Apa itu pronoun?

Apa itu pronoun?

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Apa pengertian pronoun dan bagaimaan contoh serta penggunaannya dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris?

Pengertian pronoun

Pronoun adalah kata ganti Noun (kata benda), dengan kata lain Pronoun berfungsi menggantikan Noun. Tujuannya adalah untuk mencegah terjadinya pengulangan kata dalam kalimat. Berikut adalah berbagai macam pronoun.

No   Saya Kamu Dia Kami Mereka It
1 Personal Subject I You He/She We They it
Object Me You Him/Her Us Them it
2 Possesive (kepemilikan) Beforenoun My Your His/Her Our Their  
  alone Mine Yours His/Hers Ours Theirs its
3 Reflexive Pronoun Myself Yourself Him/Herself Ourselve: Themselves itself


  • Before noun : Studying in Japan is my dream
  • Alone : a friend of mine getting married
  • personal : Andi is eating = He is eating
  • Reflexive Pronoun digunakan apabila pekerjaan dilakukan oleh subject itu sendiri. Contoh: I do it myself.
  • Tambahan: apabila you dalam bentuk jamak, reflexive pronounnya adalah yourselves.

Contoh kalimat pronoun lainnya:

  • Promoting their good and services, the company salesmen also bid an opportunity to earn some profit. (possesive pronoun)
  • Now that their children are growing up, Mr. And Ms. Grayson live themselves. (Reflexive pronoun)
  • After his parents passed away, Sam lived himself. (Reflexive pronoun)
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