Soal-soal question ...

Soal-soal question tags (exercise 1)

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alista notarina
Posts: 650
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Joined: 6 years ago

Make question tag from the following sentences.
(Buatlah question tag dari kalimat di bawah ini.)

  1. We really need to be careful with this machine, ____?
  2. He was never late for school, ____?
  3. The boy and his father saw the accident, ____?
  4. You can help me with this assignment, ____?
  5. Udin and I had to be there on time, ____?
  6. The snow wasn’t falling too heavily, ____?
  7. Gultom isn’t the strongest boy in this school, ____?
  8. I am explaining this very clearly, ____?
  9. Her youngest brother has graduated from junior high school, ____?
  10. The children shouldn’t play all day, ____?
  11. You have failed to convinced her, ____?
  12. It doesn’t take him long to defeat Jack in yesterday’s match, ____?
  13. This year will be difficult for us, ____?
  14. They rarely have dinner at home, ____?
  15. Like most other students, Iwan likes math very much, ____?
  16. You have never met him before, ____?
  17. We need to think about it carefully, ____?
  18. She can hardly recognizes us, ____?
  19. Your parents have few children, ____?
  20. You don’t know the correct answer, ____?
  21. He’d never seen you before, ____?
  22. They had to go home, ____?
  23. Don’t drop it, ____?
  24. I shouldn’t be angry, ____?
  25. Listen, ____?
  26. You wouldn’t tell anyone, ____?
  27. I’m too fat, ____?
  28. This isn’t very interesting, ____?
  29. Let’s have dinner, ____?
  30. You won’t mind if I go early, ____?
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alista notarina
Posts: 650
Topic starter
Joined: 6 years ago