55 contoh soal pilihan ganda past perfect tense lengkap dengan jawabannya

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Berikut ini 55 contoh soal pilihan ganda bahasa Inggris tentang past perfect tense beserta dengan kunci jawabannya.

  1. By the time I called her, she ___________ dinner.
    a. is having
    b. has
    c. had
    d. have
    Jawaban: c. had
  2. He didn't want to go to the concert because he ___________ that band before.
    a. hasn't heard
    b. didn't hear
    c. hadn't heard
    d. doesn't hear
    Jawaban: c. hadn't heard
  3. Before they moved to the new house, they ___________ their old furniture.
    a. sell
    b. sold
    c. selling
    d. had sold
    Jawaban: b. sold
  4. She regretted that she ___________ her passport at home.
    a. leave
    b. leaves
    c. had left
    d. leaving
    Jawaban: c. had left
  5. When we got to the theater, the play ___________ already.
    a. starts
    b. started
    c. starting
    d. has started
    Jawaban: b. started
  6. Before the guests arrived, she ___________ a delicious cake.
    a. bakes
    b. baked
    c. baking
    d. had baked
    Jawaban: b. baked
  7. They couldn't find the keys because they ___________ them in the car.
    a. leaves
    b. leave
    c. had left
    d. leaves
    Jawaban: c. had left
  8. He didn't understand the movie because he ___________ the first part.
    a. misses
    b. missed
    c. missing
    d. had missed
    Jawaban: b. missed
  9. When we arrived at the airport, the plane ___________ already.
    a. takes off
    b. take off
    c. took off
    d. has taken off
    Jawaban: c. took off
  10. Before she bought a new car, she ___________ her old one.
    a. sells
    b. selling
    c. sold
    d. had sold
    Jawaban: c. sold
  11. By the time they finished the project, they ___________ for weeks.
    a. works
    b. worked
    c. working
    d. had worked
    Jawaban: d. had worked
  12. She felt relieved because she ___________ all her exams.
    a. passes
    b. passing
    c. passed
    d. has passed
    Jawaban: c. passed
  13. They didn't know the way because they ___________ there before.
    a. hasn't been
    b. weren't
    c. hasn't
    d. hadn't been
    Jawaban: d. hadn't been
  14. When we arrived, the train ___________ already.
    a. leaves
    b. leaving
    c. left
    d. has left
    Jawaban: c. left
  15. Before they moved to a different country, they ___________ a lot of research.
    a. does
    b. did
    c. doing
    d. had done
    Jawaban: b. did
  16. By the time I arrived, he ___________ the news.
    a. hears
    b. hearing
    c. heard
    d. had heard
    Jawaban: d. had heard
  17. She couldn't find her wallet because she ___________ it at the office.
    a. loses
    b. losing
    c. lost
    d. had lost
    Jawaban: c. lost
  18. Before they attended the conference, they ___________ the agenda.
    a. studies
    b. studying
    c. studied
    d. had studied
    Jawaban: c. studied
  19. When we arrived, they ___________ the lights.
    a. turns off
    b. turn off
    c. turning off
    d. had turned off
    Jawaban: d. had turned off
  20. She was upset because she ___________ her train.
    a. misses
    b. missed
    c. missing
    d. had missed
    Jawaban: b. missed
  21. Before the party, she ___________ a list of guests.
    a. makes
    b. making
    c. made
    d. had made
    Jawaban: c. made
  22. By the time they arrived, the movie ___________.
    a. begins
    b. beginning
    c. began
    d. had begun
    Jawaban: d. had begun
  23. When they reached the hotel, they ___________ their luggage.
    a. unpack
    b. unpacking
    c. unpacked
    d. had unpacked
    Jawaban: c. unpacked
  24. Before the concert, the orchestra ___________ a rehearsal.
    a. has
    b. having
    c. had
    d. have
    Jawaban: c. had
  25. She felt relieved because she ___________ her homework.
    a. finishes
    b. finished
    c. finishing
    d. had finished
    Jawaban: d. had finished
  26. When they arrived, the store ___________ already.
    a. closes
    b. closed
    c. closing
    d. had closed
    Jawaban: d. had closed
  27. They couldn't enter the building because they ___________ their access cards.
    a. forgets
    b. forgot
    c. forgetting
    d. had forgotten
    Jawaban: b. forgot
  28. By the time they reached the summit, they ___________ all the challenges.
