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Contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris tentang pemilu dan politik

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nemo kurnia
Posts: 72
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Bagaimana contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris tentang pemilu dan politik?

Pemilu atau pemilihan umum merupakan salah satu kegiatan dalam dunia politik untuk menentukan pemimpin masa depan. Berikut ini adalah contoh dialog bahasa Inggris seputar pemilu:

Situation: There are two people are talking about Politic and Election. Check the following conversation below!
Situasi: Ada dua orang berbicara tentang Politik dan Pemilihan. Periksa percakapan berikut di bawah ini!

  • Sarah: Hi, James.| Sarah: Hai, James.
  • James: Hi, Sarah. What’s going on?| James: Hai, Sarah. Apa yang sedang terjadi?
  • Sarah: Tomorrow will be the election day. Will you vote for them?| Sarah: Besok hari pemilihan. Apakah kamu akan memilih mereka?
  • James: Certainly. It will be held on 27 June 2018 and I’ll vote to make a change. For better INDONESIA. How about you?| James: Tentu saja. Ini akan diadakan pada 27 Juni 2018 dan aku akan memilih untuk membuat perubahan. Untuk INDONESIA yang lebih baik. Bagaimana dengan kamu?
  • Sarah: Absolutely. I’ll vote my voice.| Sarah: Tentu saja. Aku akan memilih.
  • James: That will be the biggest moment in our Nation. It has been prepared since 27 September 2017 and the day has come for us to make the difference.| James: Itu akan menjadi momen terbesar di Negara kita. Ini telah disiapkan sejak 27 September 2017 dan saatnya telah tiba bagi kita untuk membuat perbedaan.
  • Sarah: I hope that the candidates will run all the programs consequently as their promise when they did the campaign for the programs.| Sarah: Aku berharap bahwa para kandidat akan menjalankan semua program sebagai konsekuensinya sebagai janji mereka ketika mereka melakukan kampanye untuk program-program tersebut.
  • James: I hope so. Now, our job is, choosing the right candidate to take a place in the government representing the voice of the people.| James: Aku harap demikian. Sekarang, tugas kita adalah, memilih kandidat yang tepat untuk mengambil tempat di pemerintahan yang mewakili suara rakyat.
  • Sarah: Yeah, you’re right. But when it’s done. We have to keep an eye on their performance. No corruption anymore.| Sarah: Ya, kamu benar. Tapi ketika selesai. Kita harus mengawasi kinerja mereka. Tidak ada korupsi lagi.
  • James: Certainly. We have to cooperate with each other rebuilt for better INDONESIA in the future. That isn’t an easy job, is it?| James: Tentu saja. Kita harus bekerja sama dengan satu sama lain untuk membangun kembali Indonesia yang lebih baik di masa depan. Itu bukan pekerjaan mudah, kan?
  • Sarah: Yeah. But, when we come together, we can make it real.| Sarah: Ya. Tapi, ketika kita bersama, kita bisa melakukannya.
  • James: Absolutely. Btw, will your family vote for the election?| James: Tentu saja. Ngomong-ngomong, apakah keluargamu akan memilih untuk pemilihan?
  • Sarah: My parents will vote but my brother will not vote this year. He is not old enough to vote for the election. But he will vote next year. How about your family?| Sarah: Orang tuaku akan memilih tetapi saudaraku tidak akan memilih tahun ini. Dia belum cukup dewasa untuk memilih. Tapi dia akan memilih tahun depan. Bagaimana dengan keluargamu?
  • James: My parents will vote together with me in the same voting area. My sister will vote also but we have different voting place area because she lives with her husband in downtown.| James: Orang tuaku akan memilih bersama dengan ku di TPS yang sama. Kakak perempuanku juga akan memilih, tetapi kami memiliki TPS yang berbeda karena ia tinggal bersama suaminya di pusat kota.
  • Sarah: Oh, I see. What do you think about all of the candidates?| Sarah: Oh, aku mengerti. Apa pendapat kamu tentang semua kandidat?
  • James: In my opinion, they are awesome. They have the experiences to be the leaders. They have a good track record also. But the important thing is, How they can solve the problem without causing the other problem with the solutions. That will be the hardest part for us to make a decision. Voting the best of the best, the right person for Indonesia.| James: Menurutku, mereka luar biasa. Mereka memiliki pengalaman menjadi pemimpin. Mereka memiliki rekam jejak yang bagus juga. Tetapi yang penting adalah, Bagaimana mereka dapat memecahkan masalah tanpa menyebabkan masalah lain dengan solusi. Itu akan menjadi bagian tersulit bagi kita untuk membuat keputusan. Memberi suara terbaik dari yang terbaik, orang yang tepat untuk Indonesia.
  • Sarah: Yeah, I agree with you. Btw, I have to go to my uncle’s house. See you tomorrow in the voting place area, James.| Sarah: Ya, aku setuju denganmu. Ngomong-ngomong, aku harus pergi ke rumah pamanku. Sampai jumpa besok di TPS, James.
  • James: Alright. See you then.| James: Baiklah. Sampai jumpa.


