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Soal-soal seputar penggunaan "quite, rather, too, enough" (exercise 1)

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tanto kurniawan
Posts: 111
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Joined: 6 years ago

Complete the sentences using the words in brackets, and supply quite or rather before them appropriately. Number 1 has been done for you.
(Lengkapi kalimat berikut dengan kata-kata yang tertera dalam kurung, dan bubuhkan kata quite atau rather secara tepat sebelum kata dalam kurung bersangkutan. Nomor 1 dijadikan contoh.)

  1. The weather is quite warm but rather windy. (warm/windy)
  2. Ratu is ____ but ____. (intelligent/lazy)
  3. Prabu’s house is ____ but ____. (clean/untidy)
  4. The water in the pool ____ but ____ . (warm/dirty)
  5. The concert was ____ but ____ . (good/long)
  6. The film was ____ but ____ . (exciting/frightening)
  7. The car goes ____ but it’s ____ . (well/noisy)
  8. He is ____ but he’s ____.(a hard worker/slow)
  9. Prabu’s plan is ____ but ____.(interesting/complicated)
  10. It is ____ but it’s ____ work. (a well-paid/hard)