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Contoh kalimat kontra gagas & kontra harap menggunakan 'even if, though, although, even though, in spite of, despite'

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Bagaimana contoh kalimat kontra gagas & kontra harap menggunakan 'even if, though, although, even though, in spite of, despite'?

Kontra Gagas


Kata kalaupun yang menunjukkan suatu kontra gagas dinyatakan dengan even if.

  • Kalaupun Terlambat tak apalah, asalkan datang.
    Even if you are late, it doesn’t matter, as long as you come.

Kontra Harap

Walaupun, Kendatipun

Kata hubung yang menunjukkan kontra harap antara lain walaupun dan kendatipun yang dalam bahasa Inggris diungkapkan dengan though/although/even though atau in spite of/ despite. Kata hubung though/although/even though mensyaratkan rangkaian pengikutnya dalam bentuk klausa (S + predikat), sementara despite dan in spite of diikuti frase/fragmen (noun/pronoun/gerund).

  • Walaupun tidak memenuhi persyaratan, dia mendapatkan pekerjaan itu.
    Though/although/even though he had no qualification, he got the job.
    Despite/in spite of having no qualification, he got the job.
  • Kendatipun angin bertiup, dia tetap melanjutkan perjalanan.
    Though/although/even though it was windy, he continued the cruise.
    Despite/in spite of the wind, he continued the cruise.
  • Walaupun dia bersalah, saya menolongnya juga.
    Although she is wrong, 1 help her anyway.
    Although three people have died of cholera, the old people of the village refused to get an injection against it.