Latihan soal prepositions 13

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1.What are curtains usually made ____?
2.Great Britain consists ____ three parts.
3.The train stopped ____ all the stations and long before we got ____ London every seat was taken and people were standing ____ the corridors.
4.I congratulated all my classmates ____ passing the exam.
5.- ____ what time will you arrive?
- I don't know. It depends ____ the traffic.
6.My father died three years ago ____ a sudden heart attack.
7.This house reminds me ____ the one I lived ____ when I was a child.
8.We shall be waiting ____ a bus____ 2 till 3.
9.There is a place ____ 6 stamps ____ each page ____ Nick's stamp book.
10.Alice drank ____ the bottle and turned ____ a very small girl.