Penjelasan elliptic...

Penjelasan elliptical construction gabungan setara berlawanan pada kalimat positif dan negatif beserta contohnya

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alista notarina
Posts: 650
Topic starter
Joined: 6 years ago

Bagaimana contoh kalimat baahsa Inggris elliptical construction gabungan setara berlawanan pada kalimat positif dan negatif?

Elliptical construction adalah bentuk kalimat majemuk gabungan setara, terjadinya penghilangan bagian predikat yang sama dari suatu kalimat.

Gabungan setara berlawanan (kontradiksi) menggunakan kata hubung ‘but’ atau ‘while’. Dalam gabungan setara berlawanan, bila kalimat awal dalam bentuk positif, maka elip-nya dalam bentuk negatif; dan sebaliknya, bila kalimat awal dalam bentuk negatif, maka elip-nya dalam bentuk positif.

Subject 1 + Verb 1 + but/while + Subject 2 + do/does not
Subject 1 + Verb 2 + but/while + Subject 2 + did not
Subject 1 + auxiliary (Verb) + but/while + Subject 2 + auxiliary not
Subject 1 + auxiliary not (Verb) + but/while + Subject + auxiliary


  • She always comes late but I don't.
  • We don't have to return the book tomorrow, but he does.
  • I think that my mother will be interested in reading this novel while my father won
  • Andy agreed that everybody has to pay Rp50.000,- for the study tour to Waduk Darma but/while I didn’t.


Pemyataan yang mengandung kata: never, seldom, rarely, barely, hardly, few, little, dianggap berpengertian negatif.


  • You seldom have your hair cut, and neither do I.
  • You seldom have your hair cut, and I don’t either
  • You seldom have your hair cut, but I do.
  • She can hardly see us without her glasses, and neither can he.
  • She can hardly see us without her glasses, and he can’t either
  • She can hardly see us without her glasses, but he can.