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Apa pengertian review text dan bagaimana fungsi, struktur, unsur kebahasaan, serta contohnya?

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Pengertian review text

Review text adalah jenis teks yang berisi tentang ringkasan, analisis, dan respon atas sebuah karya sastra, antara lain buku (fiksi maupun non fiksi), film, drama, album musik, dan sebagainya. Tujuan komunikatif dari review text adalah untuk memberikan kritik terhadap suatu karya seni atau sastra yang bermanfaat untuk orang banyak.

Struktur review text

  • Orientation: Bagian ini berisi tentang karya yang diangkat dalam konteks umum maupun khusus, dengan membandingkan suatu karya dengan karya sejenisnya, atau melalui analogi objek yang bukan karya seni.
  • Interpretative recount: Bagian ini berisi ringkasan alur dari subjek yang direview. Dapat juga berupa beberapa paragraf tentang subjek yang dibicarakan. Biasanya satu paragraf mendeskripsikan satu hal yang menonjol dalam karya tersebut. Bagian ini biasanya berulang (recursive).
  • Evaluation: Bagian ini berisi evaluasi karya, penampilan, atau hasil produksi. Bagian ini biasanya berulang (recursive).
  • Evaluative summation (optional): bagian ini berisi semacam punch line yang merangkum opini peninjau atas karya secara keseluruhan. Bagian ini tidak harus ada (optional).

Unsur kebahasaan review text

  1. Terfokus pada partisipan tertentu.
  2. Menggunakan klausa yang panjang dan kompleks untuk mengemas informasi.
  3. Menggunakan ekspresi lansgung yang menunjukkan sikap, misalnya bad, good, poor, wonderful.
  4. Menggunakan kiasan (metaphore).
  5. Menggunakan present tense.

Berikut ini contoh review text

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Reviewed by Kevin Murphy

In Johnny Depp, Tim Burton found an actor who perfectly captured the dark, quirky tone the director sought for his films. Never has the pairing (Charlie And The Chocolate Factory is their fourth collaboration) been more successful. Depp is utterly wonderful in the role of the eccentric chocolatier Willy Wonka. In Pirates Of The Caribbean, Depp modeled his performance of Jack Sparrow on Keith Richards. For his mischievous, childlike depiction of Wonka, he blends a pinch of Pee Wee Herman, a dash of Andy Warhol and the palid features of Michael Jackson to create an enchanting and memorable character.

Depp's performance alone is worth the price of admission, but when combined with Burton's idiosyncratic vision, Roald Dahl's cherished story and a strong supporting cast, headed by the adorable Freddie Highmore as Charlie Bucket, then Charlie And The Chocolate Factory becomes an irresistible treat.

Technology has come along way since Dahl's book was first adapted for the screen in 1971 with Gene Wilder playing Willy Wonka. Even the author, who died in 1990, would have marveled at the wondrous world Burton has created. Everything, from the ramshackle home of the Bucket family to the magical factory with its river of chocolate, has been conjured from a combination of a vivid imagination, fantastical sets and marvelous FX. The latter, Burton using only when no other alterative was available. It's why he had dozens of squirrels trained to perform difficult tasks but used just one actor (Deep Roy) to play all the Oompa Loompas.

"This is a story of an ordinary boy," states the opening voice-over. And although Charlie may be ordinary, it's immediately clear that where he lives is anything but. His poverty struck family is crammed into a dilapidated shack that leans at a gravity-defying angle. Despite their circumstance they are impossibly upbeat, a trait exemplified by young Charlie. The young boy's obsession with the nearby chocolate factory where his grandfather (David Kelly) once worked reaches a climax when he finds one of the five lucky golden tickets offering a tour of the premises which have remained closed to outsiders for 15 years.

The four other winners are loathsome, spoilt brats who are accompanied on the tour, given by the normally reclusive Wonka, by their equally obnoxious parents. "Enjoy yourselves, but don't touch," commands Wonka who clearly has little patience or affinity with the children. There is something a little perverse in a children's story in which most of the youngsters are so loathsome. It's certainly a feature Burton and screenwriter John August exploit to the full, particularly in the creative punishments that befall those who misbehave. Indeed, there is a sinister undercurrent to much of the film, one that perhaps borders on inappropriate with the inclusion of a spoof on the shower sequence from Hitchcock's Psycho.

