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Rumus lengkap kalimat past perfect tense bentuk positif, negatif, dan interogatif

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Apa pengertian past perfect tense dan bagaimana rumus atau pola kalimatnya?


Past Perfect Tense adalah waktu lampau yang digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu kejadian terjadi sebelum kejadian lain di masa lalu. Untuk memahami secara mendalam, mari kita eksplorasi rumus Past Perfect Tense beserta contoh kalimat dalam bentuk positif, negatif, dan tanya atau interogatif.

Rumus Past Perfect Tense

  • Positif: Subjek + had + past participle (V3)
  • Negatif: Subjek + had + not + past participle (V3)
  • Tanya/Interogatif: Had + subjek + past participle (V3)

Contoh Kalimat

a. Bentuk kalimat positif:

  1. She had finished her homework before the guests arrived. (Dia sudah menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumahnya sebelum tamu-tamu datang.)
  2. By the time I reached the station, the train had already left. (Saat saya sampai di stasiun, kereta sudah pergi.)
  3. They had never seen such a beautiful sunset before. (Mereka belum pernah melihat matahari terbenam yang begitu indah sebelumnya.)
  4. He had lived in Paris for ten years before moving to London. (Dia tinggal di Paris selama sepuluh tahun sebelum pindah ke London.)
  5. The team had won several matches consecutively. (Tim tersebut telah memenangkan beberapa pertandingan secara beruntun.)
  6. I had read the book before watching the movie adaptation. (Saya sudah membaca bukunya sebelum menonton adaptasi filmnya.)
  7. Before the concert, they had practiced tirelessly for weeks. (Sebelum konser, mereka telah berlatih tanpa henti selama berminggu-minggu.)
  8. The plane had already taken off when they arrived at the airport. (Pesawat sudah lepas landas ketika mereka tiba di bandara.)
  9. By the time we got to the cinema, the film had started. (Saat kami sampai di bioskop, film sudah dimulai.)
  10. She had forgotten her keys at home when she left for work. (Dia lupa membawa kunci rumah saat pergi bekerja.)

b. Bentuk kalimat negatif:

  1. She had not finished her homework before the guests arrived. (Dia belum menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumahnya sebelum tamu-tamu datang.)
  2. By the time I reached the station, the train had not already left. (Saat saya sampai di stasiun, kereta belum pergi.)
  3. They had never seen such a beautiful sunset before. (Mereka belum pernah melihat matahari terbenam yang begitu indah sebelumnya.)
  4. He had not lived in Paris for ten years before moving to London. (Dia tidak tinggal di Paris selama sepuluh tahun sebelum pindah ke London.)
  5. The team had not won several matches consecutively. (Tim tersebut tidak memenangkan beberapa pertandingan secara beruntun.)
  6. I had not read the book before watching the movie adaptation. (Saya tidak membaca bukunya sebelum menonton adaptasi filmnya.)
  7. Before the concert, they had not practiced tirelessly for weeks. (Sebelum konser, mereka tidak berlatih tanpa henti selama berminggu-minggu.)
  8. The plane had not already taken off when they arrived at the airport. (Pesawat belum lepas landas ketika mereka tiba di bandara.)
  9. By the time we got to the cinema, the film had not started. (Saat kami sampai di bioskop, film belum dimulai.)
  10. She had not forgotten her keys at home when she left for work. (Dia tidak lupa membawa kunci rumah saat pergi bekerja.)

c. Bentuk kalimat tanya / interogatif:

  1. Had she finished her homework before the guests arrived? (Apakah dia sudah menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumahnya sebelum tamu-tamu datang?)
  2. Had the train already left by the time I reached the station? (Apakah kereta sudah pergi saat saya sampai di stasiun?)
  3. Had they ever seen such a beautiful sunset before? (Apakah mereka pernah melihat matahari terbenam yang begitu indah sebelumnya?)
  4. Had he lived in Paris for ten years before moving to London? (Apakah dia tinggal di Paris selama sepuluh tahun sebelum pindah ke London?)
  5. Had the team won several matches consecutively? (Apakah tim tersebut memenangkan beberapa pertandingan secara beruntun?)
  6. Had I read the book before watching the movie adaptation? (Apakah saya sudah membaca bukunya sebelum menonton adaptasi filmnya?)
  7. Had they practiced tirelessly for weeks before the concert? (Apakah mereka berlatih tanpa henti selama berminggu-minggu sebelum konser?)
  8. Had the plane already taken off when they arrived at the airport? (Apakah pesawat sudah lepas landas ketika mereka tiba di bandara?)
  9. Had the film started by the time we got to the cinema? (Apakah film sudah dimulai saat kami sampai di bioskop?)
  10. Had she forgotten her keys at home when she left for work? (Apakah dia lupa membawa kunci rumah saat pergi bekerja?)

Itu tadi penjelasan tentang pengertian past perfect tense dan rumus atau pola kalimatnya.