Latihan soal prepositions 12

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1.It is very warm. I am going to take ____ my scarf.
2.There is something very attractive ____ him.
3.What is there ____ the ground floor ____ your school?
4.They will be fighting ____ political reforms.
5.It's better to wait for five minutes before crossing the street than stay ____ a month at the hospital.
6.The famous explorer left ____ the North ____ the fifth of March.
7.They put ____ illuminations ____ front of all buildings.
8.In England the cars go ____ the left side.
9.____ general everything was all right. They thought they were walking ____ the direction ____ the village when they lost the way.
10.I know that he is a noisy boy, but ____ the same time I can't be angry ____ him.