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Contoh surat undangan pembicara dalam bahasa Inggris

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Bagaimana contoh surat undangan pembicara dalam bahasa Inggris?

Bila kita ingin mengundang seseorang untuk menjadi pembicara atau narasumber dalam acara yang akan kita gelar, seperti rapat, seminar, presentasi, konferensi, dan sebagainya, maka kita harus mengirimkan terlebih dahulu surat undangan kepadanya. Speaker invtivation letter adalah surat undangan yang dikirim untuk pembicara dalam suatu acara seperti seminar atau event lainnya. Tujuan pembuatan surat ini tak lain untuk meminta seseorang agar bersedia berpresentasi dalam acara yang kita adakan. Cara menulis surat ini masih memiliki aturan yang sama dengan surat undangan formal lainnya yakni kita harus membuat surat undangan tersebut dengan bahasa yang formal dan sopan.

Struktur Speaker Invitation Letter (Surat Undangan Pembicara)

Berikut adalah struktur speaker invitation letter (surat undangan pembicara):

  1. Number of Letter
  2. Subject
  3. Date
  4. Receiver’s Address
  5. Opening
  6. Body
  7. Closing
  8. Salutation
  9. Signature
  10. Author’s Adress

Contoh Speaker Invitation Letter (Surat Undangan Pembicara)

Berikut adalah contoh speaker invitation letter (surat undangan pembicara):

Contoh 1

No : 202/09/IS/2021
Subject : Speaker of ISO International Conference

23rd March, 2021

Director of Operation
PT Berkah Abadi Mining

Dear Mr Yanuarsyah,
We are pleased to invite you to the ISO 20th International Conference: How to Manage Huge Number of Natural Sources in Indonesia in a Fair Way, scheduled from 25th-27th September 2021 in Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta. This Conference will examine research and development both locally and internationally.

It is an honor and privilege to invite you to participate in this Conference as Speaker for the Workshop on “Managing Natural Resources in Indonesia”. We believe that your contribution to this field is unparalleled and a workshop on this topic will be of great benefit.

We look forward to a positive confirmation, an honor for us indeed. Kindly RSVP by September 21st, 2021 to the Conference Secretary, Ibu Nur Jamilah, at [email protected]

Thank you very much for your great attention and cooperation.

Yours Faithfully,

Ir. Rahmat Naning
Conference Planning Chair
Dept. of Science
University of Indonesia

Contoh 2

No : 313/03/AM/2021
Subject : Request as Keynote Speaker for The [Conference Name]

March 23, 2021

Professor Agnes Monica
Department of Fashion
Intitute of Lifestyle

Dear Professor Monica,

On behalf of the [nama conference] organizing committee, we would like to invite you to be one of the Keynote Speakers in the symposium (April 3 – 6, 2021). As keynote speaker, the assigned presentation topic for you is about “[topik presentasi]” for 25 – 30 minutes presentation.

We sincerely appreciate if we are able to receive the abstract of your presentation (not more than 350 words) and your photo (in JPEG) enclosed with your short CV before March 30. The deadline for full paper submission is April 1. The organizing committee of [nama conference] will cover you:

Pick up from and to Bali International Airport,
Registration fee,
5 nights hotel accommodation in Bali (April 3 – 6, 2021),
Seminar package

We would like to take this opportunity to thank for your participation in the [nama conference]. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information or visit our website at We look forward to see you at Bali, Indonesia.

Cordially yours,
Organizing Committee

Itu tadi contoh surat undangan pembicara dalam bahasa Inggris.