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Penjelasan recount text, contoh, dan jawabannya

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Bagaimana penjelasan tentang recount text bahasa Inggris beserta dengan contohnya?

Berikut adalah penjelasan seputar recount text dan contohnya.

Ciri- Ciri Recount Text Example For Senior High School

Sebuah recount text example yang baik, perlu memiliki beberapa ciri berikut.

  • Memperkenalkan peserta pribadi; I, my group, etc. Ini karena sebuah recount text example itu menceritakan tentang pengalaman.
  • Menggunakan past tense, simple past, past continuous, dan semuanya harus dalam bentuk past. kata kerjanya harus dalam bentuk past ; was, were, saw, heard, ate. etc
  • Menggunakan koneksi kronologis; then, first, on the first day. Next day.etc
  • Menggunakan kata tindakan; look, go, change, etc. Ini karena menceritakan hal yang dilakukan dalam pengalaman teman.

Membuat Recount Text Example For Senior High School

Dalam membuat sebuah recount text example, teman perlu membuat kerangka seperti berikut.

Struktur Recount Text Example:

a. Orientation
Yaitu pengenalan informasi tentang siapa, dimana dan kapan peristiwa atau kejadian yang diceritakan terjadi di masa lampau.

b. Events
Yaitu rentetan perisstiwa yang terjadi, : “In the first day… . And in the next day… . And in the last day… .”.

c. Reorientation
Yaitu pengulangan pengenalan yang ada di orientation, pengulangan tentang rangkuman peristiwa atau kejadian yang diceritakan. Teman bisa memberikan tentang kesan pada peristiwa yang sudah terjadi.

5 Contoh Recount Text, Soal, Dan Jawabannya

Going to the beach is always my favorite thing to do in holiday. last time I went to Pangandaran beach. I went there on Sunday morning with my family. Wow, Pangandaran Beach was so beautiful. After arrived there I run through the sand and wanted to play with the waves. the waves in Pangandaran were calm enough to swim, so, it was save to play at the beach. It was also fun to just sit at the sand. The white sand of Pangandaran beach was so soft and comfortable to be touched. I built a sand castle with my brother. But When we had finished to build the castle, a big wave came and destroy it. Oh my God. I must rebuilt the castle.

Day went fastly. Sudenlly it was late afternoon and we must went home. But I was so happy to spend the day at Pangandaran Beach.


1. Where Did the writer go on the last holiday.
2. On what day the writer go to the beach?
3. What happened to the sand castle that the writer build?
4. Was the writer feel happy?
5. What is the collor of the sand beach?


1. the writer went to Pangandaran beach.
2. The writer went on Sunday.
3. the sand castle was destroyed by big wave.
4. Yes, He/She was.
5. the collor is white.


Pergi ke pantai selalu hal favorit saya lakukan di hari libur. Terakhir kali saya pergi ke pantai Pangandaran. Saya pergi ke sana pada hari Minggu pagi bersama keluarga saya. Wow, Pantai Pangandaran itu begitu indah. Setelah sampai di sana saya berlari melewati pasir dan ingin bermain dengan ombak. Gelombang di Pangandaran cukup tenang untuk berenang, jadi, aman untuk bermain di pantai. Itu juga menyenangkan untuk sekedar duduk di pasir. Pasir putih pantai Pangandaran begitu lembut dan nyaman untuk disentuh. Aku membangun sebuah istana pasir bersama saudaraku. Tapi ketika kami selesai membangun benteng, sebuah gelombang besar datang dan menghancurkannya. Ya Tuhan. Aku harus membangun kembali benteng.

Hari berlalu dengan cepat. Tiba-tiba sore sudah sore dan kita harus pulang. Tapi saya sangat senang menghabiskan hari di Pantai Pangandaran.

Holiday at Jogja

Last Sunday I came back from Jogja where I spent a week for holidays. On Jogja, I stayed in my grandparents’ house. it was verry fun to stay in jogja because during my time in jogja I spend a lot of time visiting the tourism object of this city.

On the first day, I just stay at home and enjoy the time with my family. but, on the second day my family and I went to visit monumen Jogja Kembali. There were a lot of story about Indonesian Independence in this museum.

On the second day, We went to Wonosari, in south area of Jogja to visit my uncle. It was fun to meet my nephew.

Next days we went to beachs, seeing merapi vulcano, and other places. But the most fun one is on the last day, when We went to Malioboro. I bought a lot of souvenirs. T-shirt, hat, flip-flop. I have a lot of souvenirs to give to my friend.


1. where did the writer go on the holiday
2. Did the writer stay at the hotel?
3. Did the writer visit museum Merapi?
4. Did the writer go to Wonosari to visit his grandfather.
5. What did the writer do on the last day.


1. jogjakarta
2. No. He stayed at his grandparents’house.
3. No. He visited museum Jogja Kembali.
4. No. He visited his uncle.
5. He went to malioboro and bought souvenirs.

Minggu lalu saya kembali dari Jogja dimana saya menghabiskan waktu seminggu untuk liburan. Di Jogja, saya tinggal di rumah kakek dan nenek saya. itu menyenangkan untuk tinggal di jogja karena selama ini saya di jogja saya menghabiskan banyak waktu mengunjungi obyek wisata kota ini.

Pada hari pertama, saya hanya tinggal di rumah dan menikmati waktu bersama keluarga saya. Tapi, pada hari kedua keluarga saya dan saya pergi mengunjungi monumen Jogja Kembali. Ada banyak cerita tentang Kemerdekaan Indonesia di museum ini.

Pada hari kedua, Kami pergi ke Wonosari, di daerah selatan Jogja untuk mengunjungi pamanku. Menyenangkan rasanya bertemu dengan keponakan saya.

Keesokan harinya kami pergi ke pantai, melihat merapi vulcano, dan tempat lainnya. Tapi yang paling menyenangkan adalah pada hari terakhir, saat Kami pergi ke Malioboro. Saya membeli banyak souvenir. T-shirt, topi, flip-flop. Saya punya banyak souvenir untuk diberikan kepada teman saya.

Contoh Recount Text Soal Dan Jawabannya

Last sunday, my father took me to the mall to buy new bag. Before, my father had promised me that he would buy me new bag if I got 8 on my english test at school. I got 8, and my fater fulfiled his promise.

Sunday morning woke up early. I was so exited to get my new bag. At 9 o’clock we went to the mall. there were five of bag shops there. patiently, my father followed me to go and see bags inside each shop. But there were so many bags, and I did not know which one I wanted. the one with picture of panda was good. the other with korean style was cool. and there was also one blue cute bag. I want them all.

then, my father take me to have lunch at the foodcourt. While eating my lunch I decided the bag I wanted to buy. I decided to buy the bag with panda picture.

After lunch, we went back to the bag which sell the bag with panda picture. We bought the bag, then go home. And today, I wear it proudly at school.


1. Where did the writer buy the bag?
2. With who she bought the bag?
3. Did the writer went home to have lunch?
4. Which bag that the writer bought?
5. Was there only one Bag shop in there?


1. She bought it in the mall
2. With her father.
3. No, She had lunch at foodcourt.
4. the one with panda picture.
5. No, there were fve Bag shops.