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Soal jawab bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 7, 8, 9 materi "Label" (1)

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Read the text to answer questions 1 and 3.


This hair tonic is processed from the leaves of the quinine tree to help stimulate hair growth. Apply evenly on the scalp every morning or evening particularly on areas where hair is thinning and lightly massage.

1. What does the text tell you about?
A. Hair cut.
B. Hairstyle.
C. Hair dresser.
D. Hair treatment.

Jawaban: D

Topik utama teks biasanya terdapat pada kalimat awal atau kalimat akhir teks. Kalimat utama paragraf di atas terdapat di kalimat pertama, yaitu This hair tonic is processed from the leaves of the quinine tree to help stimulate hair growth (Tonik rambut ini diproses dari daun pohon kina untukmenstimulasi pertumbuhan rambut). Ini berarti tonik rambut digunakan untuk perawatan rambut (hair treatment).

2. What is the function of hair tonic?

A. To make hair thin.
B. To massage scalp lightly.
C. To help stimulate hair growth.
D. To process the leaves of the quinine tree.

Jawaban: C

Jawabannya terdapat di kalimat pertama teks, This hair tonic is processed from the leaves of the quinine tree to help stimulate hair growth (Tonik rambut ini diproses dari daun pohon kina untuk menstimulasi pertumbuhan rambut). Jadi, fungsi tonik rambut tersebut adalah untuk membantu menstimulasi pertumbuhan rambut (to help stimulate hair growth).

3. What must we do to get a good result?

A. Apply evenly on the scalp every morning or evening.
B. Doing a regular treatment.
C. Buy expensive product.
D. Use Quinine Hair Tonic.

Jawaban: A

Untuk mendapatkan hasil terbaik dari penggunaan suatu produk, biasanya kita harus mengikuti anjuran yang terdapat pada produk. Anjuran produk ini adalah apply evenly on the scalp every morning or evening.

Read the text to answer questions 4 and 5.

4. How much sodium does the product contain per 100g?

A. 45mg
B. 148mg
C. 565mg
D. 709mg

Jawaban: B

Perhatikan kolom Average quantity per 100g. Di situ dijelaskan bahwa sodium yang terkandung dalam produk adalah sebesar 148mg per 100g produk.

5. "Ingredients: sugar, cashew, milk solids ... etc."
The underlined word means ... needed to make something.

A. the steps
B. the goals
C. the materials
D. the method

Jawaban: C

Yang dimaksud dengan ingredients adalah bahan-bahan (materials) yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat sesuatu.

Read the text to answer questions 6 to 8.


The new Megatron™ microwave oven brings the latest cooking technology into your kitchen. This microwave oven uses state of the art magnetic technology to heat your food electronically. It is safe, clean, and most of all, very efficient. Just follow the steps below.

1. Plug the microwave. No need to press an ON button, the microwave is always ready to use! It is in a standby mode to save power.
2. Put your food in the Megatron™ microwave bowl made from durable non-stick plastic. Multi-purpose and easy to clean. Come free with your purchase of the Megatron™ microwave oven.
3. Put the bowl into the microwave, close the oven door.
4. PresstheAuto Cook Button. Choose from the options: Meat, Vegetable, Rice, Cake, and Microwave Meal.

5. Press the START button. The microwave oven will cook the food in a matter of minutes. It will stop automatically when the food is done.
6. When the microwave stops, press the OPEN button and take the bowl out of the oven. Your meal is ready to serve.

6. What must we do first if we want to operate the new Megatron™ microwave oven?

A. Put the food in the microwave oven.
B. Use a standby mode.
C. Press the ON button.
D. Plug in the microwave oven.

Jawaban: D

Pada petunjuk penggunaan oven tersebut disebutkan bahwa untuk mengoperasikan oven tersebut pertama-tama kita harus menyambungkan kabelnya ke stop kontak (plug in the microwave oven).

7. What is the text about?

A. How to purchase the megatron oven.
B. How to stop and press the mega microwave bowl.
C. How to use microwave.
D. How to clean a multi purpose microwave.

Jawaban: C

Teks tersebut diberi judul Easy to Use and Efficient (mudah digunakan dan efisien). Selain itu, pada teks juga disebutkan just follow the steps below (cukup ikuti langkah-langkah berikut) dan diikuti dengan petunjuk penggunaan. Jadi, teks di atas membahas tentang cara penggunaan microwave (how to use microwave).

