20 contoh soal pilihan ganda tentang Simple Present Tense beserta jawabannya

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Berikut adalah 20 contoh soal pilihan ganda tentang Simple Present Tense beserta kunci jawabannya:

  1. She ___ (read) a book every night.
    a. reads
    b. read
    c. reading
    d. is reading
    Jawaban: a. reads
  2. They ___ (play) football every weekend.
    a. play
    b. plays
    c. are playing
    d. played
    Jawaban: a. play
  3. My mother ___ (cook) dinner at 6 PM.
    a. cook
    b. cooks
    c. is cooking
    d. cooked
    Jawaban: b. cooks
  4. Cats ___ (like) milk.
    a. likes
    b. liking
    c. like
    d. is liking
    Jawaban: c. like
  5. He ___ (work) in a bank.
    a. work
    b. works
    c. working
    d. worked
    Jawaban: b. works
  6. We ___ (go) to school every weekday.
    a. goes
    b. go
    c. going
    d. are going
    Jawaban: b. go
  7. Birds ___ (fly) in the sky.
    a. fly
    b. flies
    c. flying
    d. is flying
    Jawaban: a. fly
  8. She ___ (not, like) chocolate.
    a. not like
    b. doesn't likes
    c. doesn't like
    d. isn't liking
    Jawaban: c. doesn't like
  9. I ___ (drink) coffee in the morning.
    a. drink
    b. drinks
    c. drinking
    d. am drinking
    Jawaban: a. drink
  10. They ___ (live) in New York.
    a. live
    b. lives
    c. living
    d. are living
    Jawaban: a. live
  11. The sun ___ (rise) in the east.
    a. rise
    b. rises
    c. rising
    d. is rising
    Jawaban: b. rises
  12. We ___ (have) English class on Mondays.
    a. have
    b. has
    c. having
    d. are having
    Jawaban: a. have
  13. Elephants ___ (eat) a lot of food.
    a. eat
    b. eats
    c. eating
    d. are eating
    Jawaban: a. eat
  14. She ___ (teach) mathematics.
    a. teach
    b. teaches
    c. teaching
    d. is teaching
    Jawaban: b. teaches
  15. They ___ (travel) to Europe every summer.
    a. travel
    b. travels
    c. traveling
    d. are traveling
    Jawaban: a. travel
  16. I ___ (watch) TV in the evening.
    a. watch
    b. watches
    c. watching
    d. am watching
    Jawaban: a. watch
  17. Dogs ___ (bark) loudly.
    a. bark
    b. barks
    c. barking
    d. are barking
    Jawaban: a. bark
  18. He ___ (play) the guitar.
    a. play
    b. plays
    c. playing
    d. is playing
    Jawaban: b. plays
  19. We ___ (read) the newspaper every morning.
    a. read
    b. reads
    c. reading
    d. are reading
    Jawaban: a. read
  20. The earth ___ (revolve) around the sun.
    a. revolve
    b. revolves
    c. revolving
    d. is revolving
    Jawaban: b. revolves