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3 ketentuan penempatan adverb (kata keterangan) dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris

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Bagaimana aturan atau ketentuan penempatan adverb (kata keterangan) dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris?

Berikut adalah ketentuan penggunaan adverb (kata keterangan) dalam bahasa Inggris yang perlu Anda ketahui:

Di awal kalimat atau klausa

Adverb yang bisa ditempatkan di awal kalimat atau klausa adalah conjunction adverb and adverb of time. Berikut adalah contoh-contoh kalimatnya.

Conjunction adverb:

  • I did not care for her tone. However, I let it go.
  • I began to dislike my course within months having signed up for it. Consequently, I never did well.

Adverb of time:

  • Yesterday she was very busy, which is why she was unable to meet me.
  • Tomorrow I am leaving for New York.

Di tengah kalimat

Penempatan adverb di tengah kaliwat biasanya setelah kata kerja bantu (lihat 4 jenis kata kerja bantu).

A. Setelah Be (is, am, are, was, were):

Contoh-contoh kalimatnya sebagai berikut:

  • They are definitely suited for each other. (adverb of certainty)
  • He is slowly finishing his PhD. (adverb of manner)
  • The ocean is very deep. (adverb of degree)
  • You are always late. (adverb of frequency)

B. Setelah modals will

Contoh kalimatnya:

  • They will probably arrive late. (adverb of certainty)
  • I will certainly help you. (adverb of certainty)

C. Setelah have/has

Contoh kalimatnya:

  • She has apparently passed the class. (adverb of certainty)
  • We have never eaten Italian food. (adverb of frequency)
  • I have already eaten dinner. (adverb of time)
  • She has carefully gathered the evidence. (adverb of manner)

D. Sebelum kata kerja

Contoh kalimatnya:

  • They obviously forgot to read the directions. (adverb of certainty)
  • He often invites people for Thanksgiving. (adverb of frequency)
  • We just finished painting the house. (adverb of time)
  • We methodically checked all the bags. (adverb of manner)

E. Sebelum adjective atau adverb lain

Contoh kalimat:

  • Raffi sings pretty well. (adverb of degree)
  • Tukul reads quite clearly. (adverb of degree)

Di akhir kalimat atau klausa

Penempatan adverb di akhir kalimat atau klausa biasanya untuk adverb of time, adverb of manner, dan adverb of place. Untuk lebih jelasnya, silakan lihat contoh-contoh kalimatnya di bawah ini.

Adverb of time:

  • Angie likes relaxing at home on weekends.
  • Our meeting takes place at three o’clock.
  • I leave tomorrow afternoon.

Adverb of manner:

  •  He wrote the answers correctly.
  • Raisa plays piano thoughtfully.
  • She drives competently.

Adverb of place:

  • They will investigate the crime downtown.
  • Father is sleeping upstairs.
  • I’m working in the garden outside.
  • In a couple of days I will be traveling north.
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