Latihan soal past tense 9

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Find the correct sentence in each pair.

  1. A. I'm tired because I've trained for the marathon since six o'clock.
    B. I'm tired because I've been training for the marathon since six o'clock.
  2. A. I'm sorry. Jill's not here. She's been out.
    B. I'm sorry. Jill's not here. She's gone out.
  3. A. Sidney never met his father. He died just before he was born.
    B. Sidney has never met his father. He died just before he was born.
  4. A. Finally we found the shop but it had already closed.
    B. Finally we found the shop but it already closed.
  5. A. It was a hot summer's day and the birds sang.
    B. It was a hot summer's day and the birds were singing.
  6. A. Did you pay the gas bill last month?
    B. Have yo u paid the gas bill last month?
  7. A. I was playing the piano till I was twenty, then I gave it up.
    B. I played the piano till I was twenty, then I gave it up .
  8. A. Tara did n't believe a word Henry said.
    B. Tara wasn't believing a word Henry said.
  9. A. I was sure I'd met James before.
    B. I was sure I met James before.
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