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May 07, 2020 10:43 pm
Bagaimana contoh idiom bahasa Inggris dengan tema binatang?
Berikut ini 10 contoh idiom bahasa Inggris dengan tema animal (binatang).
- A leopard can't change his/her spots = people can't change themselves (manusia tidak bisa menyembunyikan aslinya)
- Kill two birds with one stone = you succeed in doing two things at the same time (melakukan dua pekerjaan pada saat yang sama)
- Beat (or flog) a dead horse = wasting time and effort trying to do something that isn't possible (buang-buang waktu untuk melakukan hal yang sia-sia)
- Have a frog in one's throat = someone has difficulty in speaking clearly because of cough/sore throat (tdk dapat berbicara dgn jelas karena batuk/sakit tenggorokan)
- Night owl = someone who goes to bed very late (orang yang suka begadang).
- Like a fish needs a bicycle = needs something that they do not need it at all (membutuhkan/membeli/mengambil sesuatu yang sebenarnya tidak perlu).
- Crocodile tears = fake weeping (air mata buaya).
- Let sleeping dogs lie = don't make trouble if you don't have to (jgn cari masalah kalau tidak perlu).
- Butterflies in your stomach = the feeling you get when you get nervous (gugup karena sesuatu yang penting).
- When the cat's away, the mice will play = when you're not watching someone they may get into trouble (ketika sedang tdk diawasi, seseorang bs berbuat sesukanya).