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Soal jawab bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 7, 8, 9 materi "Invitation" (1)

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Read the text and answer questions 1 and 2.

You're invited!

Occasion : Kim's Birthday Date : March 13

"Time : 6.30 pm

Place : 44 Devoe Road

Directions : Take no. 5 bus. Get off at ,

the corner of Devoe Road. Our house is at the second house on the right. Please arrive on time. This is a surprise party.

Regrets only: Marie Salinger 238-1722 or email [email protected]

When will the party be held?

A. At 44 Devoe Road.

8 At 6:30 P.M.

C. On March 13.

D At the second house.

Jawaban: C Kata tanya when menunjukkan bahwa kalimat tanya di atas menanyakan waktu. Ada dua macam kata keterangan waktu pada pilihan jawaban, yaitu Af 6:30 P.M. yang menunjukkan jam dan On March 13 yang menunjukkan tanggal dan bulan. Pilihan At 6:30 P.M. kurang tepat karena merupakan waktu yang umum sehingga tidak spesifik. Sementara itu. On March 13 menunjukkan waktu yang spesifik.

2. ‘Regrets only: Marie Salinger 238-f 722 or email....'

The sentence tell us that we should ....

A. give information if we cannot come

B. give information if we can come

C. ask information how to come to the place

D. contact Marie Salinger before we come

Jawaban: A

Kata regret berarti "menyesal". Dalam hal ini frasa regrets only berarti Jka tidak dapat datang ke pesta, diharapkan menghubungi nama yang tercantum pada keterangannya. Frasa regrets only mempunyai maksud yang sama dengan RSVP.

Read the text and answer questions 3 and 4.

You and your partner are invited to attend;

Eleanor McKay's 15” Birthday

In the Cocino Green House 24 January 2008 at 7:00 P.M.

3. How old will Eleanor McKay be in 2016?

A. 20

B. 21

C. 22

D. 23 Jawaban: D

Berdasarkan undangan tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa pada tahun 2008 Eleanor berumur 15 tahun. Jadi, delapan tahun kemudian (tahun 2016), Eleanor akan berumur 15 + 8 = 23 tahun.

4. When was Eleanor McKay bom?

A. In 2003.

B. In 2005.

C. In 1993.

D. In 1995.

Jawaban: C

Read and answer questions 5 and 6.

The Directors of the Indonesian Import Company

request the company of Mr. John Taylor,

Managing Director of Woolcat Ltd. Hampshire

on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary

of their company at the Intemationel Z Club

in Jakarta

on September 10 at 8:15 p.m.

(Dinner at 9:00 P.M.) (Dress-Formal)


Zu Bakir. Indonesian Import Company 250 Serang Road Jakarta. Indonesia

5. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To invite someone.

B. To inform people.

C. To send a message.

D. To remind somebody.

Jawaban: A

Kalimat on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of their company at..

The International Club in Jakarta on September 10 at 8:15 P.M. (Dinner at 9.00p.m.) menunjukkan bahwa Mr. John Taylor diharapkan untuk menghadiri acara tersebut. Jadi, tujuan teks ini adalah untuk mengundang seseorang (to invite someone).

6. Which statement is TRUE based on the text above?

A. Mr. Zu Bakir is the director of the International Club.

B. The invitees should inform Zu Bakir about their coming.

C. Mr. Taylor is the director of the Indonesian Import Company.

D. The Indonesian Import Company is located in Hampshire England.

Jawaban: B

Pada undangan disebutkan R.S.V.P. Zu Bakir, Indonesian Import Company. Maksudnya, orang-orang yang diundang diharapkan menghubungi Zu Bakir tentang konfirmasi kedatangan mereka (The invitees should inform Zu Bakir about their coming).

Sementara itu untuk pilihan jawaban lain:

Mr. Zu Bakir is the director of the International Club -> salah; Mr. Zu Bakir adalah perwakilan Indonesian Import Company.

Mr. Taylor is the director of the Indonesian Import Company -> salah; Mr. Taylor adalah Managing Director of Woolcat Ltd.

The Indonesian Import Company is located in Hampshire England -> salah; pada undangan disebutkan perusahaan ini beralamat di 250 Serang Road, Jakarta.

Read the text and answer questions 7 and 8.

Please join us As we celebrate our 40"’ Anniversary Paul and Opal Wright Friday, May 7 6:30-10:00 P.M.
Our New Home Komplek TSI Durikosambi Cengkareng

(Dinner will be served)

RSPV 54390186 (Elsa/Natalia/Eliza)

7. Paul is... husband.

A. Opal's 

B. Eliza’s

C. Elsa's

D. Natalia's

Jawaban: A
Pada undangan disebutkan bahwa pasangan yang merayakan hari jadi mereka adalah Paul and Opel Wright. Jadi. Paul adalah suami Opal.

