Tolong jawab soal-s...

Tolong jawab soal-soal tentang commands and requests (Part 1)

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Choose the suitable word in the bracket.

(Pilihlah salah satu dari dalam kurung yang tepat untuk setiap konteks soal di bawah ini.)

  1. (Be/Being/To be/Are) here on time! O.K.?
  2. Please (stay/to stay/staying/stayed) here for a while!
  3. Don’t (to say/said/say/says/saying) that again!
  4. Would you (don’t leave/to not leave/leave no/not leave) so soon?
  5. (No smoke/Not to smoke/Don’t smoke/Not smoking) here, please!
  6. (Being not/Not being/To not be/Don’t be/Doesn’t be/Isn’t) sad!
  7. Would you mind (to come/come/coming/came) with me?
  8. Please (be/being/been/is/are/was) happy!
  9. Let’s (see/seeing/saw/to see/in seeing) that movie!
  10. Could you please (calm/be calm/to calm/to be calm/being calm/was calm)?
1 Answer

Choose the suitable word in the bracket.

(Pilihlah salah satu dari dalam kurung yang tepat untuk setiap konteks soal di bawah ini.)

  1. (Be/Being/To be/Are) here on time! O.K.?
  2. Please (stay/to stay/staying/stayed) here for a while!
  3. Don’t (to say/said/say/says/saying) that again!
  4. Would you (don’t leave/to not leave/leave no/not leave) so soon?
  5. (No smoke/Not to smoke/Don’t smoke/Not smoking) here, please!
  6. (Being not/Not being/To not be/Don’t be/Doesn’t be/Isn’t) sad!
  7. Would you mind (to come/come/coming/came) with me?
  8. Please (be/being/been/is/are/was) happy!
  9. Let’s (see/seeing/saw/to see/in seeing) that movie!
  10. Could you please (calm/be calm/to calm/to be calm/being calm/was calm)?
  1. Be
  2. stay
  3. say
  4. not leave
  5. Don't smoke
  6. Don't be
  7. coming
  8. be
  9. see
  10. be calm