20 contoh soal pilihan ganda present perfect continuous tense beserta jawabannya

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Berikut adalah 20 contoh soal pilihan ganda (multiple-choice) mengenai Present Perfect Continuous Tense beserta jawabannya.

  1. She looks tired. She ____________ for hours.
    a. runs
    b. has been running
    c. ran
    d. is running
    Jawaban: b. has been running
  2. I am exhausted. I ____________ all day.
    a. work
    b. working
    c. works
    d. have been working
    Jawaban: d. have been working
  3. They ____________ on the project since last month.
    a. works
    b. worked
    c. working
    d. have been working
    Jawaban: d. have been working
  4. We ____________ in the garden for hours.
    a. plant
    b. planting
    c. have planted
    d. plants
    Jawaban: c. have planted
  5. Why is he so dirty? He ____________ soccer.
    a. play
    b. played
    c. playing
    d. has been playing
    Jawaban: d. has been playing
  6. She ____________ her novel for two hours.
    a. write
    b. wrote
    c. writing
    d. has been writing
    Jawaban: d. has been writing
  7. It ____________ for days.
    a. rains
    b. rained
    c. raining
    d. has been raining
    Jawaban: d. has been raining
  8. The kids ____________ in the pool since morning.
    a. swim
    b. swam
    c. swimming
    d. have been swimming
    Jawaban: d. have been swimming
  9. He ____________ for the same company since he graduated.
    a. works
    b. worked
    c. working
    d. has been working
    Jawaban: d. has been working
  10. Why is the ground wet? It ____________ all morning.
    a. rains
    b. rained
    c. raining
    d. has been raining
    Jawaban: d. has been raining
  11. The chef ____________ in the kitchen since early morning.
    a. cook
    b. cooks
    c. cooking
    d. has been cooking
    Jawaban: d. has been cooking
  12. We ____________ for the bus for over an hour.
    a. wait
    b. waits
    c. waiting
    d. have been waiting
    Jawaban: d. have been waiting
  13. She ____________ French lessons for a month.
    a. takes
    b. took
    c. taking
    d. has been taking
    Jawaban: d. has been taking
  14. The construction workers ____________ on the building since last year.
    a. work
    b. worked
    c. working
    d. have been working
    Jawaban: d. have been working
  15. The students ____________ their exams for hours.
    a. take
    b. takes
    c. taking
    d. have been taking
    Jawaban: d. have been taking
  16. She ____________ TV all day.
    a. watch
    b. watched
    c. watching
    d. has been watching
    Jawaban: d. has been watching
  17. They ____________ English lessons since they moved to London.
    a. take
    b. takes
    c. taking
    d. have been taking
    Jawaban: d. have been taking
  18. Why is the floor wet? Someone ____________ the plants.
    a. water
    b. waters
    c. watering
    d. has been watering
    Jawaban: d. has been watering
  19. He ____________ for his keys since he got home.
    a. searches
    b. searched
    c. searching
    d. has been searching
    Jawaban: d. has been searching
  20. The kids ____________ noise in the house all morning.
    a. make
    b. makes
    c. making
    d. have been making
    Jawaban: d. have been making