Inggris

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intan rosalia
Posts: 46
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Joined: 6 years ago

Bagaimana aturan penggunaan modal "can, could, may, might, must" dan contohnya dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris?

Modal adalah bagian dari auxiliary (kata kerja bantu) sehingga dapat diperlakukan seperti kata kerja bantu. Adapun fungsinya memberikan tambahan arti pada kata kerja.

Modal selalu diikuti kata kerja bentuk 1 tanpa "to" (infinitive without to).



a. Menyatakan kemampuan (ability) Contoh : She can speak three languages

b. Menyatakan ijin (permission) Contoh : Can I borrow your dictionary?


Menyatakan kemampuan pada waktu lampau.

Contoh : She couldswim well when She was young.


  • Menyatakan ijin (permission) Contoh : May I read this book?
  • Menyatakan kemungkinan (possibility) Contoh : He may come late this morning


  • Bentuk lampau dari may Contoh : She said that I might go home early
  • Menyatakan kemungkinan besar (strong possibility). Contoh : She might be at home today.


  • Menyatakan kebutuhan (necessity) Contoh : We must eat nutrious food.
  • Menyatakan kesimpulan (conclusion) Contoh : He has been in England for year. He must speak English fluently

Modal perfect

Must + have + V-3

Untuk menyatakan suatu kepastian atau kesimpulan tentang sesuatu yang terjadi pada waktu lampau.
(past conclusion).
Contoh : The oil was frozen. It must have been very cold last night.

Might + have + V-3

Untuk menyatakan kemungkinan pada waktu lampau (past possibility).

Contoh : Lany came late this morning, she might hve missed the bus.

Should + have + V-3 = ought to + have + V-3

Untuk menyatakan saran yang seharusnya dilakukan pada waktu lampau (past suggestion).

Contoh :

Lena has an examination today but she saw the film last night, She should have been
studying for her exam.

Could + have + V-3

Untuk menyatakan kemampuan (capability) untuk melakukan sesuatu pada waktu lampau tetapi tidak

Contoh :

  • We didn’t go out last night ; we could have gone to the cinema but we decided to stay at home.
  • Mrs.Nancy was rich; she could have bought a motor car if she wanted.
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