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An animal nursery is a kind of job. People who work as animal nursery workers work in zoos, kennels, animal shelters, and circuses. They are responsible for feeding, watering, cleaning, bathing, and exercising animals. They care for animals’ health by disinfecting them and keeping their cage clean. They keep records of treatments that the animals have received from the veterinarian, an animal doctor.
Animal nursery workers have serious responsibilities and functions. They provide care for newborns and young animals, prepare their food, transport them to feeding areas, and deliver food and water to them. The food they prepare is different for each species of animals they care for. They fill nursing bottles which have been sterilized with the appropriate feeding formula. They also take care of orphan animals. They observe newborn animals and check for signs of disease or abnormality. They may perform physical exam on the young animals occasionally, taking their temperatures, pulse rate, and blood pressure. They are also in charge of cleaning and preparing comfortable sleeping areas for animals, removing waste, cleaning and disinfecting them. They also make sure all cages and enclosures are safe.

1. What is the text about?
A. The animals being cared by animal nursery workers.
B. The job description of animal nursery workers.
C. A dangerous job of animal nursery workers.
D. The work place of animal nursery workers.

2. The food that the animal nursery workers prepared depends on ....
A. the physical condition of the animals
B. the emotional condition of the animals
C. the species of the animals
D. the age of the animals

3. “They keep records of treatment that the animals ...” (paragraph 1, line 4)
The underlined phrase is closest in meaning to ....
A. make
B. write
C. listen
D. watch

4. What is the purpose of the wj>^' above?
A. To entertain the rear
animal nursery workers , I
B. To explain the hobbies of the animal nursery workers.
C. To explain how to be an animal nursery workers.
D. To describe the job of animal nursery workers.

Waruga is a coffin made of stone that is used to put the body. It can be found in Sawangan village, Airmadi sub-district, Minahasa district of Manado, North Sulawesi. ... (5) has a cube shape. The dead body is put in a squatting position. It portrays that the dead person will return to God in the same position as he was in the mother’s womb. The coffin is finely ... (6) with some patterns such as plants, animals, and traditional geometric. This philosophy is called by ... (43) as whom. Visiting waruga means observing the incredible heritages of North Sulawesi.

5. A. It
B. Its
C. He
D. His

6. A. carve
B. carved
C. carves
D. carving

7. A. the local people
B. the dead body
C. the mothers.
D. the animals.

8. Arrange the following words into a correct sentence. of the mountain - is - his room - the beautiful view - the man - looking at - from
A. 5-6-4-7-3-1-2
B. 5-2-6-4-1-7-3
C. 5-1-2-6-4-7-3
D. 5-6-1-7-2-3-4

9. Arrange the sentences bellow into a correct paragraph.

(1) We left our house at about 5 o’clock in the morning. We took a taxi to the railway station.
(2) Finally our train came. All of us rushed to get on the train.
(3) Last Lebaran, my family and I went to our hometown. We decided to take a train because it is more comfortable.
(4) It took about 5 to 7 hours to get our hometown. We enjoyed our journey.
(5) We took the carriage no 3 according to our tickets.
(6) But our train was late for about fifteen minutes, so we had to wait a bit longer.
(7) After finding our seats, we sat comfortably.
(8) We arrived at the station at six. Our train would leave at 6.40.
A. 3-8-6-4-5-1-2-7
B. 3-4-5-8-1-2-6-7
C. 3-1-8-6-2-5-7-4
D. 3-5-4-2-7-8-1-6

Last Friday, my friend asked me to accompany him to buy a new shirt at a department store. We left home at 03:00 P.M. by bicycle. As soon as we arrived there, we went to the clothes section. I let him choose one. An hour later, I got bored watching him confused in choosing a shirt. So I left him and went to the cassette counter. Thirty minutes later, I went back to the clothes section but I couldn’t find him there. My cell phone was broken at the time so I couldn’t call him. I went to the parking area. I saw his bicycle was there, but I couldn’t find him. I waited for him for a few moments. Then, finally I gave up and decided to go home.
When I arrived home, my mother told me that my friend called. She said that he was in the department store looking for me. My mother asked me to come back to the department store. Reluctantly, I walked to department store. Unexpectedly when I arrived there his bicycle was not in the parking area. He had went home. I was very tired. There was no other choice. I walked home again. When I arrived home, I was so tired. I was very angry when I saw my friend’s broad smile greeting me in front of the door. But, I just could not help laughing.

10. The text above is about....
A. an embarrassing day
B. shopping with mother
C. the writer and his friend
D. my friend and his bicycle

11. The writer couldn’t contact his friend because ....
A. he went home alone
B. his cell phone was broken
C. he was in the parking area
D. his friend was choosing a shirt

12. From the story above we can conclude that there was a problem because ....
A. the writer couldn’t contact his friend
B. the writer’s friend was in the clothes section
C. the writer and his friend couldn't ride the bicycle
D. the writer and his friend decided to go to the department store

The following text is for questions 13 and 14.

Dear Anindya,
Wish you many happy returns of the day. May God bless you with health, wealth, and prosperity in your life.

13. What does Meita do for Anindya’s birthday?
A. She wishes her many happy returns of the day.
B. She gives her prosperity.
C. She shares her health.
D. She returns her love.

14. What is the purpose of this text?
A. To give warm wishes on someone’s birthday.
B. To congratulate someone on her success.
C. To announce someone’s birthday.
D. To entertain the readers.

