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Cara merubah kalimat aktif menjadi pasif pada berbagai tense dan contohnya

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Bagaimana cara merubah kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Inggris? Bagaimana contoh kalimatnya?

Pengertian kalimat aktif

Active voice atau kalimat aktif adalah sebuah kalimat yang subject atau pelaku dari kalimat tersebut melakukan sebuah kegiatan atau melakukan sesuatu.

Pengertian kalimat pasif

Passive voice atau kalimat pasif adalah sebuah kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris dimana subject atau pelaku dari kalimat tersebut terkena aksi.

Cara merubah kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat pasif

Cara merubah kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat pasif adalah dengan memindah posisi subject ke belakang kalimat dan object ke bagian depan kalimat. Kemudian ubah kata kerja yang digunakan menjadi: be + past participle (V3).

  • The donuts are eaten by the woman.
    Donat itu dimakan oleh wanita.

Contoh perubahan kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat pasif berbagai tense

Contoh Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif dalam Bahasa Inggris pada Simple Present Tense

  • Messi kicks the ball.
    The ball is kicked by Messi
  • Intan bakes the cake.
    The cake is baked by Intan.
  • He eats the meatballs.
    The meatball is eaten by him.
  • She uses the laptop to edit the video.
    The laptop is used by her to edit the video.
  • I clean my room every day.
    My room is cleaned everyday by me.
  • People make wine from grapes.
    The wine is made from grapes by people.
  • People make paper from wood.
    The paper is made from tree by people.
  • Rina waters the flowers every evening.
    The flowers is watered by Rina every evening.
  • His parents treat him like a child.
    He is treated like a child by his parents.
  • Startup companies need a large amount of money to get started.
    A large amount of money is needed by startup companies to get started.
  • Roni usually plays football game every weekend.
    The football game is usually played by Roni every weekend.
  • Farmers grow their rice in rice fields.
    The rice is grown by the farmers in rice fields.
  • The café sells the best bubble tea in this town.
    The best bubble tea in this town is sold by the café.
  • My mother buys vegetables at the local farmer market.
    Vegetables are bought at the local farmer market by my mother.
  • Sinta upload her video for YouTube channel three times a week.
    Sinta’s video for YouTube channel is uploaded three times a week by her.
  • Plants use carbon dioxide in photosynthesis.
    The carbon dioxide is used in photosynthesis by plants.
  • People worldwide know Bali and Lombok for their excellent landscape.
    Bali and Lombok are known for their excellent landscape by people worldwide.
  • We can use the coupon to get 50% off for any burger at Big Burger court.
    The coupon can be used to get 50% off for any burger at Big Burger court.
  • Ferdi sometimes jumps over his neighbor’s fence to take a shortcut home.
    Ferdi’s neighbor’s fences sometimes are jumped over by him to take a shortcut home.
  • Can he catch the ball?
    Can the ball be caught by him?

Contoh Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif dalam Bahasa Inggris pada Simple Past Tense

  • I dropped the pen.
    The pen was dropped by me.
  • He closed the door.
    The door was closed by him.
  • Doni ate the pizza.
    The pizza was eaten by Doni.
  • Somebody stole his phone.
    His phone was stolen.
  • Her mother called her.
    She was called by her mother.
  • The locals built the bridge ten years ago.
    The bridge was built by the locals ten years ago.
  • She accessed the website on Friday.
    The website was accessed by her on Friday.
  • The kid broke the window.
    The window was broken by the kid.
  • We ordered three burgers for lunch five minutes ago.
    Three burgers were ordered by us for lunch five minutes ago.
  • Helmi and Andri did the English homework last night.
    The English homework was done by Helmi and Andri last night.
  • He washed his car two days ago.
    His car was washed by him two days ago.
  • She replaced the battery of her mouse few months ago.
    The battery of her mouse was replaced by her few months ago.
  • Dennis bought a new computer a week ago.
    A new computer was bought by Dennis a week ago.
  • Arin just baked the cake.
    The cake was just baked by Arin.
  • He asked me to join his team.
    I was asked by him to join his team.
  • He found the key on the table.
    The key was found on the table by him.
  • Jenny invited us to come to her wedding party.
    We were invited by Jenny to come to her wedding party.
  • Della used Google Translate to translate this passage.
    The Google Translated was used by Della to translate this passage.
  • My mother told me to respect everyone.
    I was told by my mother to respect everyone.
  • William took us to the airport yesterday.
    We were taken to the airport by William yesterday.

