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Read the text and answer questions 1 and 2.

Dear Mira,

I am sorry that I can’t come to your house to work on our project as we have planned before. Unexpected thing happens. My grandma must be hospitalized soon. I'll tell you about our plan later.


1. From the message above we know that

A. Dinda and Mira have to work together on their project

B. Dinda’s grandma involves in the project

C. Dinda and her grandma will meet Mira at the hospital

D. Dinda expects Mira to stay in the hospital with her

Jawaban: A

Perhatikan kalimat ...I can’t come to your house to work on our project (Aku tak bisa datang ke rumahmu untuk mengerjakan proyek kita). Jadi, Dinda dan Mira harus mengerjakan proyek mereka bersama-sama (Dinda and Mira have to work together on their project).

2. What is Dinda’s purpose to write such a message?

A. To tell about her sick grandma.

B. To give information about the delay of an activity.

C. To ask Mira to work on their project.

D. To persuade Mira to change the project.

Jawaban: B

Pesan tersebut ditulis Dinda untuk Mira karena ia tak dapat datang ke rumah Mira seperti yang telah mereka rencanakan sebelumnya. Dinda juga menambahkan 77/ tell you about our plan later'’ (Aku akan mengabarimu tentang rencana kita nanti). Ini artinya rencana mereka tidak dibatalkan, melainkan hanya ditunda untuk dikerjakan di lain waktu. Jadi Dinda menulis pesan ini untuk mengabari Mira tentang penundaan kegiatan mereka (to give information about the delay of an activity).

Read the text and answer questions 3.

To Santi

I've just got the news that grandmother passed away two hours ago. We are going to Purworejo soon to attend the funeral.

Please be here before 7 p.m.

3. What can be concluded from the text?

A. Santi lives in Purworejo.

B. Tati is Santi’s best friend.

C. They will go to Purworejo at 7 P.M.

D. Santi’s grandfather has passed away too.

Jawaban: C

Pada teks Tati menuis, “V/e are going to Purworejo soon to attend the funeral. Please be here before 7 p.m." (Kami akan pergi ke Purworejo segera untuk menghadiri pemakaman. Datanglah sebelum pukul 7 malam). Jika Tati akan pergi ke Purworejo sekaligus mengharapkan Santi dapat datang sebelum pukul 7, berarti ia akan pergi ke Purworejo pada pukul 7.

Read the text to answer questions 4 to 5.

Linda, I need your help to handle the book fair meeting because I can’t come today. Please meet the principal and tell him that the meeting is scheduled at 9A.M. After that, ask Reni, the master of ceremony, to start on time. One more thing, don’t forget to confirm about the snack and drink for the coflee break to Mrs. Wijaya. Thank you.


4. What is Mrs. Wljaya’s duty on the book fair?

A. To handle the book fair meeting.

B. To be the master of ceremony.

C. To prepare the coffee break.

D. To greet the principal.

Jawaban: C

Kalimat 'confirm about the snack and drink for the coflee break to Mrs. Wijaya’ yang berarti 'mengkonfirmasi camilan dan minuman untuk coffee break’ menunjukkan bahwa Bu Wijaya bertanggung jawab atas coffee break. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah C, to prepare the coffee break.

5. What is Wenda’s purpose to send this message?

A. To ask Linda to handle the meeting.

B. To remind Linda about the meeting.

C. To tell about the book fair.

D. To promote the book fair.

Jawaban: A

Pesan tersebut ditujukan kepada Linda. Pesan pertama pengirim adalah ‘I need your help to handle the book fair meeting.’ Kesimpulan dari pesan tersebut adalah Wenda meminta Linda untuk mengatur rapat (to ask Linda to handle the meeting).

Read the text to answer questions 6 to 7.

To: Tiara

Andin and I are going to swim after school this afternoon. If you are free, you can join us. Meet us at Atlas Swimming Pool at 3 P.M. Don’t bring any snacks. Andin will treat us. It’s her birthday.


6. Who will go swimming?

A. Andin and I.

B. Yuni and Tiara.

C. Yuni and Andin.

D. Tiara and Andin.

Jawaban: C

Kalimat pertama pesan tersebut adalah ‘Andin and I are going to swim after school this afternoon’ Kata T menandakan pengirim pesan. Pengirim pesan merupakan nama di bagian bawah pesan. Bagian tersebut tertulis nama Yuni, sehingga kita tahu kata T yang dimaksud adalah Yuni.