8. What is the purpose of the text above?

A. To promote an everlasting relationship.

B. To invite someone to join the party.

C. To announce a wedding ceremony.

D. To describe a certain party.

Jawaban: B

Perhatikan kalimat Please pin us as we celebrate our 40" anniversary (Bergabunglah dengan kami karena kami merayakan hari jadi kami yang ke-40). Jadi, teks tersebut bertujuan untuk mengundang seseorang untuk datang ke pesta tersebut (to invite someone to join the party).

Read the text and answer questions 9 and 10.

Students Organization SMP Negeri 223

Jl. Surilang no. 6 Jakarta 13760,

Tip (021) 8403 376

Dear Ribka:

We invite you to attend our meeting that will be held:

on Saturday, April 24, 2010 at 1:30 P.M.-2:30 P.M. in the school hall

Agenda: final preparation for the 2010 PORSENI competition.

Please come on time.

See you there!

Rica, Caca,

Secretary Chairperson

9. What will the meeting discuss?

A. The result of 2010 PORSENI.

B. The final preparation for the 2010 PORSENI competition.

C. The competition for 2010 PORSENI.

D. The competition for the student organization.

Jawaban: B

Topik diskusi dalam pertemuan disebutkan sebagai agenda acara, yaitu final preparation for the 2010 PORSENI competition.

10. The meeting will be held ....

A. in the afternoon

B. in the evening

C. in the morning

D. at night Jawaban: A

Waktu acara yang tertera pada undangan adalah a 11:30 P.M.- 2:30 P.M. Jadi, rapat ini akan diadakan di siang hari (in the afternoon).

Read the text to answer questions 11 to 12.

Students Organization of SMP 182 i To: All class captains

Please attend the monthly meeting. It will be held:

date Saturday, May 11,2013 time: after school place: OSIS room

We will discuss the farewell party for the ninth grade students. Your attendance will be highly appreciated.

OSIS Secretary OSIS Chairman

11. The monthly meeting is to ....

A. attend at OSIS room

B. discuss the farewell party

C. request a monthly meeting

D. appreciate the ninth grade students Jawaban: B

Undangan menyebutkan bahwa tujuan ungan adalah mendiskusikan pesU perpisahan (discuss the farewell party foi the ninth grade students).

12. "We will discuss the farewell party for the ninth grade students."

The underlined word refers to ....

A. all ninth grade students

B. All teachers and students at school

C. OSIS chairman and OSIS secretary

D. The OSIS committee and all class captains

Jawaban: D

Undangan tersebut dibuat oleh OSIS untuk semua ketua kelas. Jadi, yang akan menghadiri rapat dan berdiskusi adalah anggota OSIS dan semua ketua kelas.

Read the text to answer questions 13 to 14.


OF GREATER NEW ORLEANS a Collaborative of 63 Agencies Celebrating 20 years of partnerships helping people out of homelessness Join us at our 20th anniversary meeting “The Challenge for New Orleans" Keynote speech by Nan Roman

President and CEO of the National Alliance to End Homelessness Wednesday, March 21, 2012 9:00-11.00A.M.

Holy Angels Concert Hall 3500 St Claude Ave.

Refreshment will be served.

For more information, contact Shande Jordan-Smith at [email protected] 504 1 U B&1 4406 Ext. 102

13. Which information can be found in the text?

A. The meeting will be done in the afternoon.

B. The meeting will be held in 4496 St. Claude Ave.

C. Mr. Nan Ronan will talk about politics in the U.S.

D. Food and drink will be served during the meeting.

Jawaban: D

Dalam undangan dinyatakan bahwa refreshment will be served. Refreshement merupakan makanan dan minuman.

14. "Join us at our 20th anniversary meeting."

The underlined word refers to....

A. Unity Organization

B. homeless people

C. New Orleans citizens

D. Nan Roman, the speaker

Yang dimaksud us (kami) adalah pihak yang memberikan undangan yaitu Unity Organization.

Read the text to answer question 15.


Thursday, Spetember 20, 2013 10:00A.M. at General Main Stage Botanical Garden Samarinda

Food and drink will be provided. RSVP: Anisa Farah (0541 750 102)

15. Information found in the text is ....

A. the party is at Botanical Garden Samarinda

B. if we could not come, we should call Aura

C. the party only serves certain food

D. the party will be held on Tuesday

Jawaban: A

Undangan tersebut menyatakan bahwa pesta diadakan di Botanical Garden Samarinda.