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Contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris dengan ekspresi pujian

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Adila Rahmawati
Posts: 982
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Joined: 6 years ago

Berikut adalah contoh dialog percakapan bahasa Inggris seputar memberikan pujian (expression of praise).

Contoh 1

Rendy    :    Hi Mrs. Eva, Hi Tom. Excuse me, but I was just admiring your bag. It’s really nice. [hai, Mrs. Eva, hai Tom. Maaf, saya mengagumi tas kamu. Itu benar-benar bagus]

Tomas    :    Thank you. This is gift from my Mom. [Terima kasi. Ini hadiah dari ibuku]

Rendy    :    wow, it’s cool! By the way, where have you bought this bag Mrs. Eva? I’ve been looking for one like that for a long time [wow, keren! Ngomong-ngomong dimana anda membelii ta situ Bu. Eva? Aku sudah lama mencari tas seperti ini]

Mrs. Eva:   I bought tis bag when I went to Singapore last month. [aku membeli tass ini saat aku pergi ke Singapura bulan lalu.]

Rendy    :    ooh, I see. It’s limited edition, right? [oh begitu, ini edisi terbatas bukan?]

Tomas    :    not really. Thank you for your compliment Rendy. [tidak juga. Terima kasih atas pujianmu rendy]

Contoh 2

Dewi      :    gosh, such a lovely home that you have here! [waduh, rumahmu bagus sekali di sini!]

Viola      :    yes I think soo. your home like a castle, Nay. [ya, aku juga berpikir begitu. Rumahmu seperti istana Nay.]

Nay        :    well, thank you. I’m so glad you two could come. Let’s sit here so we can see the garden as the sun goes down. [terima kasih. Aku senang kalian bisa datang. Ayo duduk di sini jadi kita bisa lihat saat matahari terbenam]

Dewi      :    your garden is a beautiful that I can see many flowers here. [tamanmu sangar indah aku bisa melihat banyak bunga]

Viola      :    look, There is an orchid and lily. So lovely. [lihat. Disini ada bunga Anggrek dan Lily. Sangat cantik]

Nay        :    thank you guys, don’t be too much [terima kasih teman-teman, jangan berlebihan]


  • Admiring                  :  Mengagumi
  • Gift                           :  Hadiah
  • Lovely                       :  Bagus/Indah
  • Castle                       :  Istana
  • Compliment              :  pujian
  • I’m so glad               :  Aku senang
  • Orchid                      :  Anggrek
  • don’t be too much    :  jangan berlebihan