7. What is the writer’s purpose writing the message?

A. To show attention to a friend.

B. To treat someone on a birthday.

C. To ask someone to join an activity.

D. To remind someone about an activity.

Jawaban: C

Kalimat ‘If you are free, you can join us’ menyatakan suatu ajakan untuk bergabung di kegiatan penulis pesan.

Read the text and answer questions 8 to 10.

From: +62812556263 Just to inform you that the meeting will be postposponed to tomorrow Fri, Jul 8 '11 at 10 AM as the principal will arrive from Sydney tonight.

- Melissa -

8. From the text we know that....

A. the principal was away when the message was sent

B. the sender cannot attend the meeting

C. the principal will wait for the meeting that day

D. the sender was in Sydney when she sent the message

Jawaban: A

Isi pesan tersebut adalah penjadwalan ulang suatu kegiatan. Pada teks disebutkan"... the meeting will be postposponed to tomorrow ... as the principal will arrive from Sydney tonight’ (rapat akan ditunda sampai besok... karena kepala sekolah akan tiba dari Sydney malam ini). Jadi, pada saat pesan dikirim kepala sekolah sedang pergi (the principal was away when the message was sent).

9. The short message is written to ....

A. tell what had happened in the meeting

B. inform the postposponed to a meeting

C. say that the principal won’t come to the meeting

D. inform that the sender has just arrived from Sydney

Jawaban: B

Pada pesan disebutkan “the meeting will be postposponed to tomorrow" (rapat akan ditunda sampai besok). Jadi, pesan tersebut

dikirimkan untuk memberikan informasi mengenai pembatalan rapat (inform the postposponed to a meeting).

10. From the text we can conclude that the meeting will be held on ....

A. Wednesday

B. Thursday

C. Friday

D. Saturday

Jawaban: C

Pada teks disebutkan “the meeting will be postposponed to tomorrow Fri” (rapat aka n ditunda sampai besok Jumat). Jadi, rapat dijadwalkan ulang untuk diselenggarakan pada hari Jumat.

Read the text to answer questions 11 to 12.

To: Kania

Don’t forget to join us in the English club meeting this evening. We’re going to discuss our plan to celebrate the school anniversary. Mia, Nury, Arief. Panji and Gadis will be there too. Please, be punctual. See you there.


11. Whom is the message addressed to?

A. Dito.

B. Nury.

C. Panji.

D. Kania.

Jawaban: D

Penerima pesan adalah nama yang ditulis di bagian atas setelah kata 1o'. Jadi, penerima pesan adalah Kania.

12. The purpose of the text is to ....

A. realize the plan

B. arrange an agenda

Jawaban: D

Pesan itu berisi di mana Intan meletakkan kamus vana dioiniamnvadan alasan Intan

C. remind Kania of the meeting

D. celebrate the school anniversary

Jawaban: C

Kalimat pertama dalam pesan adalah ‘Don't forget'. Kata-kata ini diucapkan untuk mengingatkan seseorang. Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah C (remind Kania of the meeting).

Read the text to answer questions 13 to 14.

Dear Rima:

I put your dictionary on your desk. Sory I couid not give it directly to you because I had to go to meet Mr. Asgan to submit my paper. Thanks for lending it to me and John.

Your friend,


13. Who wrote the message?

A. John.

B. Intan.

C. Rima.

D. Mr. Asgan.

Jawaban: B

Nama penulis pesan ditulis di bagian akhir setelah isi pesan. Jadi, penulis pesan adalah Intan.

14. The message was written to ....

A. request Rima to return Intan’s dictionary

B. ask Mr. Asgan to lend a dictionary to Intan

C. ask Rima to submit her paper to Mr Asgan

D. inform Irma that Intan has returned her dictionary

Jawaban: D

Pesan itu berisi di mana Intan meletakkan kamus yang dipinjamnya dan alasan Intan tidak menyerahkan langsung kepada Rima. Oleh karena itu, inti dari pesan adalah member tahu Rima bahwa Intan sudah mengembalikan buku Rima.

Read the text to answer question 15.

Dear Ardi:

Please wait for me in the lobby after school today. We need to make a plan for the basketball club outing next month. We have to be ready with the proposal before the general meeting with all members next week.

Don’t forget to ask Hasfi and Pras to come along. As senior member of he club, they might come up with brilliant ideas.



15. To whom is the message addressed to?

A. Ardi.

B. Eric.

C. Pras.

D. Hasti.

Jawaban: A

Penerima pesan dapat diketahui dari nama yang tertera di bagian atas atau nama yang disapa oleh pengirim. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah Ardi.