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3 contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris di kantor imigrasi dan pembahasan grammarnya

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Bagaimana contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris di kantor imigrasi dan pembahasan grammarnya?

Contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris di kantor.

Pada contoh dialog di bawah ini, kita akan menemukan beberapa percakapan yang terjadi, antara lain:

  • Dialog Bahasa Inggris di Kantor Imigrasi antara Pendaftar dan Security
  • Dialog Bahasa Inggris di Kantor Imigrasi antara Pendaftar dan Petugas Imigrasi
  • Dialog Bahasa Inggris di Kantor Imigrasi antara Pendaftar dan Petugas Imigrasi bagian wawancara

Jadi dapat disimpukan bahwa kalian akan mendapatkan 3 contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris di Kantor Imigrasi yang dapat kalian peraktekan oleh 4 orang dalam situasi yang berbeda.

Dialog 1

Dialog Bahasa Inggris di Kantor Imigrasi antara Pendaftar dan Security
Situation: Mr. Rudolph wants to go to New York for a business. He needs a passport and a visa. Where can he get his passport and visa? Let’s check the conversation below!
Situasi: Pak Rudolph ingin pergi ke New York untuk sebuah bisnis. Dia membutuhkan paspor dan visa. Di mana dia bisa mendapatkan paspor dan visanya? Mari kita periksa percakapan di bawah ini!
Security: Good morning, Sir. Welcome to the Immigration Office. How may I help you?
Keamanan: Selamat pagi, Pak. Selamat datang di Kantor Imigrasi. Bagaimana saya bisa membantu Anda?
Rudolph: Good morning. I would like to make a passport and a visa.
Rudolph: Selamat pagi. Saya ingin membuat paspor dan visa.
Security: Do you bring your ID card and requirement document?
Keamanan: Apakah Anda membawa kartu identitas diri dan juga dokumen persyaratan?
Rudolph: Yes of course.
Rudolph: Ya tentu saja.
Security: May I see your ID car?
Keamanan: Bolehkah saya melihat kartu identitas Anda?
Rudolph: Here you are.
Rudolph: Ini dia.
Security: Thank you. Please wait a moment, I’ll check your ID card first.
Keamanan: Terima kasih. Tolong tunggu sebentar, saya akan memeriksa kartu identitas Anda terlebih dahulu.
Rudolph: Certainly.
Rudolph: Tentu saja.
Security: This is your ID card, Sir. This is the registration form. Please use the capital letter to fill your identity. And this is your queue number.
Keamanan: Ini kartu identitas Anda, Pak. Ini adalah formulir pendaftaran. Silakan gunakan huruf kapital untuk mengisi identitas Anda. Dan ini nomor antrean Anda.
Rudolph: Thank you.
Rudolph: Terima kasih.
Security: If you have any question, please ask me.
Keamanan: Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan, silakan tanya saya.
Rudolph: Okay. Thank you.
Rudolph: Oke. Terima kasih.
Security: You’re welcome.
Keamanan: Sama-sama.

