A proof that speaks...

A proof that speaks of the widespread obesity in United State is ..... Americans are able to fit into standard airline seats today doe to being overweight.

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A proof that speaks of the widespread obesity in United State is ..... Americans are able to fit into standard airline seats today doe to being overweight.

a. fewer and fewer

b. more and more

c. less and less

d. many and many

e. little and little

1 Answer

Kalimat pada soal mempunyai arti bahwa salah satu bukti tingginya tingkat kegemukan di Amerika Serikat adalah semakin sedikit orang yang muat dengan kursi standar pada pesawat terbang. Kata 'Americans" adalah kata benda countable sehingga jawabannya adalah a. fewer and fewer. "Less" hanya digunakan untuk non-countable noun.