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Soal jawab bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 7, 8, 9 materi "Notice and Caution" (7)

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The following text is for questions number 1 and 2.

1. What does the caution mean?

A. The shop sells special broken articles.

B. You do not have to buy articles that are broken.

C. In this section you will only find broken articles.

D. If you break any articles, you should pay for it.

Jawaban: D

Peringatan 'ARTICLES ARECONSIDERED SOLD IF YOU BROKE THEM’ berarti ‘MEMECAH BERARTI MEMBELI’. Hal ini berarti jika kamu memecahkan barang, kamu harus membelinya (if you break any articles, you should pay for it).

2. Where do you usually find this caution?

A. Libraries.

B. Bookstores.

C. Greengrocers.

D. Department stores.

Jawaban: D

Peringatan tersebut sering ditemukan di tempat yang menjual barang yang mudah pecah. Tempat tersebut adalah department stores.

The following text is for questions number 3 to 6.

3. What is the caution about?

A. Volcanoes and their effects.

B. The danger of volcanic fumes.

C. Women and their children’s health.

D. Pregnant visitors on the mountain.

Jawaban: B

Pada peringatan tersebut tertulis VOLCANIC FUMES ARE HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH AND CAN BE LIFE-THREATENING', tulisan tersebut berarti ‘ASAP VULKANIK BERBAHAYA BAGI KESEHATAN DAN MEMATIKAN’. Kalimat ini menyatakan bahaya dari asap vulkanik.

4. Visitors with breathing problems are not allowed to visit the area because....

A. the fumes can make them difficult to breathe

B. the fumes can enter human’s lungs

C. it is very tiring to climb the mountain

D. certain people cannot breath well

Jawaban: A

Kalimat sebelumnya menyatakan bahwa asap vulkanik berbahaya bagi kesehatan. Hal berpengaruh pengunjung yang memiliki masalah pernapasan, yaitu asap dapat membuat mereka sulit untuk bernapas.

5. Where do you usually find such a caution?

A. At all public places with non domestic visitors.

B. Any places visited by tourists.

C. On mountains with few visitors.

D. At tourist resorts on volcanoes.

Jawaban: D

Kata ‘volcanic fumes’ memberikan petunjuk bahwa lokasi peringatan ini dipasang adalah gunung vulkanik (volcanoes)


What does the underlined word mean?

A. Dreadful.

B. Dangerous.

C. Uneasy.

D. Serious.

Jawaban: D

Kata ‘hazardous’ berarti berbahaya yang mempunyai makna sama dengan kata ‘dangerous’.

Pilihan kata lain berarti.

• dreadful: mematikan

• uneasy: gelisah

• serious: serius