Contoh ekpresi dan ...

Contoh ekpresi dan kalimat initiating a conversation

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Bagaimana contoh ekpresi dan kalimat initiating a conversation?

Initiating a conversation merupakan suatu kompetensi untuk memancing terjadinya suatu percakapan, pembicaraan, atau suatu basa-basi untuk memulai suatu dialog.


  1. Excuse me, but ....
  2. Pardon me, but ...
  3. I don't think we've met.
  4. Don't I know you from somewhere
  5. Hello, can/could I (please) speak to ...?
  6. Hello, I'd like to speak to ... (please), (if he/she is there).
  7. Hello! It's me!
  8. Hi! It's me again!
  9. Well, it isn't ...!

Contoh dalam kalimat:

  1. I don't we've met. My name is Setiawan. Hello, Setiawan, nice to meet you.
  2. Nice day, isn't it?. You're right. Btw I am Julia
  3. Excuse me! but you are Rina, aren't you?. Yes, you are right.
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