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Soal jawab bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 7, 8, 9 materi "Narrative Text" (3)

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Read the text and answer questions 16 to 20.

Mr. Jones was the manager of a small circus, which used to go from one town to another and give shows to the local people. It was not a rich circus, so Mr. Jones was not able to get the best circus people.

First in his circus, he had a man who walked on a tightrope stretched high above the floor. But one day this man fell down and hurt himself. He was taken to hospital, and Mr. Jones found himself without a tightrope walker. This situation lasted for a long time.

Finally, a young man with long hair came to Mr. Jones' office and said, “I’m a tightrope walker. I have heard that you want one.” Mr. Jones was very happy and said, “Yes, I do want one. I shall ask my men to put the rope up, and you can show me what you can do."

Now, in circuses they sometimes spread a big net under the tightrope so that if the tightrope walker falls, he does not hurt himself. As this young man was new, Mr. Jones ordered his workers to put the net up under the rope.

In the meantime the young man had gone to change his clothes, and now he came out wearing the clothes which people usually wear for that kind of work. He climbed up to the tightrope and began to walk along it. He danced on the rope and jumped on it and did all kinds of clever things.

Mr. Jones was very pleased. He praised the young man and then asked, "Can you do these clever things without a net?”
“No, Sir,” confessed the long-haired young man. “I daren’t. If I didn’t wear a net, my hair would fall in my eyes, and I’m sure I wouldn’t be able to see what I was doing.”

16. Why didn’t Mr. Jones get the best circus people?

A. Because he was rich.
B. Because his was not a rich circus.
C. Because he owned his first circus.
D. Because he was rich.

17. “But one day this man fell down and hurt himself.”
Who is this man?

A. Mr. Jones.
B. A worker.
C. Mr. Jones’ first tightrope walker.
D. The long-haired young man.

18. Who came to Mr. Jones’ office?

A. A doctor.
B. A worker.
C. Mr. Jones’ first tightrope walker.
D. A long-haired young man.

19. Why did Mr. Jones order his workers to put the net up under the rope?

A. Because he wanted to see the young man’s ability.
B. Because he wanted the show to be safe.
C. Because the young man asked him to.
D. Because the young man was still new.

20. What is funny about the ending?

A. Mr. Jones and the young man talked different kinds of net.
B. Mr. Jones was happy of his new tightrope walker.
C. Mr. Jones was happy that there was no accident again.
D. Mr. Jones finally hired the young man.

Read the text to answer questions 21 to 24

A long time ago, there was an orchard owned by a rich couple and filled with the most delicious tamarind trees. One day, a fairy decided to test the couple’s generosity. She came to the orchard, dressed as a poor, old woman and begged for the couple to give her a few fruits since she was very hungry. The selfish couple let their dogs loose on her. The old woman was bitten by the dogs and badly injured. She touched the giant tamarind tree and cursed, “Your greed shall be punished”. As the woman walked away, the sky darkened and a ferocious storm broke out. The downpour continued until late at night.

The next morning, the sky was clear and blue. The couple came to tend their orchard and they were bewildered to find their entire orchard gone. Instead, there was water everywhere. When they looked down into the water, they could still see their precious trees at the bottom of the lake. People call the lake “Sampaloc Lake” which means Tamarind Lake in English.

21. What is the text mostly about?

A. The most delicious tamarind fruit.
B. A rich couple and an old woman.
C. Avery poor, hungry old woman.
D. The legend of Sampaloc Lake.

22. Why did the fairy decide to change herself into a poor old woman? She ....

A. wanted to taste the delicious tamarind trees
B. wanted to test the rich couple's generosity
C. knew that the rich couple was greedy
D. needed help from the orchard owner

23. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. The orchard was buried at the bottom of the lake.
B. The orchard had gone before the heavy rain fell down.

C. The rich couple was glad to see the sky was clear and blue.
D. The disappearance of the orchard made the couple confused.

24. What can we leam form the story above? We must....

A. share with others and should not be stingy
B. be extra careful with strangers
C. work hard to be successful
D. be patient in our life

Read the text to answer questions 25 to 28.

A star fairy once strayed onto the Earth. Attracted by the beautiful sight, she dashed into a tree. Her wing torn and fell down and she became unconscious. A farmer found the divine creature and took great care of her. Inevitably the fairy and the farmer fell in love, so they got married and had a child.

Nevertheless every night the fairy looked at the stars and thought about her family and friends. One day, she decided to pay them a visit, and took her son with her. When she reached the star kingdom, the king was furious at her for straying too far, and took away her wings from her. She couldn’t go back to her husband and felt really miserable. She looked down the river near their house for hours. So did the farmer. He stood on its bank, waiting for his wife and child to return.

One day, the king saw the lovesick couple and took pity on them. He made a bridge of seven gleaming colors so that the fairy could climb down and spend a few precious moments with the farmer. Today other humans call the bridge rainbow.

25. What is the most suitable title for the text?

A. A very Loving Couple
B. A Miserable Star Fairy
C. The Origin of Rainbow
D. The King of Star Kingdom

26. Why did the king punish the fairy?

A. She married to a human being.
B. She tom her precious wings.
C. She did not come for a visit.
D. She had gone too long.

27. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?

A. The fairy got sick from her love.
B. The fairy felt pity for her husband.
C. The King created a special bridge.
D. The farmer made a bridge for his wife.

28. What can we learn from paragraphs 1 and 2?

A. Love can make you really miserable.
B. We should always take pity on lovers.
C. Every decision comes with a consequence.
D. A wise king always helps his people in need.

Read the text to answer questions 29 to 30.

There was a girl named Pina who lived on a fruit plantation with her motherr. When her mother worked night and day, little Pina would spend all her time playing with her friends. When her mother asked her to do something, she would always reply that she could not find it, even if it was laying right in front of her eyes.

One day, her mother fell ill and could not get up to cook some food. So, she asked Pina to cook some rice. However, Pina was being her lazy self and said “I can’t find the pot, so where should I put the rice?” Her mother told her where the pot was. Then she said, “Where is the ladle, how am I going to cook without a ladle?” Again her sick mother had to tell her the exact location. Pina did the same with salt, rice and water! Enraged by Pine's behavior, her mother cursed, “May you grow a thousand eyes,” and went back to sleep.
When she woke up, she could not find her daughter. She searched and searched, and so did every single person on the plantation. After a few days, a strange fruit with thousand of little dots was seen on the plantation. When Pina’s mother saw the fruit, she was immediately reminded of Pina’s beautiful brown eyes. Later, the fruit with a thousand eyes was named “Pinya”, meaning pineapple in Tagalog.

29. What is the main idea of paragraph two?
A. Pina’s mother was so angry that she cursed her daughter.
B. Pina was too lazy to cook her own food.
C. Pina’s mother was terribly ill.
D. Pina was a really bad cook.

30. What can we learn from the story?

A. Don't be lazy.
B. Don’t be angry with your child.
C. Respect and obey your mother.
D. Don’t spend your time for playing.

Kunci jawaban:

  1. B
  2. C
  3. D
  4. D
  5. A
  6. D
  7. B
  8. A
  9. A
  10. C
  11. D
  12. C
  13. C
  14. C
  15. A