*the voting place area: Tempat Pemungutan Suara (TPS)

Questions Politics

  1. Did you vote in the last election?
  2. How old were you when you first voted?
  3. What is the minimum voting age in your country?
  4. What type of political system does your country have?
  5. What different types of governments are there?
  6. What does an ambassador do?
  7. Who appoints an ambassador?
  8. Why is it important to have reliable ambassadors?
  9. What characteristics should a good ambassador have?
  10. Who is the mayor of your city?
  11. What are the main political parties in your country?
  12. How do you decide how you will vote?
  13. Who represents you in your local and national government?
  14. How long is the term of elected officials in your country?
  15. Which party is now in power in your country?
  16. When were they elected?
  17. Who is the leader of this party?
  18. How has your political views changed during your lifetime?
  19. How can we get more people to vote?
  20. Is voting an important responsibility of a citizen?
  21. Why do you think voting is important?
  22. How are elections financed?
  23. Do you think too much money is spent on campaigns?
  24. How can campaigns be better organized?
  25. How could elections be more representative?
  26. What is your opinion about actors or actresses who run for a position in
  27. politics?
  28. Would you vote for an actor or actress who runs for a government office?
    Why or why not?
  29. Should voting be compulsory?
  30. What is your opinion about actors or actresses who run for a position in politics?
  31. Would you vote for an actor or actress who campaigns for a government position?
    Why or why not?
  32. What type of political system governs in your country?
  33. What are some different types of governments?
  34. What are the main political parties in the country where you live?
  35. What politicians represent you in local and national government?
  36. Can you name the President of the United States?
  37. Which party is in power at the moment in your country?
    When were they elected?
    Who is the leader of this party?
    Do you agree with most of their policies?
  38. Have your political views changed much during your lifetime?
  39. What are the benefits and drawbacks of being an EU member?
  40. Do you think that every future politician should be vetted for security reasons?
  41. Who is the most controversial politician in your country?

Pembahasan Materi

Pada contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris tentang Politik – PEMILU, kalian dapat menemukan bayak sekali materi Bahasa Inggris, yaitu tentang: Tenses, Grammar, dan Expressions.
Yuk, kita bahas secara umum di bawah ini:

1. Pelajari tentang Tenses

Tenses merupakan hal penting dalam membuat sebuah dialog. Simak pembahasan tentang English Tenses di sini!

Simple Present Tense
  • James: I hope so. Now, our job is, choosing the right candidate to take a place in the government representing the voice of the people.
  • James: Certainly. We have to cooperate with each other rebuilt for better INDONESIA in the future. That isn’t an easy job, is it?
  • Sarah: My parents will vote but my brother will not vote this year. He is not old enough to vote for the election. But he will vote next year. How about your family?
  • James: My parents will vote with me together in the same voting area. My sister will vote also but we have different voting place area because she lives with her husband in downtown.

Kalimat yang bergaris bawah di atas merupakan beberapa contoh kalimat Simple Present Tense

Present Continuous Tense
  • James: Hi, Sarah. What’s going on?

Kalimat yang bergaris bawah di atas merupakan contoh kalimat Present Continuous Tense

Present Perfect Tense
  • James: That will be the biggest moment in our Nation. It has been prepared since 27 September 2017 and the day has come for us to make the difference.

Kalimat yang bergaris bawah di atas merupakan contoh kalimat Present Perfect Tense

Simple Future Tense
  • Sarah: Tomorrow will be the election day. Will you vote for them?
  • James: Certainly. It will be held on 27 June 2018 and I’ll vote to make a change. For better INDONESIA. How about you?
  • Sarah: Absolutely. I’ll vote my voice.
  • James: That will be the biggest moment in our Nation. It has been prepared since 27 September 2017 and the day has come for us to make the difference.
  • Sarah: I hope that the candidates will run all the programs consequently as their promise when they did the campaign for the programs.

Kalimat yang bergaris bawah di atas merupakan contoh kalimat Simple Future Tense.

Simple Past Tense
  • Sarah: I hope that the candidates will run all the programs consequently as their promise when they did the campaign for the programs.

Kalimat yang bergaris bawah di atas merupakan contoh kalimat Simple Past Tense. 

2. Pelajari tentang Grammar

Selain Tenses, Grammar pendukung memegang peranan penting dalam sebuah percakapan, seperti:

Imperative Sentence
  • Sarah: Yeah, you’re right. But when it’s done. We have to keep an eye on their performance. No corruption anymore.

Kalimat yang bergaris bawah di atas merupakan contoh Imperative Sentence

Passive Voice
  • James: Certainly. It will be held on 27 June 2018 and I’ll vote to make a change. For better INDONESIA. How about you?
  • James: That will be the biggest moment in our Nation. It has been prepared since 27 September 2017 and the day has come for us to make the difference.

Kalimat yang bergaris bawah di atas merupakan contoh Passive Voice. 

Question Tags
  • James: Certainly. We have to cooperate with each other rebuilt for better INDONESIA in the future. That isn’t an easy job, is it?

Kalimat yang bergaris bawah di atas merupakan contoh Question Tags.

3. Pelajari tentang Expression

Kalian dapat menggunakan beberapa Expression dalam sebuah percakapan, seperti contoh di atas.

Expression of Opinion
  • Sarah: Oh, I see. What do you think about all of the candidates?
  • James: In my opinion, they are awesome. They have the experiences to be the leaders. They have a good track record also. But the important thing is, How they can solve the problem without causing the other problem with the solutions. That will be the hardest part for us to make a decision. Voting the best of the best, the right person for INDONESIA.

Kalimat yang bergaris bawah di atas merupakan contoh Expression of Opinion. 

Agreement and Disagreement
  • Sarah: Yeah, you’re right. But when it’s done. We have to keep an eye on their performance. No corruption anymore.
  • James: Absolutely. Btw, will your family vote for the election?
  • Sarah: Yeah, I agree with you. Btw, I have to go to my uncle’s house. See you tomorrow in the voting place area, James.

Kalimat yang bercetak tebal merupakan penggunaan dari agreement.

Semoga contoh percakapan di atas dapat membatu kalian merangkai kata dan membuat sebuah percakapan Bahasa Inggris dengan kalimat dan situasi kalian masing-masing. Tetap semangat belajar! Good Luck.

1 Reply
Posts: 380
Joined: 4 years ago

Thank you Nemo ? 
