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Contoh dialog percakapan bahasa Inggris 2 orang dengan tema visit to Korea

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Bagaimana Ccntoh dialog percakapan bahasa Inggris 2 orang dengan tema visit to Korea?

Berikut ini adalah contoh dialog percakapan bahasa Inggris 2 orang dengan tema berkunjung ke Korea (visit to Korea)

  • Yoga : *Sigh* Why do the holidays have to end so fast? I wish I had one more week of holidays.
  • Jerry : Ha ha ha. That’s right. It’s too bad that we have school so fast.
  • Yoga : I really had fun spending my holidays at my grandmother house in Lombok.
  • Jerry : I had fun with my holidays too.
  • Yoga : What about you, Jerry? Your family always takes a vacation to some places abroad, right? Did you go somewhere outside of Indonesia?
  • Jerry : Um, yes.
  • Yoga : Where did you go then? Malaysia? Singapore?
  • Jerry : This time I and my family went to South Korea.
  • Yoga : Oh, really? That’s amazing! How was South Korea?
  • Jerry : It’s a wonderful place.
  • Yoga : Come on, Jerry. Don’t just say ‘it’s a wonderful place’! Tell me what places you visited!
  • Jerry : Okay, okay, Yoga… I see you are always excited at listening up my vacation story
  • Yoga : hee hee hee.percakapan bahasa inggeris Berkunjung ke Korea (Visit to Korea)
  • Jerry : Well, first of all, we went and stayed in some pleasant inn in Seoul. In Seoul we checked out various kinds of public places. Seoul is a big city and it also has many attractions for tourists. That time we had a chance to visit Namsam Tower.
  • Yoga : Namsam Tower? I have ever heard that place in some Korean movie I watched. Was it great?
  • Jerry : Yes, it is amazing tall tower in Soul. There were a lot tourists came to visit and take some photos near the tower. Then… we also came to Lotte World. Lotte World was like an amusement park but it is not really wide as other amusement parks I have ever visited in other places, but I quite had a lot of fun there. And then…. We visited the Korean Folk Village in Yongin. In there we saw the traditional ways of life of Korean people.
  • Yoga : Is there any historical places you visited there?
  • Jerry : Yes. There are historical buildings like palaces in Gyeongbokgung, Changdeokgung, or Deoksugung, but we unfortunately didn’t have chance to go there.
  • Yoga : Oh, that’s too bad.
  • Jerry : And…. We visited the last amazing place called Jeju Island. This island was a paradise in South Korea. I really love the beauty of nature from this place, especially the beach. The beach was tremendous. The water is so clear in blue. And the sand is so white. I love it. After from Jeju Island and spent our 5 days in South Korea we went back to Indonesia.
  • Yoga : South Korea is cool! I really have to go there someday!

Glossaries percakapan Bahasa Inggris Berkunjung ke Korea (Visit to Korea)

  • Sigh = menghela napas
  • It’s too bad = sayang sekali
  • Spend = menghabiskan
  • Take a vacation = berlibur
  • Abroad = luar negeri
  • Outside of = di luar
  • First of all = pertama-tama
  • Pleasant = nyaman, menyenangkan
  • Check out = memeriksa, melihat-lihat
  • Various kinds = beragam jenis
  • Attractions = tempat menarik
  • Chance = kesempatan, peluang
  • Amusement park = taman hiburan
  • Korean Folk Village = Desa Rakyat Korea
  • Ways of life = gaya hidup
  • Historical = historis
  • Palace = istana
  • Unfortunately = sayangnya, tidak beruntungnya
  • Paradise = surge, tempat yang sangat indah
  • Cool = dingin, hebat, luar biasa
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