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Latihan soal menemukan frasa atau kata yang salah pada kalimat (part 1)

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Temukan frasa atau kata yang salah pada kalimat berikut ini:

  1. Oil and water ">don't mix

    ">very easily

    because water isn't ">as thickly as oil

    . In order for #ff00ff">the two to join together

    , you need something ">that can tie them both

    ; for example, detergent.

  2. We ">hastened our steps

    as the day ">was getting darkness

    . We wandered ">further into the woods

    while #ff00ff">keeping

    our eyes open for anything ">that could be used

    as a shelter for the night.

  3. ">Every hobbit

    in the Shire ">knows G

    andalf. They like the old man because with ">his wizardry

    , he can put up some of #ff00ff">the more spectacular fireworks

    show ">in the entire

    Middle Earth.

  4. Health is ">a question of diet

    . The better food you eat, ">the healthy you are

    . If you ">avoid eating

    any fast food #ff00ff">and stay away

    from anything fatty, ">I don't see

    how you could get sick.

  5. ">Compared to zoos

    , safari parks ">allow

    their animals ">to roam freer

    in a environment. #ff00ff">That's been set up

    to resemble ">their

    original habitats.

Petunjuk pengerjaan:

Pilih frasa atau kata yang salah dengan menyebutkan warna (red, green, blue, pink, brown).

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Posts: 31
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Joined: 5 years ago