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Contoh surat undangan rapat dalam bahasa Inggris

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Bagaimana contoh surat undangan rapat dalam bahasa Inggris?

Ketika kita meminta seseorang untuk menghadiri rapat, maka hendaknya kita mengirimkan kepadanya surat undangan rapat atau meeting invitation letter.

Meeting invitation letter disebut sebagai surat undangan rapat yang dikirim kepada orang lain dalam suatu asosiasi, perusahaan, organisasi, atau yang lain. Untuk menulis meeting invitation letter, kalian harus memperhatikan beberapa hal agar orang yang diundang mengerti isi yang dimaksud. Berikut tips menulis meeting invitation letter:

  1. Jelaskan kapan, dimana, dan mengapa surat undangan rapat ditulis.
  2. Cantumkan dengan jelas berapa lama rapat diadakan.
  3. Permintaan kehadiran (RSVP).
  4. Jaga tulisan agar tetap pendek, langsung kepada poin yang akan dibahas, dan relevan.
  5. Jika rapat diadakan terlalu pagi atau lebih dari 3 jam, sediakan makanan dan minuman.

Struktur Meeting Invitation Letter (Surat Undangan Rapat)

Berikut adalah struktur meeting invitation letter (surat undangan rapat):

  1. Author’s Company Name
  2. Street Name and Number
  3. Postcode and City
  4. Country (State)
  6. Receiver’s Company Name
  7. Name ad Surname of the Recipient
  8. Street Name and Number
  9. Postcode and City
  10. Country (State)
  11. Dear Ms. /Mr.
  12. Opening
  13. Body
  14. Closing
  15. Salutation
  16. Your Signature
  17. Your name

Contoh Meeting Invitation Letter (Surat Undangan Rapat)

Berikut adalah contoh meeting invitation letter (surat undangan rapat):

Contoh 1

Medan, North Sumatera
Jl. Pageran Diponegoro No. 123, Medan
Telp. 061-123456; Fax. 061-123456

Medan, 25 March 2020

Number : 123/Dispen/UR/2021
Subject : Meeting Invitation

To :
Headmaster of SHS 1 Medan
In Place

With Respect,
Given the closer Examination of the implementation of the national 2020/2021 school year, then the need for a meeting to do the evaluation in the readiness of each school welcomed the tests.

In connection with this, we also intend to invite the father to be able to attend the meeting of the evaluation will be carried out on :

Day/Date : Tuesday/March 30, 2021
Time : 09.00 AM – Finish
Place : Hall of the Medan Educational Service

Given the importance of meeting this national evaluation exam preparation, then we strongly expect the presence of the father to be able to participate in that meeting. So we pass on this invitation, on attention and presence we say thank you.

Head Office of Medan Education Service,

Anton Syahputra.
NIP. 3262437 4323 2463

Contoh 2

To: [email protected]
Subject: Invitation for Indonesian Life Science & Biology Association’s Annual Meeting

Dear Ms. Danamon,

On behalf of Indonesian Life Science and Biology Association (ILSBA), I would like to invite you to the association’s annual meeting which will be held on April 10, 2021 at Donatello Hotel, Bandung, Indonesia. The meeting will begin at 9.00 and finish at 16.00.

This year annual meeting will discuss ILSBA’s 2020 financial report, review of ILSBA’s completed events and achievements in 2020, and preview of ILSBA’s agenda in 2021.

The meeting will also discuss several topics, including the latest advance in immunological inheritance in baby carried through surrogacy, which is a topic that is closely related to your newest research. Therefore we encourage you to give brief presentation during the annual meeting.

Please inform me regarding your attendance and your willingness to give the requested presentation before April 5, 2021 Thank you for your attention. We look forward to your presence at ILSBA’s annual meeting.

Best Regards,

Bali Simali
Head of Indonesian Life Science and Biology Association
+62 899 3445 8790
[email protected]

Itu tadi contoh surat undangan rapat dalam bahasa Inggris.