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Read the text and answer questions 1 to 4.

To: Nana

Hi friend! Here I invite you to my 14”’ birthday party

Date : Sunday, February 13"’2011

Time : 4 P.M.

Place : My house, Jalan Surabaya 4


Please arrive on time. Without you the | party would be different!


1. When will Lily’s birthday party be held?

A. At 4 p.m.

B. At Jalan Surabaya 4 Bandung.

C. At her house.

D. On February 13 2011.

2. In what year was Lily born?

A. 1995

B. 1996

C. 1997

D. 1998

3. Lily hopes that Nana ....

A. sings and dances

B. wears a new dress

C. attends the party

D. brings a present

4. When will Lily's birthday party be held?

A. In the morning.

B. At noon.

C. In the afternoon.

D. At night.

Read the text and answer questions 5 to 8.

I will be glad if you come to my 17,h Birthday Party Date : July 10.2011 Time :7 P.M.

Place : Concordia Café

Jl. Halimun 46 Bogor



5. How old Hayley be in 2020?

A. 5

B. 26

C. 27

D. 28

6. When will the party be held?

A. In the evening.

B. In the morning.

C. In the afternoon.

D. At midnight.

7. In what year was Hayley born?

A. 1994

B. 1995

C. 1996

D. 1997

8. Where will the party be held?

A. At Hayley's house.

B. At Malia’s house.

C. At a café.

D. In the school.

Read the text and answer questions 9 to 12.

To: Gemara Let's celebrate 2012 New Year Party 10.00 P.M. on December 31, 2011 At my house, Jalan Macan no. 45 Semarang

It'll be full of music, barbecue, and fireworks so please wear casuals.


P.S. If your parents are worried please call my parents. You all know my number.

And since it’s New Year, you may want to sleep over. No girls please.

9. What are Ben and his friends going tc celebrate?

A. His birthday.

B. New Year.

C. Gemara’s birthday

D. Christmas.

10. When will the party be held?

A. In the morning.

B. At noon.

C. In the afternoon.

D. At night.

11. What will they wear at the party?

A. Black suit.

B. Casual outfits.

C. Traditional outfits.

D. They are free to decide.

12. What does Ben want his friends to do?

A. To bring their parents too.

B. Not to tell their parents about the party.

C. Not to bring their female friends.

D. Not to worry about their outfits.

Read the text and answer questions 13 to 16.

Hi Lome.

Please come to our house On Sunday. March 142011 3 P.M.

It’s Grandma’s 72"a birthday!!

We are happy that she has survived from the last stroke attack and regained her strength. She deserves this celebration.

You're one of my closest friends that she knows best, so she'd love if you come.



13. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To invite someone to celebrate a birthday.

B. To congratulate someone of her health.

C. To inform someone of her grandmother's recovery.

D. To announce grandmother’s recovery.

14. When was Stephanie's grandmother born?

A. In 1935

B. In 1937

C. In 1939

D. In 1941

15. What is Stephanie's family going to celebrate other than the grandmother's birthday?

A. Her age.

B. Her illness.

C. Her stroke.

D. Her recovery.

16. What can be concluded from the text above?

A. Lome Is Stephanie’s friend.

B. Stephanie's grandmother knows Lome well.

C. Stephanie's grandmother will not be happy if Lorrie comes.

D. Stephanie's grandmother doesn't know her granddaughter's friends.

Read the text and answer questions 17 to 20.

The Gita Pertiwi School of Music Proudly invites Class of 2012 On our 2012 Inauguration Friday, August 31 2012 7:00 P.M.

At the Beethoven Hall Gita Pertiwi School of Music Dress code: Black tie RSVP Kenneth Aschenborough +62 811 46 2014

17. What is the occasion held In the invitation?

A. A party.

B. A meeting.

C. An inauguration.

D. A funeral.

18. When will the inauguration be held?

A. In the afternoon.

B. In the morning.

C. At midnight.

D. In the evening.

19. Where will the inauguration be held?

A. At the school's hall.

B. In a hotel.

C. In a ballroom.

D. Near the swimming pool.

20. ‘Dress code: Black tie.'

