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Contoh percakapan tentang media sosial dalam bahasa Inggris

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Bagaimana contoh percakapan tentang media sosial dalam bahasa Inggris?

Di jaman sekarang ini, siapa sih yang tidak punya akun medsos atau media sosial? Hampir semua orang memilikinya, biasanya medsos yang digunakan adalah Facebook. Berikut ini contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris seputar media sosial Facebook:

Conversation Questions | Facebook

Pertanyaan yang sering diajukan dalam percakapan medsos:

  • Do you have a Facebook account?
  • How often do you check your Facebook account?
  • How many friends do you have on Facebook?
  • What do you do on Facebook?
  • What’s the best thing about Facebook?
  • Do you have your boy/ girlfriend on Facebook?
  • What’s something you don’t like about Facebook?
  • Have you ever had a problem on Facebook?
  • Are you well known on Facebook?
  • Do you chat on Facebook?
  • Do you know any story about a problem because of Facebook?
  • Do you accept any friend request?
  • Do you have any private album that none of your friends can see?
  • How do you protect your album privacy on Facebook?

Dialog dan Terjemahan

Situation: There are two people at the school. They are talking about Social Media and Facebook.
Situasi: Ada dua orang di sekolah. Mereka berbicara tentang Media Sosial dan Facebook.
Jack: Hi, Sam. How are you doing?
Jack: Hi, Sam. Apa kabar?
Sam: Hi, Jack. I’m not good enough.
Sam: Hi, Jack. Aku tidak cukup bagus.
Jack: Oh, man. I’m sorry to hear that. What’s going on, man?
Jack: Oh, teman. Aku menyesal mendengar itu. Apa yang terjadi, teman?
Sam: I have a problem with my Facebook. It has been hacked by someone.
Sam: Aku memiliki masalah dengan Facebookku. Facebookku telah di-hack oleh seseorang.
Jack: That’s too bad. Why don’t you make a new account?
Jack: Itu terlalu buruk. Mengapa kamu tidak membuat akun baru?
Sam: That is not talked about the new Facebook account, man. It is more than that. I’m afraid if my Facebook will be abused by the unresponsible man.
Sam: Itu bukan soal akun Facebook baru, teman. Ini lebih dari itu. Aku takut jika Facebookku akan disalahgunakan oleh orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab.
Jack: Yeah, many people abuse social media for their bad purpose.
Jack: Ya, banyak orang menyalahgunakan media sosial untuk tujuan buruk mereka.
Sam: What am I supposed to do?
Sam: Apa yang harus aku lakukan?
Jack: I would like to ask you something. Can you log in to your Gmail?
Jack: Aku ingin menanyakan sesuatu. Apakah kamu dapat login ke Gmailmu?
Sam: Yes, because I use phone number verification for Gmail.
Sam: Ya, karena aku menggunakan verifikasi nomor telepon untuk Gmail.
Jack: That’s good. Maybe my brother can help you to get back your Facebook account.
Jack: Itu bagus. Mungkin saudaraku dapat membantu mu untuk mendapatkan kembali akun Facebookmu.
Sam: Really?
Sam: Benarkah?
Jack: Yeah, I’ll send him a message from Facebook messager later.
Jack: Ya, Aku akan mengirimkan pesan lewat kotak pesan Facebook nanti.
Sam: Thanks, man.
Sam: Terima kasih, teman.
Jack: That’s not a big deal, man. Next, you have to be careful. You’re supposed to protect your Facebook account with the security.
Jack: Itu bukan masalah besar, teman. Nanti, kamu harus berhati-hati. Kamu seharusnya melindungi akun Facebook kamu dengan keamanan.
Sam: Yeah. That was my fault. Can I use your Facebook to post my status?
Sam: Ya. Itu memang salahku. Dapatkah aku menggunakan Facebook untuk posting statusku?
Jack: What will you write?
Jack: Apa yang akan kamu tulis?
Sam: I’ll write if my Facebook account has been hacked. If there is a negative post about something on my wall. I want to notice for my friends if that’s not me who wrote that post.
Sam: Aku akan menulis jika akun Facebbookku telah di-hack. Jika ada posting negatif tentang sesuatu di berandaku. Aku ingin memberitahu teman-temanku kalau itu bukan aku yang menulis postingan itu.
Jack: Oh… That’s good. It will warn the people that they have to be more careful with their Facebook account. Don’t forget to tag your name in the post.
Jack: Oh … Itu bagus. Ini akan memperingatkan orang-orang bahwa mereka harus lebih berhati-hati dengan akun Facebook mereka. Jangan lupa untuk menandai namamu pada postingan.
Sam: I got it.
Sam: Aku paham.
Jack: Let’s go to the canteen to get free wifi access because I don’t have Internet Quota anymore
Jack: Mari kita pergi ke kantin untuk mendapatkan akses wifi gratis karena aku tidak memiliki Kuota Internet lagi
Sam: Let’s go.
Sam: Mari kita pergi.