Dialog 2

Dialog Bahasa Inggris di Kantor Imigrasi antara Pendaftar dan Petugas Imigrasi
Situation: Mr. Rudolph is called by Immigration officer. Is there any problem with his identity? Let’s find it out!
Situasi: Pak Rudolph dipanggil oleh petugas Imigrasi. Apakah ada masalah dengan identitasnya? Mari kita cari tahu!
Immigration officer: Number 58.
Petugas imigrasi: Nomor 58.
Rudolph: Yes.
Rudolph: Ya.
Immigration officer: Good morning, Sir. How may I help you?
Petugas imigrasi: Selamat pagi, Pak. Bagaimana saya bisa membantu Anda?
Rudolph: Good morning. I would like to make a passport and a visa, please.
Rudolph: Selamat pagi. Saya ingin membuat paspor dan visa.
Immigration officer: Alright. Have you filled the registration form?
Petugas imigrasi: Baiklah. Sudahkah Anda mengisi formulir pendaftaran?
Rudolph: Yes.
Rudolph: Ya.
Immigration officer: May I see it?
Petugas imigrasi: Bolehkah saya melihatnya?
Rudolph: Here you are.
Rudolph: Ini dia.
Immigration officer: Thank you. Please wait a moment. I’ll check your registration form.
Petugas imigrasi: Terima kasih. Silakan tunggu beberapa saat. Saya akan memeriksa formulir pendaftaran Anda.
Rudolph: Certainly.
Rudolph: Tentu saja.
Immigration officer: Mr. Rudolph…
Petugas imigrasi: Pak Rudolph …
Rudolph: Yes.
Rudolph: Ya.
Immigration officer: Your files are complete. There will be the administration fee of $ 100 in cash only.
Petugas imigrasi: File Anda lengkap. Akan ada biaya administrasi $ 100 hanya tunai.
Rudolph: Okay. Here is the money.
Rudolph: Oke. Ini uangnya.
Immigration officer:  I’ll take it. You may go to the interview room. The officer will ask you some questions regarding your business. Here are your files and bring into the interview room, please.
Petugas imigrasi: Saya akan mengambilnya. Anda dapat pergi ke ruang wawancara. Petugas akan menanyakan beberapa pertanyaan tentang bisnis Anda. Ini file Anda dan bawa ke ruang wawancara.
Rudolph: Okay. Thank you very much.
Rudolph: Oke. Terima kasih banyak.
Immigration officer: You’re welcome.
Petugas imigrasi: Sama-sama.

