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Apa saja contoh kosakata atau vocabulary bahasa Inggris seputar restoran dan kafe?
Restoran dan kafe merupakan tempat yang sangat nyaman untuk makan bersama dengan keluarga, teman, rekan bisnis, dan sebagainya. Di restoran khususnya restoran western, kita akan menjumpai istilah-istilah bahasa Inggris yang mungkin masih terdengar asing bagi kita. Di restoran dan kafe kita juga bisa mengadakan event tertentu seperti acara ulang tahun, acara arisan, reunian, dan lain-lain.
Oleh sebab itu untuk menambah pengetahuan kita seputar kosakata bahasa Inggris, berikut ini saya berikan daftar contoh kosakata atau vocabulary istilah mengenai restoran dan kafe dalam bahasa Inggris beserta dengan contoh penggunaannya dalam kalimat:
Kosakata part of speech |
Arti | Contoh kalimat |
à la carte adjective |
tanpa menu pendamping/ side dish | Is it possible to get the steak à la carte? I don’t eat potatoes. |
à la mode adjective |
dengan tambahan es krim | Would you like your apple pie à la mode? |
alcohol, liquor noun |
cairan murni seperti rum atau whiskey | This beer has 5% alcohol. |
all you can eat adjective |
pembeli hanya membayar untuk satu kali dan mereka bisa makan sesukanya | These are all you can eat fries, so let me know if you want more. |
appetizer noun |
makanan pembuka | Would you like some garlic bread or another appetizer to start? |
appetizing adjective |
terlihat enak seperti yang diharapkan | I’m afraid these pancakes don’t look very appetizing. |
apron noun |
kain luar tambahan yang digunakan untuk menutupi baju ketika memasak | Remove your apron before you come out to the dining room. |
awful (taste) adjective |
rasanya tidak enak (sangat) | The customer said that her pasta was awful. |
bar noun |
tempat untuk minum atau memesan minuman (biasanya mengandung alkohol) | If you sit up at the bar you don’t have to order any food. |
barbeque noun/verb |
gaya memasak di atas panggangan ala Barat | The barbeque wings are our specialty. |
barstool noun |
kursi tinggi di bar | The guest fell off his barstool before he even ordered a drink. |
bartender noun |
staff yang meracik dan menyajikan minuman beralkohol | I do part-time work as a bartender in a local pub. |
beverage noun |
minuman | Can I bring you some beverages while you look at the menus? |
bill, cheque, check noun |
kertas yang digunakan untuk memberi informasi kepada pengunjung tentang harga yang harus dibayar | Table 3 would like you to bring them their cheque. |
black coffee adjective + noun |
kopi tanpa campuran susu | Should I bring some cream, or do you take your coffee black? |
boil verb |
cara memasak dengan memasukkan bahan makanan ke dalam air mendidih | We usually boil the potatoes first so that they will cook faster. |
book off verb |
memesan hari libur kepada tempat bekerja | I need to book off the first week of May. |
booze noun(idiom) |
alcohol | You’ve been into the booze already, haven’t you? |
bottle opener noun |
pembuka botol | All of the servers keep bottle openers on their keychains. |
bread basket noun |
keranjang yang berisi roti | I’ll bring you a bread basket to hold the kids down until dinner. |
buffet noun |
makanan yang disajikan, dipilih dan diambil langsung oleh pembeli | The plates and everything you need are up at the buffet. |
burnt adjective |
gosong | The toast is burnt around the edges. |
buspan noun |
wadah karet untuk mengumpulkan piring kotor | The buspan is stacked so high it’s too heavy for me to carry. |
busboy, busser noun |
orang yang membersihkan dan mengatur meja di restaurant | Ask the busboy to help you bring out all of the food. |
cash noun |
uang tunai | I don’t have any cash. Do you accept Visa? |
cashier noun |
petugas tempat kita membayar | We don’t have a cashier; you have to pay your server. |
charge verb |
menambahkan biaya | I will have to charge you an extra dollar to add ice cream. |
check on verb |
memastikan kepuasan pelanggan | You should always check on your guests about two minutes after you serve the meal. |
chef noun |
staff yang menyiapkan makanan secara profesional | Our head chef is one of the best cooks in town. |
clear verb |
membersihkan | You need to clear this table and set it for four. |
cocktail noun |
minuman beralkohol yang dicampur dengan juice | Would anyone care for a cocktail on this warm sunny day? |
coffee maker noun |
mesin pembuat kopi | You need to teach the new waitress how to operate the coffee maker. |
coffee round noun |
menawarkan kopi | Let’s ask the busboy to do a coffee round while we take a smoke break. |
combo, combination noun |
campuran | The combo platter has veggies, ribs, and chicken fingers. |
comment card noun |
kertas untuk konsumen memberikan komen mengenai servis atau makanan di restaurant tersebut | When she asked for a comment card I knew she was going to complain about the food. |
complaint noun |
komplain | The guest brought his complaint to the manager. |
condiments noun |
tipe saus yang digunakan untuk menambahkan rasa pada makanan, contohnya mustard | All of the condiments you should need are on the table. |