The story's darker shades, most of which stem from Wonka's loveless upbringing at the hands of a strict father (Christopher Lee), are no doubt what attracted Burton in the first place. There are also some very touching moments involving Willy and Charlie, not to mention some hysterical ones, mostly courtesy of Depp whose expressive delivery solicits a laugh from even the most offhand comment.

When done well, children's films have the ability to captivate the imagination of old and young alike, distilling life into its most essential and simplistic elements. With the collective genius of Burton, Depp and Dahl, Charlie And The Chocolate Factory does that in the most inspired and enjoyable way possible.


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Direview oleh Kevin Murphy

Di Johnny Depp, Tim Burton menemukan seorang aktor yang dengan sempurna menangkap nada gelap dan unik yang dicari sutradara untuk film-filmnya. Pasangan ini tidak pernah berhasil (Charlie And The Chocolate Factory adalah kolaborasi keempat mereka) yang lebih berhasil. Depp benar-benar luar biasa dalam peran pembuat cokelat yang eksentrik, Willy Wonka. Dalam Pirates Of The Caribbean, Depp mencontoh penampilan Jack Sparrow di Keith Richards. Untuk penggambaran Wonka yang nakal dan kekanak-kanakan, ia memadukan sejumput Pee Wee Herman, sejumput Andy Warhol dan fitur palem Michael Jackson untuk menciptakan karakter yang menawan dan berkesan.

Penampilan Depp sendiri sepadan dengan harga tiket masuk, tetapi ketika dikombinasikan dengan visi istimewa Burton, kisah berharga Roald Dahl dan pemeran pendukung yang kuat, dipimpin oleh Freddie Highmore yang menggemaskan sebagai Charlie Bucket, kemudian Pabrik Charlie Dan Pabrik Cokelat menjadi suguhan yang tak tertahankan.

Teknologi telah muncul sejak buku Dahl pertama kali diadaptasi untuk layar pada tahun 1971 dengan Gene Wilder memerankan Willy Wonka. Bahkan penulisnya, yang meninggal pada tahun 1990, akan mengagumi dunia menakjubkan yang diciptakan Burton. Semuanya, mulai dari rumah bobrok keluarga Bucket hingga pabrik ajaib dengan aliran cokelatnya, telah disulap dari kombinasi imajinasi yang hidup, perangkat fantastik, dan FX yang mengagumkan. Yang terakhir, Burton menggunakan hanya ketika tidak ada alternatif lain yang tersedia. Itu sebabnya dia memiliki puluhan tupai dilatih untuk melakukan tugas-tugas sulit tetapi hanya menggunakan satu aktor (Deep Roy) untuk memainkan semua Oompa Loompas.

"Ini adalah kisah tentang anak laki-laki biasa," kata pengisi suara pembukaan. Dan meskipun Charlie mungkin biasa-biasa saja, segera jelas bahwa di mana ia tinggal sama sekali. Keluarganya yang terkena kemiskinan dijejalkan ke gubuk bobrok yang bersandar pada sudut yang menentang gravitasi. Terlepas dari keadaan mereka, mereka sangat optimis, suatu sifat yang ditunjukkan oleh Charlie muda. Obsesi bocah lelaki itu terhadap pabrik cokelat terdekat tempat kakeknya (David Kelly) pernah bekerja mencapai klimaks ketika ia menemukan satu dari lima tiket emas yang beruntung menawarkan tur ke tempat yang tetap tertutup bagi orang luar selama 15 tahun.

Keempat pemenang lainnya adalah anak nakal yang menjijikkan dan manja yang ditemani dalam tur, diberikan oleh Wonka yang biasanya tertutup, oleh orang tua mereka yang sama menjengkelkannya. "Nikmati dirimu, tapi jangan sentuh," perintah Wonka yang jelas memiliki sedikit kesabaran atau kedekatan dengan anak-anak. Ada sesuatu yang sedikit aneh dalam cerita anak-anak di mana sebagian besar anak-anak sangat menjijikkan. Ini tentu merupakan fitur yang dieksploitasi Burton dan penulis skenario John August, terutama dalam hukuman kreatif yang menimpa mereka yang bertingkah buruk. Memang, ada arus bawah yang menyeramkan bagi sebagian besar film, film yang mungkin tidak sesuai dengan dimasukkannya spoof pada urutan shower dari Hitchcock's Psycho.

