Contoh latihan soal...

Contoh latihan soal vocabulary kegiatan sehari hari (daily activities)

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Joined: 6 years ago

Choose the correct word from the list below to complete the sentences.

  1. He always ..... to his office everyday.
  2. I ..... with fried rice and milk.
  3. I often ..... at 4:00 a.m.
  4. I always ..... before I go to work.
  5. I am very tired. Why don't you .....?
  6. She always ..... her teeth at least twice a day.
  7. She often ..... the children from school.
  8. Siska is ...... her new skirt.
  9. My daughter always ..... every morning.
  10. You should ..... before you go to school.

Pilihan jawaban:

  • brush shoes
  • brush teeth
  • do homework
  • get dressed
  • get up
  • go to bed
  • go to work
  • have breakfast
  • make the bed
  • pick up the children
  • put on
  • take a bath
  • take a nap