cook verb/noun |
proses memasak makanan | The guest says that this chicken isn’t cooked enough. |
corkscrew noun |
alat untuk membuka tutup kayu pada botol wine | You will need to learn how to work a corkscrew before you start bartending. |
coupon noun |
kartu yang biasanya berisi nilai diskon | Your coupon is only valid for food, not for alcoholic drinks. |
complimentary adjective |
bebas biaya | The desserts are complimentary because the dinner took so long. |
creamer noun |
krim untuk kopi | Will you need more than two creamers for your coffee? |
credit card noun |
kartu kredit | You forgot to sign your credit card slip. |
customer, guest noun |
pembeli | It is our policy that the customer is always right. |
customer service noun |
treatment of guests | Our restaurant got the award for having the best customer service this year. |
cutlery, silverware, utensils noun |
alat makan | In a fine dining restaurant the staff has to polish the silverware. |
cut off verb |
berhenti memberikan alkohol kepada pembeli | I cut off the man with the beard because he’d had too much to drink. |
deep fried adjective |
dimasak dalam wadah besar berisi minyak panas | Most of the appetizers on our menu are deep fried. |
defrost, thaw verb |
memindahkan makanan beku | Don’t forget to defrost some pies for tomorrow. |
delicious adjective |
enak | The cookies were so delicious they were gone in half an hour. |
delivery noun |
mengantar makanan ke rumah | Do you have delivery or do we have to come in to eat? |
dessert noun |
makanan penutup | I think we’re too full to have dessert tonight. |
dirty dishes adjective + noun |
piring kotor | I’ll just clear these dirty dishes and make some room for you. |
discount noun |
potongan harga | We got a discount because we are regular customers. |
dishpit noun |
area di restaurant untuk meletakkan piring-piring kotor | Jody is not going to want to go into the dishpit today. |
dishwasher noun |
staff/mesin yang membersihkan piring kotor | Can you bring the dishwasher these pans to clean? |
doggie bag noun |
makanan yang tidak habis dan dibungkus untuk dibawa pulang | I can’t finish my steak, but I’ll take a doggie bag. |
double noun |
dua gelas shot dalam satu gelas alkohol | Make that a double in a tall glass, please. |
dressing noun |
liquid topping untuk salads | Would you like Italian or French dressing? |
dry adjective |
tanpa saus | I’ll have dry toast with two eggs. |
entrée, main course noun |
makanan utama (after appetizer, before dessert) | The entrées are after the lunch specials on page 6 of the menu. |
fast-food noun |
makanan cepat saji, biasanya harga makanan ini tergolong murah | We don’t provide table service. This is a fast-food restaurant. |
fine dining noun |
sajian makan yang mewah | The waiters wear bowties because it’s a fine dining restaurant. |
free refills adjective + noun |
isi ulang tanpa biaya tambahan | Have all of the soda you want; it’s free refills here. |
fry verb |
menggoreng | Don’t fry the vegetables too long or they will go soggy. |
garnish noun/verb |
bahan makanan/makanan untuk hiasan | Don’t forget to garnish all of the entrees that go out. |
glassware noun |
peralatan gelas | Make sure the glassware doesn’t have any spots before you put it away. |
gloves (plastic) noun |
sarung tangan | Whenever you are handling food make sure you are wearing gloves. |
gratuity/tip noun |
uang ekstra untuk ucapan terima kasih | When we have a large party we’re allowed to add a 15% gratuity to the bill. |
greet verb |
menyapa tamu | Your priority as a hostess is to greet the guests at the door with a smile. |
grill noun/verb |
memanggang | The healthiest way to prepare meat is on a grill. |
hairnet noun |
penutup kepala | If you don’t want to wear a hat, you can wear a hairnet. |
happy hour noun |
waktu singkat dimana jenis makanan atau minuman mendapat discount | We’re expecting a rush because it’s almost happy hour. |
highball noun |
alcohol yang disajikan dengan soda | Our highballs are on for half price today. |
highchair noun |
kursi untuk balita | The party is for ten plus a highchair. |
hold verb |
tanpa | I’ll take a hamburger, hold the bun. |
homemade adjective |
dibuat dengan resep olahan sendiri | We serve the best homemade soup in town. |
host, hostess noun |
staff pramusaji | Please wait and the hostess will seat you. |
ingredients noun |
bahan-bahan untuk membuat suatu makanan | I’ll check the ingredients to make sure there aren’t any nuts. |
kettle noun |
wadah untuk tempat teh atau kopipanas | I’ll put the kettle on and make some fresh tea. |
melt verb |
warm to soften (i.e. cheese/butter) | First, melt two tablespoons of butter in the microwave. |
menu noun |
menu | Do you have a children’s menu we could see? |
mild adjective |
tidak pedas | I’d like a half dozen mild chicken wings. |
non alcoholic beverage adjective + noun |
minuman tanpa alkohol | Can I order a non alcoholic beer? |
on the rocks preposition + noun |
dalam ember es | I’ll take a whiskey on the rocks. |