Nuansa gelap dari cerita itu, sebagian besar berasal dari pengasuhan Wonka yang tanpa cinta di tangan seorang ayah yang keras (Christopher Lee), tidak diragukan lagi apa yang menarik Burton sejak awal. Ada juga beberapa momen yang sangat menyentuh yang melibatkan Willy dan Charlie, belum lagi beberapa yang histeris, sebagian besar berasal dari Depp yang pengiriman ekspresinya mengundang tawa bahkan dari komentar yang paling tidak sopan sekalipun.

Ketika dilakukan dengan baik, film anak-anak memiliki kemampuan untuk memikat imajinasi orang tua dan muda, menyaring kehidupan menjadi elemen yang paling penting dan sederhana. Dengan kejeniusan kolektif Burton, Depp dan Dahl, Charlie And The Chocolate Factory melakukan itu dengan cara yang paling menginspirasi dan menyenangkan.

Dari contoh di atas dapat kita ketahui:


In Johnny Depp, Tim Burton found an actor who perfectly captured the dark, quirky tone the director sought for his films. Never has the pairing (Charlie And The Chocolate Factory is their fourth collaboration) been more successful. Depp is utterly wonderful in the role of the eccentric chocolatier Willy Wonka. In Pirates Of The Caribbean, Depp modeled his performance of Jack Sparrow on Keith Richards. For his mischievous, childlike depiction of Wonka, he blends a pinch of Pee Wee Herman, a dash of Andy Warhol and the palid features of Michael Jackson to create an enchanting and memorable character.

Depp's performance alone is worth the price of admission, but when combined with Burton's idiosyncratic vision, Roald Dahl's cherished story and a strong supporting cast, headed by the adorable Freddie Highmore as Charlie Bucket, then Charlie And The Chocolate Factory becomes an irresistible treat.

Interpretative recount

Technology has come along way since Dahl's book was first adapted for the screen in 1971 with Gene Wilder playing Willy Wonka. Even the author, who died in 1990, would have marveled at the wondrous world Burton has created. Everything, from the ramshackle home of the Bucket family to the magical factory with its river of chocolate, has been conjured from a combination of a vivid imagination, fantastical sets and marvelous FX. The latter, Burton using only when no other alterative was available. It's why he had dozens of squirrels trained to perform difficult tasks but used just one actor (Deep Roy) to play all the Oompa Loompas.

"This is a story of an ordinary boy," states the opening voice-over. And although Charlie may be ordinary, it's immediately clear that where he lives is anything but. His poverty struck family is crammed into a dilapidated shack that leans at a gravity-defying angle. Despite their circumstance they are impossibly upbeat, a trait exemplified by young Charlie. The young boy's obsession with the nearby chocolate factory where his grandfather (David Kelly) once worked reaches a climax when he finds one of the five lucky golden tickets offering a tour of the premises which have remained closed to outsiders for 15 years.


The four other winners are loathsome, spoilt brats who are accompanied on the tour, given by the normally reclusive Wonka, by their equally obnoxious parents. "Enjoy yourselves, but don't touch," commands Wonka who clearly has little patience or affinity with the children. There is something a little perverse in a children's story in which most of the youngsters are so loathsome. It's certainly a feature Burton and screenwriter John August exploit to the full, particularly in the creative punishments that befall those who misbehave. Indeed, there is a sinister undercurrent to much of the film, one that perhaps borders on inappropriate with the inclusion of a spoof on the shower sequence from Hitchcock's Psycho.

The story's darker shades, most of which stem from Wonka's loveless upbringing at the hands of a strict father (Christopher Lee), are no doubt what attracted Burton in the first place. There are also some very touching moments involving Willy and Charlie, not to mention some hysterical ones, mostly courtesy of Depp whose expressive delivery solicits a laugh from even the most offhand comment.

Evaluative summation

When done well, children's films have the ability to captivate the imagination of old and young alike, distilling life into its most essential and simplistic elements. With the collective genius of Burton, Depp and Dahl, Charlie And The Chocolate Factory does that in the most inspired and enjoyable way possible.