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Latihan soal tenses 15

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Posts: 491
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Joined: 6 years ago
1."As a student, I always had instant noodles for breakfast."
This means that I ____ for breakfast."
2."When did you realize you had lost your purse?"
"When I ____ money to pay the bus fare."
3."Since when hasn't she been feeling well?"
"Since she ____ from Singapore."
4."Tuti came home very late last night."
"Where did Budiman take her to?"
5."When did you realize you had lost your purse?"
"When I ____ money to pay the conductor."
6."How long has he been the principal of our school?"
"Since I ____ this school."
7.My daughter ____ a lot of photographs of the Borobudur when she went there on her last vacation.
8.Police: Yes, madam, what can we do for you?
(at the police station)
Woman: I want to report. I parked my car in the parking lot. When I got back, the car wasn't there ____
9.A taxi driver who witnessed the accident took my injured brother to the hospital and then ____ my parents.
10.A: This is a very old building.
B: I wasn't even born yet when it ____
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