It means....

A. the students must come in black suits

B. the students must come in black outfits

C. the students must come wearing a black tie

D. the students must come in forma outfits

Read the text to answer questions 21 to 22.

My special day is coming.

I am 14 years old now.

My parents are having a special party for me.

Your smile and laugh, we hope.

So come to the party and it will be lots of fun.

The party will be held at 3 to 5P.M. Sunday, December 22, 2013 Nini's House 45 Cibinong street

21. Why did Nini write the invitation?

A. She wants her friends to be happy.

B. Her parents had a special party foi her.

C. She hopes her friends to smile and laugh.

D. She wants her friends to come to hei party.

22. What does the word "if in the text refer to?

A. The special day.

B. The birthday.

C. The house.

D. The party.

Read the text to answer questions 23 to 24.

Gladys'9th Birthday!

It's her party!

Date: July 19,2013 Time: 11A.M.-1 P.M.

Venue: West Clementi St. 123

Pick up point: Clementy Primary School

gate at 10:45A.M.

RSVP: Gina 9123 1111

23. Which information can we find In the text?

A. The party will end at 1P.M.
B. The party is at dementi’s house.
C. The party will be from 1P.M. to 11 P.M.
D. Gladys will celebrate her friend's birthday.

24. “It's her party!

The underlined word refers to ....

A. Gina

B. Gladys

C. Clementi

D. Primary school

Read the text to answer questions 25 to 26.

To: all undergraduate and graduate students of Arts and Science Department

There will be an open dialog discussing Arts and Science Departments and Academic Journal on September 26 at 4:3O-6:O0P.M. in 31B Currie Student Center.

By attending the dialog, hopefully you will understand more about Academic Journal.

Chairman of Student Committee PS: This meeting has been rescheduled from September 21.

25. From the text, we can see that....

A. every student of the department is invited
B. the committee will not attend the dialog
C. the dialog Is only for some students
D. the dialog has not been postponed

26. "... hopefully you will understand ...." The underlined word refers to all....

A. students in all departments

B. arts students and the committee

C. students in the Arts and Science Department

D. undergraduates in Arts and Science Department

Read the text to answer questions 27 to 28.

To: Fino of class 11B Wfoukl you please attend our meeting, held: day/date: Staurday, March 11,2013 time: 11A.M. place: multimedia room agenda: final preparation for 2013 Wall Magazine Competition Please come on time. See you there! Devina Ardi

Secretary Chairperson

27. From the text, we know that....

A, the meeting is held in class 1B

B. Devina is the chairperson of the committee

C, Fino is expected not to be late to the meeting

D. the meeting will discuss about the multimedia room

28. ‘See you there"

The underlined word refers to ....

A. Ardl

B. Fino

C. Devina

D. chairperson

Read the text to answer questions 29 to 30.

Our full of joy mommy-to-be is expecting a boy I

Let's shower Jill Weber's baby boy with bless.

Saturday, April 28, 2007 at 2:00P.M. Tara Silva 10612 Sunbird Way Given by Tara RSVP: 209 951 7224 Registered at Babies' Cousin

29. The purpose of the invitation Is to ....

A. celebrate a baby shower

B. register at Babies’ Cousin

C. make a wish for the baby

D. congratulate a first-time mother

30. Why does Jill feel happy?

A. She is excited.

B. Her friend will come.

C. She will deliver a baby soon.

D. She is already registered at Babies' Cousin.

Kunci jawaban:

1. D

2. C

3. C

4. C

5. B

6. A

7. A

8. C

9. B

10. D

11. B

12. C

13. A

14. C

15. D

16. A

17. C

18. D

19. A

20. D

21. D

22. D

23. A

24. B

25. A

26. C

27. C

28. B

29. A

30. C