Aug 08, 2020 11:34 am
Bagaimana cara menjelaskan posisi dari setiap anggota / organ tubuh yang ada di kepala seperti telinga, hidung, mata, dan sebagainya beserta dengan kegunaannya dengan bahasa Inggris?
Berikut ini contoh cara menjelaskannya dengan bahasa Inggris.
Inside the head is the brain, which is responsible for thinking. The top of a person's scalp is covered with hair. Beneath the hairline at the front of the face is the forehead. Underneath the forehead are the eyes for seeing, the nose for smelling, and the mouth for eating. On the outside of the mouth are the teeth for bittingand the tongue for tasting. Food is swallowed down the throat. At the sides of the face are the cheeks and at the sides of the head are ears for hearing. At the bottom of a person's face is the chin. The jaw is located on the inside of the cheeks and chin. The neck is what attaches the head to the upper body.
- brain: otak
- scalp: kulit kepala
- hair: rambut
- face: wajah
- forehead: dahi
- eyes: mata
- nose: hidung
- mouth: mulut
- teeth: gigi
- tongue: lidah
- throat: tenggorokan
- cheeks: pipi
- ears: telinga
- chin: dagu
- jaw: rahang
- neck: leher
- upper body: tubuh bagian atas
- thinking: berpikir
- seeing: melihat
- smelling: membau/mencium
- eating: memakan
- bitting: menggigit
- tasting: merasakan
- hearing: mendengar