    a. overcomes
    b. overcoming
    c. overcame
    d. had overcome
    Jawaban: c. overcame
  29. Before the storm hit, they ___________ all the windows.
    a. closes
    b. closed
    c. closing
    d. had closed
    Jawaban: b. closed
  30. She felt guilty because she ___________ her promise.
    a. breaks
    b. breaking
    c. broke
    d. had broken
    Jawaban: d. had broken
  31. Before the guests arrived, she ___________ all the arrangements.
    a. makes
    b. making
    c. made
    d. had made
    Jawaban: d. had made
  32. When we arrived, they ___________ the new furniture.
    a. buys
    b. buying
    c. bought
    d. had bought
    Jawaban: d. had bought
  33. They couldn't find their keys because they ___________ them in the car.
    a. leaves
    b. leave
    c. leaving
    d. had left
    Jawaban: d. had left
  34. By the time they left the party, the music ___________.
    a. stops
    b. stopping
    c. stopped
    d. had stopped
    Jawaban: d. had stopped
  35. She regretted that she ___________ her umbrella at home.
    a. leave
    b. leaves
    c. left
    d. had left
    Jawaban: c. left
  36. When they arrived at the museum, the tour guide ___________ all the interesting facts.
    a. knows
    b. knowing
    c. knew
    d. had known
    Jawaban: c. knew
  37. She felt relieved because she ___________ her car keys before leaving the house.
    a. finds
    b. found
    c. finding
    d. had found
    Jawaban: d. had found
  38. By the time I reached the bus stop, the bus ___________.
    a. leave
    b. leaves
    c. left
    d. had left
    Jawaban: c. left
  39. Before he arrived at the party, his friends ___________ the decorations.
    a. prepares
    b. preparing
    c. prepared
    d. had prepared
    Jawaban: c. prepared
  40. She couldn't believe that she ___________ her phone at the restaurant.
    a. loses
    b. losing
    c. lost
    d. had lost
    Jawaban: d. had lost
  41. When we got to the airport, the flight ___________ already.
    a. takes off
    b. taking off
    c. took off
    d. had taken off
    Jawaban: c. took off
  42. Before the concert started, the musicians ___________ a soundcheck.
    a. does
    b. did
    c. doing
    d. had done
    Jawaban: b. did
  43. By the time we arrived at the party, the guests ___________ their meals.
    a. finish
    b. finishes
    c. finished
    d. had finished
    Jawaban: d. had finished
  44. She regretted that she ___________ the important document at the office.
    a. leaves
    b. leaving
    c. left
    d. had left
    Jawaban: c. left
  45. When they arrived, the teacher ___________ the students' assignments.
    a. checks
    b. checking
    c. checked
    d. had checked
    Jawaban: c. checked
  46. He couldn't find his keys because he ___________ them in the car.
    a. leaves
    b. leave
    c. leaving
    d. had left
    Jawaban: d. had left
  47. Before they went to the beach, they ___________ sunscreen on their skin.
    a. applies
    b. applied
    c. applying
    d. had applied
    Jawaban: b. applied
  48. When we arrived, they ___________ the tickets for the show.
    a. buys
    b. buying
    c. bought
    d. had bought
    Jawaban: d. had bought
  49. She felt excited because she ___________ about the surprise party.
    a. didn't know
    b. hasn't known
    c. hadn't known
    d. not knowing
    Jawaban: c. hadn't known
  50. By the time they reached the summit, they ___________ all the challenging trails.
    a. hikes
    b. hiked
    c. hiking
    d. had hiked
    Jawaban: b. hiked
  51. Before he went on vacation, he ___________ all his work assignments.
    a. finishes
    b. finished
    c. finishing
    d. had finished
    Jawaban: d. had finished
  52. When she arrived, her friends ___________ the surprise birthday cake.
    a. prepares
    b. preparing
    c. prepared
    d. had prepared
    Jawaban: d. had prepared
  53. They felt exhausted because they ___________ the entire marathon.
    a. run
    b. running
    c. ran
    d. had run
    Jawaban: c. ran
  54. Before he left for the trip, he ___________ all the necessary documents.
    a. checks
    b. checking
    c. checked
    d. had checked
    Jawaban: d. had checked
  55. By the time we arrived at the theater, the play ___________ already.
    a. starts
    b. starting
    c. started
    d. had started
    Jawaban: d. had started