Contoh Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif dalam Bahasa Inggris pada Simple Future Tense

  • She will eat the pizza later.
    The pizza will be eaten by her later.
  • Robi will read the book.
    The book will be read by Robi.
  • She will call her mother.
    Her mother will be called by her.
  • John will sing my favorite song at the concert.
    My favorite song will be sung by John at the concert.
  • They will watch the movie on next Friday.
    The movie will be watched by them on next Friday.
  • Diana will arrange all the necessary materials for the program.
    All the necessary materials for the program will be arranged by Diana.
  • Jena will help me to do the task.
    I will be helped by Jena to do the task.
  • The participants will attend the entrepreneurship program next week.
    The entrepreneurship program will be attended by the participants next week.
  • Andi will take Jessica to the night market this weekend.
    Jessica will be taken by Andi to the night market this weekend.
  • Anthony will buy some chocolate candies for his little brother.
    Some chocolate candies will be bought by Anthony for his little brother.
  • She will make a scarf for you to wear in winter.
    A scarf will be made by her for you to wear in winter.
  • Irwan will finish the assignment by tomorrow.
    The assignment will be finished by Irwan by tomorrow.
  • Thomas will post the article tomorrow.
    The article will be posted by Thomas tomorrow.
  • They will write the articles on different topics.
    The articles on different topics will be written by them.
  • Atta will upload his new YouTube video on Saturday.
    The new YouTube video will be uploaded by Atta on Saturday.
  • She will not betray your trust.
    Your trust will not be betrayed by her.
  • Reading will increase your vocabulary.
    Your vocabulary will be increased by reading.
  • The winner will receive a prize of the value of $1000.
    A prize of the value of $1000 will be received by the winner.
  • The discovery will help the scientists to unravel the mystery of the Ice Age.
    The scientists will be helped by the discovery to unravel the mystery of the Ice Age.
  • The deal will put the company in a unique position to export goods to Western Europe.
    The company will be put in a unique position to export goods to Western Europe by the deal.

Contoh Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif dalam Bahasa Inggris pada Present Continuous Tense

  • Beni has sent him an email.
    An email has been sent by Beni.
  • Dennis has finished the homework.
    The homework has been finished by Dennis.
  • She has finished her chores.
    Her chores have been finished by her.
  • The kid has just broken the window.
    The window has just been broken by the kid.
  • The technician has been repaired the car.
    The car has been repaired the car by technician.
  • Hilman has replaced his phone battery with a new one.
    The phone battery has been replaced with a new one by Hilman.
  • They have not submitted their assignments.
    Their assignments have not been submitted by them.
  • Iwan has bought a new laptop
    A new laptop has been bought by Iwan.
  • The kids have already eaten their meals.
    The meals have already eaten by the kids.
  • My favorite youtuber has just uploaded a new video.
    A new video has just uploaded by my favorite youtuber.
  • Her mother has cooked a special dish for us.
    A special dish has been cooked for us by her mother.
  • My father has transferred the money to my bank account.
    The money has been transferred by my father to my bank account.
  • He has been repaired the blender so you can use it again.
    The blender has been repaired by him so you can use it again.
  • The owner has sold the start-up company for $5 million.
    The start-up company has been sold by the owner for $5 million.
  • The athlete has won five gold medals since his first carrier.
    Five gold medals have been won by the athlete since his first carrier.
  • Melly has made a chocolate cake for her boyfriend’s birthday today.
    A chocolate cake has been made by Melly for her boyfriend’s birthday today.
  • The students have cleaned their classroom so it is very clean now.
    The classroom has been cleaned by the students so it is very clean now.
  • I have checked your work and there are a couple things you need to revise.
    Your work has been checked and there are a couple things you need to revise.
  • Fifteen people have subscribed my YouTube channel.
    My YouTube channel has been subscribed by fifteen people.
  • I have returned the book to the library. The book has been returned to the library by me.