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Latihan soal modals 38

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Posts: 380
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Joined: 4 years ago
1.You ____ read this book: you are grown up.
2.I ____ come to see you tonight as I ____ answer many questions.
3.Last night the plane ____ land because of the sudden change of the wind.
4.____ he speak French as English last year?
5.She said that he ____ take her dictionary.
6.As my sister was taking an examination I ____ look after her baby yesterday.
7."He ____ in the house now," thinks the girl.
8.Your brother is ill, so he ____ go out for a walk.
9.It ____ rain today, we ____ see clouds in the sky.
10.Charles Dickens ____ go to school at an early age, as he ____ help his family.
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