on the side preposition + noun |
meminta makanan yang disajikan terpisah | For the nachos, can we have the sour cream on the side? |
order verb/noun |
membuat pesanan | Is everyone ready to order lunch now? |
over charge verb |
kesalahan memberi harga kepada pembeli yang tertulis dalam bill | I think you over charged us for our drinks; we only had one each. |
party noun |
sekumpulan orang yang masuk dalam daftar tunggu | A party of twelve just walked in without a reservation. |
patio noun |
tempat duduk di ruang terbuka | We closed the patio because it looks like it’s going to rain. |
pitcher, jug noun |
wadah besar untuk air minum, atau bir | We’ll take a pitcher of beer with four glasses. |
portion noun/verb |
makanan yang sudah dipisahkan | The chicken fingers are already portioned in the freezer. |
pour verb |
menuangkan sesuatu | Can I pour you folks another glass of water? |
prepare verb |
menyiapkan | The servers have to prepare the salads themselves. |
rare adjective |
daging yang dimasak setengah matang | This steak is too rare for me to eat. |
recipe noun |
resep | Our chef is so talented that he almost never bothers with a recipe. |
reservation noun |
memesan meja sebelum datang ke restaurant | We don’t take any reservations; it’s first come first served here. |
restrooms noun |
tempat toilet dan wastafel | The restrooms are to your left and down the stairs. |
roll-up noun |
peralatan makan yang dibungkus dalam serbet makan | Before we punch out we have to prepare enough roll-ups for the night shift. |
rush noun |
pembeli yang jumlahnya melebihi hari biasa | We always have a rush after church on Sundays. |
rush noun/verb |
persiapan cepat | Can you put a rush on this spaghetti; I forgot to punch it in. |
sauce noun |
tambahan berbentuk liquid | What kind of sauce would you like on your ice cream, butterscotch or chocolate? |
seasoning noun |
bumbu yang ditambahkan ke makanan | He wants the chicken plain without any seasoning. |
self-serve adjective |
pembeli mengambil makanan sendiri dan tidak membayar biaya servis | We have a buffet on, so it’s self-serve for lunch. |
serve verb |
mengawasi pembeli, membawakan sesuai pesanan pembeli | Is there someone in charge of serving out on the patio? |
set verb |
meja yang sudah siap dengan peralatan makan dan gelas | I need you to clear and set table five for a party of eight. |
shot noun |
alkohol dalam gelas kecil (shot glass) | Let’s do a shot to get this party started. |
side dish noun |
pilihan makanan yang datang bersama menu utama | The two side dishes are mashed potatoes or french fries. |
sour adjective |
rasa asam | I think the milk has gone sour from sitting out of the fridge too long. |
specialty noun |
makanan yang menjadi ikon di restaurant tersebut | Homemade fish and chips is our specialty. |
spicy adjective |
pedas | Any item with three chilies beside it means that the dish is very spicy. |
stay verb |
makan di restaurant | Are these coffees to go or to stay. |
stir, mix verb |
mengaduk | Stir the soup for a few minutes before you serve it. |
straw noun |
pipet/sedotan | Can I please get a straw for my ice tea? |
straight up adjective |
minuman beralkohol tanpa campuran atau tambahan es | He always has a straight up glass of rum after his meal. |
substitute verb |
mengganti sesuatu dengan yang lain | Can I substitute the carrots for corn? |
sweet adjective |
manis | If you like sweet things, you’ll love our chocolate cheesecake. |
take-out adjective/verb |
makanan yang dikemas untuk dibawa pulang | You can either eat in or order food to take-out. |
till noun |
laci di bagian kasir dimana uang tunai disimpan untuk proses pembayaran | You need a key to open the till and make change. |
to go verb |
dibawa keluar dari restaurant | We’re just going to order a pizza to go. |
toppings noun |
makanan/ bahan makanan yang ditambahkan di atas makanan jadi untuk menambah cita rasa | What type of toppings would you like to have on your pizza? |
uniform noun |
seragam | The uniform here is black pants and a white shirt. |
waiter, waitress noun |
staff yang bertugas mengambil dan membawa pesanan | When I got promoted from a hostess to a waitress I started making tips. |
waiting list noun |
permintaan tunggu untuk para pengunjung | We have a twenty minute waiting list tonight. |
warm up verb |
menghangatkan (makanan) | Would you mind warming up the baby’s bottle for me? |
well- done adjective |
dimasak terlalu matang | The meat was so well-done it had no flavour. |
wine list noun |
menu wine yang bisa dipesan baik dalam bentuk gelas atau botol | You will notice that we have a lot of local wine on our wine list. |
winery noun |
tempat dimana wine diproduksi, dites, dan dijual | There is another winery up the hill that you might enjoy stopping at. |
wine tasting adjective |
mencoba jenis wine yang berbeda-beda dalam jumlah sedikit | If you are interested in trying some wines you should go on a wine tasting tour. |
Itu tadi contoh kosakata atau vocabulary bahasa Inggris seputar restoran dan cafe beserta dengan contoh kalimatnya.