Latihan soal true-f...

Latihan soal true-false questions tentang pronoun

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Pilihlah jawaban yang benar (true / false) mengenai pernyataan berikut ini.

1.Case refers to the way a noun or pronoun changes, depending on how it is used in a sentence.
2.English has three cases: nominative, objective, and possessive.
3.In the nominative case, the pronoun is used to show possession.
4.In the possessive case, the pronoun is used as an object.
5.Who is in the nominative case, whom is in the objective case.
6.A predicate nominative is a noun or pronoun that follows a linking verb and identifies or renames the subject.
7.Use the objective case to show the object of a noun, verb, or adjective.
8.Gerunds always end in -ed, and they always function as verbs.
9.A pronoun used in apposition with a noun is in the same case as the noun.
10.A pronoun used as the subject of an infinitive is in the subjective case.
11.Pronouns that express ownership always take an apostrophe.
12.Use reflexive pronouns in place of subjects and objects.
13.A pronoun must clearly refer to a single, definite antecedent.
14.Place pronouns close to their antecedents.
15.Who refers to people or animals, while that and which refer to things, groups, and unnamed animals.
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