Pembahasan Materi

Ada beberapa materi yang dapat kalian pelajari pada contoh di atas dan untuk bisa membuat Dialog Bahasa Inggris tentang Facebook, maka kalian membutuhkan Basic Tenses, Grammar dan Expression untuk dipelajari. Simak penjelasan di bawah ini:

1. Pelajari tentang Tenses

Tenses merupakan hal penting dalam membuat sebuah dialog. Simak pembahasan tentang English Tenses di sini!

Simple Present Tense
Sam: I have a problem with my Facebook. It has been hacked by someone.
Jack: That’s too bad. Why don’t you make a new account?
Sam: That is not talked about the new Facebook account, man. It is more than that. I’m afraid if my Facebook will be abused by the unresponsible man.
Jack: Yeah, many people abuse social media for their bad purpose.
Sam: What am I supposed to do?
Sam: Yes, because I use phone number verification for Gmail.

Kalimat yang ditebalkan di atas merupakan contoh kalimat Simple Present Tense.

Present Continuous Tense
Jack: Hi, Sam. How are you doing?
Jack: Oh, man. I’m sorry to hear that. What’s going on, man?

Kalimat yang ditebalkan di atas merupakan contoh kalimat Present Continuous Tense.

Present Perfect Tense
Sam: I have a problem with my Facebook. It has been hacked by someone.
Sam: I’ll write if my Facebook account has been hacked. If there is a negative post about something on my wall. I want to notice for my friends if that’s not me who wrote that post.

Kalimat yang ditebalkan di atas merupakan contoh kalimat Present Perfect Tense.

Simple Past Tense
Sam: Yeah. That was my fault. Can I use your Facebook to post my status?
Sam: I’ll write if my Facebook account has been hacked. If there is a negative post about something on my wall. I want to notice for my friends if that’s not me who wrote that post.
Sam: I got it.

Kalimat yang ditebalkan di atas merupakan contoh kalimat Simple Past Tense.

Simple Future Tense
Sam: That is not talked about the new Facebook account, man. It is more than that. I’m afraid if my Facebook will be abused by the unresponsible man.
Jack: Yeah, I’ll send him a message from Facebook messager later.
Jack: What will you write?
Sam: I’ll write if my Facebook account has been hacked. If there is a negative post about something on my wall. I want to notice for my friends if that’s not me who wrote that post.
Jack: Oh… That’s good. It will warn the people that they have to be more careful with their Facebook account. Don’t forget to tag your name in the post.

Kalimat yang ditebalkan di atas merupakan contoh kalimat Simple Future Tense.

2. Pelajari tentang Grammar

Selain Tenses, Grammar pendukung memegang peranan penting dalam sebuah percakapan, seperti:

Passive Voice
Sam: I have a problem with my Facebook. It has been hacked by someone.
Sam: That is not talked about the new Facebook account, man. It is more than that. I’m afraid if my Facebook will be abused by the unresponsible man.
Sam: I’ll write if my Facebook account has been hacked. If there is a negative post about something on my wall. I want to notice for my friends if that’s not me who wrote that post.

Kalimat yang ditebalkan di atas merupakan contoh Passive Voice.

Imperative Sentence
Jack: Oh… That’s good. It will warn the people that they have to be more careful with their Facebook account. Don’t forget to tag your name in the post.
Jack: Let’s go to the canteen to get free wifi access because I don’t have Internet Quota anymore
Sam: Let’s go.

Kalimat yang ditebalkan di atas merupakan contoh Imperative Sentence.

3. Pelajari tentang Expression

Kalian dapat menggunakan beberapa Expression dalam sebuah percakapan, seperti contoh di atas.

Sam: What am I supposed to do?
Jack: That’s not a big deal, man. Next, you have to be careful. You’re supposed to protect your Facebook account with the security.

Kalimat yang ditebalkan di atas merupakan contoh Obligation.

Expression of Sympathy
Jack: Oh, man. I’m sorry to hear that. What’s going on, man?
Jack: That’s too bad. Why don’t you make a new account?

Kalimat yang ditebalkan di atas merupakan contoh Expression of Sympathy.

Semoga contoh dialog di atas memberikan pesan moral kepada kalian untuk lebih berhati-hati lagi dalam menggunakan Media Sosial  dan menjaga tingkat keamanan privasi kalian, terutama Facebook.

4 Replies
Posts: 491
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Posts: 49
Joined: 5 years ago

thanks bemby

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Posts: 24
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thank you, sangat bermanfaat
