The ..... we become...

The ..... we becomeThe ..... we become, the ..... we'll feel. That's what most people think, but not me. I know well enough that life is too short to be dedicated to stack money.

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The ..... we become, the ..... we'll feel. That's what most people think, but not me. I know well enough that life is too short to be dedicated to stack money.

a. more wealthy - more happy

b. wealthy - happy

c. wealthier - happier

d. wealth - happiness

e. most wealthy - most happy

1 Answer

Soal ini adalah soal expression "the more...,the more..." yang menunjukkan dua hal yang saling berbanding. Pada soal kata sifat yang dipakai adalah "wealthy" (kaya) dan "happy" (bahagia). Karena dua-duanya terdiri dari dua suku kata maka bentuk comparativenya adalah c. wealthier - happier