Dialog 3

Dialog Bahasa Inggris di Kantor Imigrasi antara Pendaftar dan Petugas Imigrasi
Situation: Mr. Rudolph will be interview by an Immigration officer. Can he answer the following question fluently? Let’s figure it out!
Situasi: Pak Rudolph akan diwawancarai oleh petugas Imigrasi. Bisakah dia menjawab pertanyaan berikut dengan lancar? Mari kita cari tahu!
Interviewer: Good morning, Sir.
Pewawancara: Selamat pagi, Pak.
Rudolph: Good morning.
Rudolph: Selamat pagi.
Interviewer: How are you doing?
Pewawancara: Bagaimana kabar Anda?
Rudolph: I’m very well. Thank you. How about you?
Rudolph: Saya baik-baik saja. Terima kasih. Bagaimana dengan Anda?
Interviewer: So am I. Do you bring the files?
Pewawancara: Saya juga. Apakah Anda membawa filenya?
Rudolph: Yes. Here you are.
Rudolph: Ya. Ini dia.
Interviewer: Thank you. Please wait a moment. I’ll check your file first.
Pewawancara: Terima kasih. Silakan tunggu beberapa saat. Saya akan memeriksa file Anda terlebih dahulu.
Rudolph: Certainly.
Rudolph: Tentu saja.
Interviewer: Okay, Mr. Rudolph. Tell me about your business specifically, please.
Pewawancara: Oke, Pak Rudolph. Tolong ceritakan bisnis Anda secara khusus.
Rudolph: Okay. I’m an entrepreneur. My business has been since 2012. My product is genuine leather. I make shoes, wallets, belts, jackets, bags and other products for fashion.
Rudolph: Oke. Saya seorang pengusaha. Bisnis saya sejak 2012. Produk saya adalah kulit asli. Saya membuat sepatu, dompet, ikat pinggang, jaket, tas, dan produk lainnya untuk mode.
Interviewer: Do you have a license from the government regarding your legal business?
Pewawancara: Apakah Anda memiliki lisensi dari pemerintah terkait bisnis resmi Anda?
Rudolph: Yes of course. I bring the document with me. Here you are.
Rudolph: Ya tentu saja. Saya membawa dokumen itu bersama saya. Ini dia.
Interviewer: Okay… How much your monthly turnover?
Pewawancara: Oke … Berapa omset bulanan Anda?
Rudolph: It fluctuates. It means that depend on the situation. It’s average of between $ 10000 to $ 13000 in a month.
Rudolph: Berfluktuasi. Itu artinya tergantung pada situasinya. Rata-rata antara $ 10.000 hingga $ 13.000 dalam sebulan.
Interviewer: What is your reason to go to New York?
Pewawancara: Apa alasan Anda pergi ke New York?
Rudolph: It’s only talked about a business. You know New York is the capital fashion in the USA. The story began when I put my products via online on my website. There was an American businessman which lives in New York and he offered me cooperation with him. We have a similar business in fashion. He interested in my products and then he invited me to introduce my products directly.
Rudolph: Ini hanya berbicara tentang bisnis. Anda tahu New York adalah gudangnya mode di Amerika Serikat. Cerita dimulai ketika saya menaruh produk saya melalui online di situs web saya. Ada seorang pengusaha Amerika yang tinggal di New York dan dia menawarkan saya kerjasama dengannya. Kami memiliki bisnis serupa dalam mode. Dia tertarik dengan produk saya dan kemudian dia mengundang saya untuk memperkenalkan produk saya secara langsung.
Interviewer: Why you should go there? I mean that you can send your product by using expedition and you can chat your partner via email. Give me a reason, please.
Pewawancara: Mengapa Anda harus pergi ke sana? Maksud saya, Anda dapat mengirim produk Anda dengan menggunakan ekspedisi dan Anda dapat mengobrol dengan rekan Anda melalui email. Tolong beri saya alasan.
Rudolph: Well, it’s not as easy as you thought, Sir. As a professional businessman, I maintain an emotional connection with my clients and I have to introduce my product directly to the client. Because there will be a lot of things to discuss regarding the product, price, and market.
Rudolph: Yah, itu tidak semudah yang Anda pikirkan, Pak. Sebagai pebisnis profesional, saya mempertahankan hubungan emosional dengan klien saya dan saya harus memperkenalkan produk saya langsung kepada klien. Karena akan ada banyak hal untuk dibicarakan mengenai produk, harga, dan pasar.
Interviewer: Okay. How long will you be staying?
Pewawancara: Oke. Berapa lama Anda akan tinggal?
Rudolph: It will be a week.
Rudolph: Seminggu.
Interviewer: Do you have another business in New York?
Pewawancara: Apakah Anda memiliki bisnis lain di New York?
Rudolph: Nope. That will be the only thing.
Rudolph: Tidak. Itu akan menjadi satu-satunya.
Interviewer: Do you have any family in New York?
Pewawancara: Apakah Anda punya keluarga di New York?
Rudolph: No, Sir. Just a couple of friends. Maybe I’ll visit them before I go back.
Rudolph: Tidak, Pak. Hanya beberapa teman. Mungkin saya akan mengunjungi mereka sebelum saya kembali.
Interviewer: Do you have an allergy or health problem?
Pewawancara: Apakah Anda memiliki masalah alergi atau kesehatan?
Rudolph: No, Sir. I’m in my fit condition.
Rudolph: Tidak, Pak. Saya dalam kondisi fit saya.
Interviewer: Okay. Please sign in this paper.
Pewawancara: Oke. Silakan tanda tangan di kertas ini.
Rudolph: Certainly.
Rudolph: Tentu saja.
Interviewer: Okay, Mr. Rudolph. You can come back tomorrow to take your passport and visa. They will be ready tomorrow afternoon.
Pewawancara: Oke, Pak Rudolph. Anda dapat kembali besok untuk mengambil paspor dan visa Anda. Mereka akan siap besok siang.
Rudolph: Alright. Is there anything else, Sir?
Rudolph: Baiklah. Apakah ada yang lain, Pak?
Interviewer: That’s enough. Have a nice business in New York, Mr. Rudolph.
Pewawancara: Sudah cukup. Selamat berbisnis di New York, Pak Rudolph.
Rudolph: Thank you very much, Sir.
Rudolph: Terima kasih banyak, Pak.
Interviewer: Have a nice day.
Pewawancara: Semoga hari Anda menyenangkan.
Rudolph: Thanks.
Rudolph: Terima kasih.

