Pengertian declarat...

Pengertian declarative sentence dan contohnya

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Apa pengertian declarative sentence dan bagaimana contoh kalimatnya?

Declarative sentence adalah suatu kalimat berupa kalimat pernyataan (statement, declaration). Kalimat ini merupakan suatu kalimat dasar yang digunakan untuk membentuk kalimat jenis yang lain. Kalimat deklaratif juga dipakai ketika akan menyampaikan suatu pernyataan, cerita, penjelasan, pemaparan, dan sebagainya.

Kalimat deklaratif dibuat dengan struktur yang normal yakni ada subject, predicate, object, dan adverb yang diawali dengan huruf besar atau capital letter pada awal kalimat dengan tanda titik sebagai akhirnya.

Berikut ini contoh kalimat deklaratif. Kata yang ditebalkan adalah subject dan yang predicate saya beri tulisan cetak miring.

Ubud has become the favorite place for many visitors to Bali. The name Ubud is probably derived from Ubud which means 'medicine'. To come to Ubud may be medicine for people who look for a relaxed way of life and beautiful surroundings.

Ubud is built on the slopes of the central mountains. There are also several smaller villages, such as Peliatan, Padangtegal, Penestanan, Campuan, and Pengosekan.

If you are interested in Balinese art and culture, this town is definitely the place to be visited. Every evening there are dance performances, and the area is full of art galleries and museums. Ubud actually has become a popular spot for artist since the 1930's when the German painter, Walter Spies, and the Dutch artist, Rudolf Bonnet, founded the artist society "Pita Maha" here in Ubud, together with the local aristocrat Cokorda Sukawati. Many of the works from this period can be studied in the Museum Puri Lukisan.

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Posts: 41
Joined: 5 years ago

thanks @nanda
