13 contoh phrasal v...

13 contoh phrasal verb menggunakan kata "go..." dan kalimatnya

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Bagaimana contoh phrasal verb menggunakan kata "go..." dan kalimatnya?

Berikut beberapa contoh phrasal verb yang menggunakan kata "go..." dan penggunaannya pada kalimat.


  1. Go along - cocok.
    That bright outfit doesn't go along with your dark makeup.
    Pakaianmu yang berwarna cerah tidak cocok dengan dandanmu yang gelap.
  2. Go around - mencukupi (kebutuhan).
    Look at those crowd! Those copies would not be enough to go around.
    Lihat betapa ramainya! Buku2 itu tidak akan cukup untuk dibagikan.
  3. Go around - menyebar; berjalan mengitari u/ menghindar. 
    There are some rumors about him going around.
    Ada beberapa rumor soal dia yang tersebar.
  4. Go away - pergi.
    They went away without any notice.
    Mereka pergi tanpa pemberitahuan.
  5. Go by - lewat.
    As the years go by, I grow older but not wiser.
    Seiring perjalanan waktu, aku semakin tua tapi tidak semakin bijak.
  6. Go by - bertindak sesuai.
    If you go by the rules, you shouldn’t have any trouble.
    Kalau kamu mentaati aturan, seharusnya kamu tidak akan mendapat masalah.
  7. Go down - turun, terbenam.
    I hope to get there before the sun goes down. Aku harap aku bisa sampai di sana sebelum matahari terbenam.
  8. Go off - meledak!; (makanan/minuman) basi atau rusak. 
    Bombs went off all around the war zone.
    Banyak bom meledak di zona perang.
    Don't drink that milk! The whole pint had gone off. What a waste.
    The fish will go off if you don't put it in the fridge.
  9. Go over - memeriksa
    The mechanic went over the engine to see if there were any problems.
    I go over my schedule every night to make sure that nothing is left. (@itsmekesi)
  10. Go through - mengalami, menjalani (pengalaman)
    She went through a very hard time when he broke off their relationship.
  11. Go under - gagal
    Their business went under almost right away. Bisnis mereka gagal segera setelah dimulai.
  12. Go ahead - silahkan, monggo
    go ahead memang digunakan hanya secara verbal, dan dalam konteks santai.
  13. Go on - teruskan / Lanjutkan.