8. The text shows that the product can cook the food ....

A. very fast
B. really easy
C. rather quickly
D. fairly slowly

Jawaban: A

Pada teks disebutkan bahwa The microwave oven will cook the food in a matter of minutes (Oven microwave ini akan memasak makanan dalam hitungan menit). Dengan kata lain oven ini dapat memasak dengan sangat cepat (very fasf).

Read the text to answer questions 9 and 10.

9. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To advertise a supplement for woman.
B. To describe a product for adult.
C. To give detailed information about the supplement.
D. To tell value of a supplement.

Jawaban: C

Sebuah label pada kemasan produk biasanya memberikan informasi kepada konsumen mengenai kandungan produk tersebut, petunjuk penggunaan, atau indikasi. Jadi, teksdi atas bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi rinci mengenai produksuplemen tersebut (to give detailed information about the supplement).

10. “This product contains artificial
The underlined word means ....

A. original
B. pure
C. unnatural
D. inexpensive

Jawaban: C

Kata artificial berarti "tiruan”.
original = asli
pure = murni
unnatural = tidak alami
inexpensive = tidak mahal

Jadi’ kata artificial memiliki makna yang sama dengan unnatural.


Usual adult doze: 2-3 tablets four times a day.
For children under 12, consult a physician.
Keep tightly closed and avoid exposure to light.

11. What is the maximum dosage for an adult?

A. Four tablets a day.
B. Eight tablets a day.
C. Three tablets each twenty four hours.
D. Twelve tablets each twenty four hours.

Jawaban: D

Label berbunyi “Usual adult doze: 2-3 tablets four times a day." Dari kalimat tersebut, kita tahu bahwa obat tersebut diminum 4 kali sehari. Maksimum tablet untuk sekali minum adalah 3, maka dalam sehari maksimum obat yang diminum

Read the text to answer questions 12 to 14.


Peppermint Antitusive Indication:
Non productive cough usage direction: Adults and children >12 years: 2 teaspoons (10ml) 3 times a day
Children 6-12 years: 1 teaspoon (5ml) 3 times a day
Keep at room temperature Avoid from direct sunlight

12. What is the name of the medicine?

A. Cough medicine.
B. Peppermint.
C. Woods.
D. Syrup.

Jawaban: C

Dalam label, nama obat dicetak lebh menonjol. Kata yang paling menonjol dalam tabel tersebut adalah “WOODS."

13. What is the form of the medicine?

A. Pills.
B. Syrup.
C. Tablets.
D. Powder.

Jawaban: B

Dari dosis pemakaian, kita tahu bahwa dosis obat tersebut adalah teaspoon dan ml. Jadi, kita tahu bahwa obat tersebut berupa cairan. Pilihan jenis obat yang berupa cairan adalah sirup.

14. What is the dosage for a seven years old child?

A. 2 teaspoons, 3 times a day.
B. 2 spoonfuls, 3 times a day.
C. 1 teaspoon, 3 times a day.
D. 1 spoonful, 3 times a day.

Jawaban: C

Label tersebut menyebutkan “Children 6-12 years: 1 teaspoon (5ml) 3 times a day." Anak berusia 7 tahun masuk ke dalam kelompok penggunaan dosis ini, maka dia meminum obat sebanyak “1 teaspoon, 3 times a day.”


Secretolytic agent
5ml Elixir bromhexine HCL 4 mg.
For productive cough i.e influenza, flu, cough in acute/chronic, bronchitis, and asthma
Adult and children > 10 year : 3 x 2tsp
Children 5-10 years :3x1tsp
Children 2 -5 years :3x1/2tsp
Children < 2 years :3x1/4tsp
or according to doctor's prescription.
The elixir is suitable for diabetic patients, since it does not contain sugar.
Store in a safe place and out of reach of children

15. What is the purpose of the text written?

A. To tell how to drink cough syrup.
B. To describe the usage of cough syrup.
C. To inform the composition of cough syrup.
D. To give detailed information of the product.

Jawaban: D

Teks tersebut adalah label dan tujuan label adalah untuk memberikan informasi lengkap mengenai suatu produk. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah D.

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