Apa pengertian objective case dan bagaimana contoh kalimatnya?
Objective case adalah case dari suatu pronoun (kata ganti) ketika berfungsi sebagai direct or indirect object of verb, object of preposition, atau subject of infinitive. Pronoun yang berada di dalam subjective case yaitu:
- me
- you
- them
- us
- her
- him
- it
- whom
- whomever
Adapun it dan you juga dapat digunakan pada subjective case. Case ini dikenal juga dengan sebutan accusative case.
Contoh kalimat objective case
Fungsi | Contoh Kalimat Objective Case |
Object of Verb | I’m going to meet her at the coffee shop. (Saya akan menemuinya di kedai kopi.) direct object of him |
He wrote it by hand. (Dia menulis itu dengan tangan.) direct object of wrote |
My friend often lends me some money. (Teman saya sering meminjami saya uang.) indirect object of lend |
That’s the woman whom I admire for her determination. (Itu wanita yang saya kagumi karena tekadnya.) object of admire |
Object of Preposition | Let’s talk about it later. (Mari bicarakan tentang itu nanti.) object of about |
No one has fixed the potholes using asphalt yet, so look out for them. (Belum ada yang memperbaikinya dengan aspal, jadi hati-hati dengannya.) object of for |
The man to whom I talked has prepared his childs to take over his business. (Laki-laki yang berbicara dengan saya telah mempersiapkan anak-anaknya untuk mengambil alih bisnisnya.) object of to |
Subject of Infinitive | His trainer encouraged him to stop smoking. (Pelatih menganjurkannya untuk berhenti merokok.) subject of to stop |
They never persuade us to buy the product. (Mereka tidak pernah membujuk kami membeli produk tersebut.) subject of to buy |
Permasalahan pada Objective Case
1. Informal/Formal Writing
Posisi subject complement seharusnya diisi oleh pronoun yang berada di subjective case, namun pada informal speech/writing “me” biasa digunakan untuk menggantikan “I”. Senada dengan itu, whom biasanya diganti who.
Formal | Informal |
It’s I. | It’s me. |
That’s the woman whom I admire for her determination. | That’s the woman who I admire for her determination. |
The man to whom I talked has prepared his childs to take over his business. | The man who I talked to has prepared his childs to take over his business. |
2. Compound Object
Pronoun tetap berada di objective case walaupun kalimat menggunakan compound object (dua atau lebih noun/pronoun atau gabungan keduanya dan dihubungkan dengan coordinate conjunction “and”). Agar terdengar lebih sopan, first-person pronoun ditulis belakangan.
Contoh Kalimat Objective Case
Fungsi | Contoh Kalimat Objective Case |
Object of Verb | He considered Terry and me his good friends. (Dia menganggap Terry dan saya teman-teman baiknya.) bukan Terry and I |
She showed emphaty to Devi and me. (Dia menunjukkan empati pada Devi dan saya.) indirect object |
Object of Preposition | Anna was angry with Nita, Martin, and me. (Anna marah pada Nita, Martin, dan saya.) bukan Nita, Martin, and I |