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Soal bahasa Inggris SMA: Aisyah is going to use the computer in doing her research The passive form of the sentence above is ...

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Aisyah is going to use the computer in doing her research 
The passive form of the sentence above is … 

A. The computer is used by her in doing her research 
B. Her research is going to be used in the computer 
C. Her research was used in the computer 
D. The computer is going to be used in doing her research 


D: "The computer is going to be used in doing her research."


A. "The computer is used by her in doing her research." - Ini adalah kalimat pasif, tetapi menggunakan bentuk simple present tense, sedangkan kalimat aslinya menggunakan future tense.

B. "Her research is going to be used in the computer." - Kalimat ini membalikkan urutan kata, dan secara tidak tepat menggunakan "in the computer" daripada "on the computer."

C. "Her research was used in the computer." - Kalimat ini menggunakan bentuk past tense, sedangkan kalimat aslinya adalah future tense.

D. The computer is going to be used in doing her research. - Ini adalah pilihan yang benar. Kalimat ini adalah bentuk pasif dari kalimat asli, dan menggunakan future tense dengan mempertahankan arti kalimat asli yang tepat.

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