According to the we...

According to the weather forcast last night, New York ____ . That's not quite the good news given that Jane and I had a plan to have a picnic.........

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Topic starter

According to the weather forcast last night, New York ____ . That's not quite the good news given that Jane and I had a plan to have a picnic in Central Park.

A. would today be very rainy

B. would be very rainy today

C. would have a sky clear and bright

D. would very be rainy today

E. would have a clear and bright sky

1 Answer

B. would be very rainy today

Pada soal yang menjadi subject adalah "New York", auxiliary-nya 'Would" dan kata kerjanya adalah "be". Dalam bahasa Inggris urutan pola kalimatnya Subject-Verb-Object sehingga pilihan yang tepat adalah "B. would be very rainy today" yang jika digabung dengan subject menjadi "New York would be very rainy today".