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Soal bahasa Inggris SMP "Simple Past tense, Put into negative and interrogative sentences"

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Simple Past tense

Put into negative and interrogative sentences!!

1. She swam in the river yesterday.
2. They ran fast this morning.
3. Susi came to her family last month.
4. Jack spoke English well.
5. Lidia bought two cups last week.



She did not swim in the river yesterday.
They did not run fast this morning.
Susi did not come to her family last month.
Jack did not speak English well.
Lidia did not buy two cups last week.


Did she swim in the river yesterday?
Did they run fast this morning?
Did Susi come to her family last month?
Did Jack speak English well?
Did Lidia buy two cups last week?

Cara Menjawab Kalimat Simple Past Tense Negatif dan Interogatif

Kalimat Negatif

Untuk mengubah kalimat simple past tense menjadi negatif, tambahkan kata bantu "did not" (atau kependekannya "didn't") sebelum kata kerja utama.


Kalimat positif: She swam in the river yesterday.
Kalimat negatif: She did not swim in the river yesterday.
Kalimat negatif (kependekan): She didn't swim in the river yesterday.

Kalimat Interogatif

Untuk mengubah kalimat simple past tense menjadi interogatif, balikkan urutan subjek dan kata kerja bantu "did".


Kalimat positif: She swam in the river yesterday.
Kalimat interogatif: Did she swim in the river yesterday?


Untuk subjek orang ketiga tunggal (he, she, it), gunakan kata bantu "did".
Untuk semua subjek lainnya, gunakan kata bantu "did not" atau "didn't".

Dengan mengikuti aturan ini, Kita dapat dengan mudah mengubah kalimat simple past tense menjadi negatif dan interogatif.