Kunci jawaban:

1. Pada teks ini mendeskripsikan memberikan gambaran tentang pekerjaan dari perawat hewan, seperti pada kalimat “They are responsible for feeding, watering, cleaning, bathing and exercising animals" menjelaskan perawat hewan bertanggung jawab untuk memberikan makanan, memberikan minum, membersihkan, memandikan, dan melatih hewan.
Jadi, teks itu tentang "The job description of animal nursery workers.”
Jawaban: B

2. Kalimat “The food they prepare is different for each species of animals they care for” menjelaskan bahwa makanan yang mereka sediakan berbeda untuk tiap spesies hewan yang mereka pelihara. Jadi, noun/kata benda yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas dan sesuai dengan kalimat di teks adalah “the species of the animals”
Jawaban: C

3. Synonym/Antonym
Keep records Make = mencatat = membuat
Write = menulis
Listen = mendengarkan
Watch = menonton
Jadi, keep records = write.
Jawaban: B

4. “What is the purpose of the writer to write the text above?" menanyakan tujuan penulis menulis teks di atas. Karena pada teks dari keseluruhan paragraf memberikan gambaran atau mendeskripsikan tentang perawat hewan, maka tujuan penulis menulis teks di atas adalah “To describe the job of animal nursery workers."
Jawaban: D

5. Kalimat: has a cube shape”
mempunyai pola sebagai berikut.
S + V1 (s/es) + O
Kalimat tersebut berbentuk “simple present tense."
Kalimat tersebut memiliki arti "... me mpunyaisebuahbentukkubus" karena pada kalimat sebelumnya: “Waruga is a coffin made of stone maka subjek

yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah kata ganti/pronoun dari “Waruga”.
Jadi, pronoun yang tepat untuk menggantikan Waruga dan tepat untuk menjadi subyek pada kalimat yang belum lengkap di atas adalah “If.
Jawaban: A

6. Kalimat "The coffin is finely ... with some patterns such as plants, animals, and traditional geometric" seharusnya membentuk pola kalimat pasif, yaitu:
S + be (is/am/are) + adverb + V3 + Adverb of manner
Dari pola kalimat tersebut, maka kalimat di atas membutuhkan kata kerja atau verb bentuk ke-3 (V3).
Pada jawaban yang mempunyai bentuk verb ke 3 adalah "carvecf.
Jawaban: B

7. Kalimat "This philosophy is called by ... as whom" memiliki bentuk kalimat pasif yang berpola sebagai berikut.
S + be (is/am/are) + V3 + by + O
Kalimat tersebut mempunyai arti “Filsafat ini disebut oleh ... sebagai ‘whom’” Karena waruga terdapat di Sulawesi Utara, maka filsafat itu diyakini oleh orang-orang lokal saja atau masyarakat sekitar saja.
Jadi, jawaban yang tepat untuk menjadi objek adalah "the local people"
Jawaban: A

8. of the mountain - is - his room - the beautiful view - The man - looking at -from.

Dari kata-kata yang diacak di atas, tampak akan membentuk kalimat yang berbentuk “present continuous tense” dengan pola sebagai berikut.
S + auxiliary verb (is/am/are) + V-ing + O + adverb of place
“ The man is looking at the beautiful view of the mountain from his room" yang artinya: “laki-laki tersebut sedang memandangi pemandangan indah gunung tersebut dari kamarnya”.
Jawaban: B

9. Dari kalimat pada soal dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut.
• Pada kalimat no. 8 => sudah tiba di stasiun.
• Pada kalimat no. 4 => sudah tiba di kampung.
• Pada kalimat no. 1 => proses keberangkatan dari rumah ke stasiun kereta api.
• Pada kalimat no. 5 => sudah naik kereta.
Jadi, kalimatyang tepat untuk menempati kalimat kedua adalah kalimat no. 1.
Sehingga paragraf yang dapat terbentuk dengan susunan kalimat seperti berikut: 3-1-S-6-2-5-7-4
Jawaban: C

10. Karena pada teks di atas menceritakan tentang penulis dengan seorang temannya, isi cerita teks adalah “the writer and his friend."
Jawaban: C

11. Kalimat “The writer couldn’t contact his friend because ..." mempunyai arti: penulis tidak dapat menghubungi temannya karena .... Pada kalimat: “My cell phone was broken at that time so I couldn’t call him" menjelaskan bahwa telepon selulernya penulis rusak jadi penulis tidak dapat menghubungi temannya. Jadi, jawaban yang sesuai adalah "his cell phone was broken".
Jawaban: B

12. Kalimat "From the story above we can conclude that there was a problem because ..." mempunyai arti: dari cerita di atas kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa ada sebuah masalah karena ....
Pada kalimat "My cell phone was broken at that time so I couldn’t call him" menjelaskan bahwa telepon selulernya penulis rusak jadi penulis tidak dapat menghubungi temannya. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah “the writer couldn’t contact his friend.”
Jawaban: A

13. "What does Meita do for Anindya’s birthday?" menanyakan yang dilakukan Meita untuk ulang tahunnya Anindya. Kalimat “Wish you many happy returns of the da/ merupakan ucapan selamat hari lahir/ulang tahun.
Jadi, yang dilakukan Meita untuk ulang tahunnya Anindya adalah “She wishes her many happy returns of the da/
Jawaban: A

14. “What is the purpose of this text?" menanyakan tujuan dari teks tersebut.
Karena teks itu merupakan kartu ucapan selamat ulang tahun, maka tujuan teks tersebut adalah “To give warm wishes on someone’s birthday."
Jawaban: A