Pembahasan Materi

Berdasarkan 3 contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris di Kantor Imigrasi kalian dapat menemukan beberapa materi terkait:  Basic Tenses, Grammar dan Expression.
Simak penjelasan di bawah ini:

1. Pelajari tentang Tenses
Tenses merupakan hal penting dalam membuat sebuah dialog. Simak pembahasan tentang English Tenses di sini!

Simple Present Tense
Security: Do you bring your ID card and requirement document?
Security: This is your ID card, Sir. This is the registration form. Please use the capital letter to fill your identity. And this is your queue number.
Immigration officer: Your files are complete. There will be the administration fee of $ 100 in cash only.
Rudolph: Okay. I’m an entrepreneur. My business has been since 2012. My product is genuine leather. I make shoes, wallets, belts, jackets, bags and other products for fashion.
Interviewer: Do you have a license from the government regarding your legal business?

Kalimat yang bergaris bawah di atas merupakan beberapa contoh kalimat Simple Present Tense.

Present Perfect Tense
Immigration officer: Alright. Have you filled the registration form?
Rudolph: Okay. I’m an entrepreneur. My business has been since 2012. My product is genuine leather. I make shoes, wallets, belts, jackets, bags and other products for fashion.

Kalimat yang bergaris bawah di atas merupakan contoh kalimat Present Perfect Tense.

Simple Future Tense
Security: Thank you. Please wait a moment, I’ll check your ID card first.
Immigration officer: Thank you. Please wait a moment. I’ll check your registration form.
Immigration officer: Your files are complete. There will be the administration fee of $ 100 in cash only.
Interviewer: Okay. How long will you be staying?
Rudolph: It will be a week.

Kalimat yang bergaris bawah di atas merupakan contoh kalimat Simple Future Tense.
Simple Past Tense

Rudolph: It’s only talked about a business. You know New York is the capital fashion in the USA. The story began when I put my products via online on my website. There was an American businessman which lives in New York and he offered me cooperation with him. We have a similar business in fashion. He interested in my products and then he invited me to introduce my products directly.

Kalimat yang bergaris bawah di atas merupakan contoh kalimat Simple Past Tense.

2. Pelajari tentang Grammar
Selain Tenses, Grammar pendukung memegang peranan penting dalam sebuah percakapan, seperti:

Imperative Sentence
Security: Thank you. Please wait a moment, I’ll check your ID card first.
Security: This is your ID card, Sir. This is the registration form. Please use the capital letter to fill your identity. And this is your queue number.
Immigration officer:  I’ll take it. You may go to the interview room. The officer will ask you some questions regarding your business. Here are your files and bring into the interview room, please.
Interviewer: Okay. Please sign in this paper.

Kalimat yang bergaris bawah di atas merupakan contoh Imperative Sentence.

Passive Voice
Situation: Mr. Rudolph will be interview by an Immigration officer. Can he answer the following question fluently? Let’s figure it out!

Kalimat yang bergaris bawah di atas merupakan contoh Passive Voice.

3. Pelajari tentang Expression
Kalian dapat menggunakan beberapa Expression dalam sebuah percakapan, seperti contoh di atas.

Expression of Opinion
Rudolph: It’s only talked about a business. You know New York is the capital fashion in the USA. The story began when I put my products via online on my website. There was an American businessman which lives in New York and he offered me cooperation with him. We have a similar business in fashion. He interested in my products and then he invited me to introduce my products directly.
Rudolph: Well, it’s not as easy as you thought, Sir. As a professional businessman, I maintain an emotional connection with my clients and I have to introduce my product directly to the client. Because there will be a lot of things to discuss regarding the product, price, and market.

Kalimat yang bergaris bawah di atas merupakan contoh Expression of Opinion.

Semoga contoh dialog di atas dapat membatu kalian merangkai kata dan membuat sebuah dialog Bahasa Inggris dengan kalimat dan situasi kalian masing-masing. Tetap semangat belajar! Good Luck.

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