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The following text is for question 1.

1. What does the text mean?
A. We are allowed to mix food and chemicals here.
B. We have to add chemical materials on food.
C. We can put chemicals in the store room.
D. We can only put food in the unit.

The following text is for questions 2 and 3.

701-235 Sherbrooke st.
Montreal, QC H3C1L4
Dear Dimaz,
All the best for you in the New Year! How are things going in your city? I must say, I am jealous of you. You live in a warm country while I am almost freezing here.
I heard from your aunt that you will work in Bali at the beginning of this year. Is that right?
I am happy for you. Your dream comes true. You’ve always wanted to work in Bali. It must be nice to work in such a beautiful place. I hope everything will be running well. I wish I have a chance to visit you someday.
Write me whenever you can. I am really happy to receive your letters and to get the details of your life in your country, especially in Bali.
Your squash buddy,

2. What is Dimaz’s dream according to the letter above?
A. To visit George.
B. To work in Bali.
C. To live in warm country.
D. To work in a beautiful place.

3. From the letter above, we know that....
A. the weather in George’s country is cold
B. George doesn’t know Dimaz aunt
C. Dimaz will start to work in March
D. George gets a job in Bali

The following text is for questions 4 to 6.

Unlike other international airlines which have stopped flights to Jakarta, Garuda Indonesia has no plan to delay its operation in the capital city.
Garuda Indonesia spokesman Pujobroto said the national flag airlines had not received any notification that Soekarno-Hatta Airport had been affected by the volcanic ash from the Mt. Merapi eruption about 500 kilometers to the east.
“There has been no notification from the aviation authorities which says the airport is affected by the volcanic ash. Therefore Garuda continues its activities”, Pujobroto said as quoted by
A total of 13 international carries stopped their flights to Jakarta on Saturday, concerned about volcanic ash in the air that could cause damage to their aircraft engines, and endanger safety. They are Malaysia Airlines, AirAsia, Singapore Airlines, Emirates, Etihad, Turkish Air, Japan Airlines, Lufthansa, and KLM.
Separately, Soekarno-Hatta Airport operator PT Angkasa Pura II said the airport was safe and not affected by the volcano's eruptions. “The airport is considered normal and safe so far”, airport operator’s president director Tri S. Sunoko Said.
The Jakarta Post

4. What does the text tell us about?
A. International airlines to Jakarta.
B. Volcanic ash of Merapi eruption.
C. The condition of Soekarno-Hatta Airport.
D. Garuda’s operation in relation to the volcanic ash of Mt. Merapi.

5. What is the reason for Garuda to continue its activitis?
A. Volcanic ashes had causing some damages to aircrafts.
B. There is no notification of danger from authorities.

C. Other international carriers had stop their service.
D. Soekarno Hatta airport is unsafe for flights.

6. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
A. 13 international carries stopped their flights to Jakarta because of the volcanic ash.
B. Malaysia Airlines, Air Asia, and Singapore Airlines are some of International carriers.
C. Volcanic ash in the air could cause damage to aircraft and engines.
D. 13 international carriers are in critical situation in Jakarta.

The following text is for questions 7 to 9.

I just got a new toy from my uncle. My uncle is a sailor. He bought me a robot when he sailed abroad. I love this robot.
My robot is very nice. It is about twenty centimeters tall. The colour of the robot is blue. The robot has a strong body. It has two big red eyes. Its two strong legs are covered with blade boots.
My robot can move with the energy of two medium-sized batteries. After inserting the batteries at the back of the robot body, it can move when we push the button behind its neck. The robot will move its left and right foot in turn. It will move its two arms in turn too. However, the robot could not bend its feet and it moves forward only.

7. What is the color of the robot’s eyes?
A. Red.
B. Blue.
C. Black.
D. White.

8. What is the main idea of paragraph three?
A. A medium-sized battery makes the robot strong.
B. Two batteries are needed to make the robot move.
C. The writer’s robot is difficult to move.
D. The robot can move without batteries.

9. From the text we know that....
A. the robot can’t make move backward.
B. the robot’s feet are bendable.
C. the robot can’t move at all.
D. the robot has no arms.

The following text is for questions 10 and 11.

10. From the label above we know that....
A. this medicine is only for adult
B. this medicine is in the form of syrup
C. stomach ache can be cured with this medicine
D. children under 12 cannot take this medicine

11. Who must consult to the doctor before taking this medicine?
A. Adult.
B. Children under 6 years.
C. Children 12 years and over.
D. Children 6 to under 12 years.

Kunci jawaban:

1. Kalimat “What does the text mean?" menanyakan maksud dari teks tersebut. Teks “-Food Storage Only- No Chemicals in This Unit' mengandung arti “hanya penyimpanan makanan, tanpa bahan kimia di unit ini”. Jadi, jawaban yang sesuai dengan teks tersebut adalah “We can only put food in the unit."
Jawaban: D

2. Ka limat “ What is Dim az’s dream according to the letter above?" menanyakan mimpi Dimaz berdasarkan surat tersebut. Kalimat “You’ve always wanted to work in Bair menjelaskan bahwa Dimas selalu ingin bekerja di Bali. Jadi, mimpi Dimaz berdasarkan surat tersebut adalah “To work in Bair.
Jawaban: B

3. Kalimat “From the letter above, we know that...." membutuhkan S + V + ... untuk menjadi kalimat yang lengkap. Kalimat tersebut mempunyai arti “dari surat di atas, kita tahu bahwa ....”. Kalimat “You live in a warm country while I am almost freezing here" menjelaskan bahwa Dimaz tinggal di negara yang hangat, sedangkan George hampir membeku di tempatnya. Jadi, S + V + ... yang sesuai dengan teks adalah “the weather in George’s country is colcf.
Jawaban: A

4. Kalimat tanya “What does the text tell us
about?" menanyakan isi cerita teks itu. Pada kalimat “ the national flag air-
lines had not received any notification that Soekarno-Hatta Airport had been affected by the volcanic ash from the Mt. Merapi eruption about 500 kilometers to the east" menjelaskan perusahaan penerbangan nasional tidak menerima pemberitahuan bahwa bandara Soekarno-Hatta dipengar-uhi oleh abu vulkanik dari letusan gunung Merapi yang kira-kira 500 km ke timur. Jadi, teks tersebut menjelaskan pada kita tentang operasinya Garuda dalam kaitan-nya dengan abu vulkanik dari gunung Merapi (Garuda's operation in relation to the volcanic ash of Mt. Merapi).
Jawaban: D

5. Kalimat tanya "What is the reason for Garuda to continue its activities?" menanyakan alasan Garuda melanjutkan aktifit-asnya. Pada kalimat “There has been no notivication from the aviation authorities which says the airport is affected by the volcanic ash. Therefore Garuda continues its activities" menjelaskan tidak ada pemberitahuan dari ahli penerbangan bahwa bandara dipengaruhi oleh abu vulkanik. Maka dari itu Garuda melanjutkan aktivitasnya.
Jadi, alasan Garuda melanjutkan aktivitasnya adalah ‘‘There is no notification of danger from authorities. ”
Jawaban: B

6. Kali mat tanya “What is the main idea of the third paragraph” menanyakan ide pokok dari paragraf 3. Paragraf 3 tampak menjelaskan jumlah perusahaan pengangkutan yang menghentikan penerbangan mereka ke Jakarta seperti Malaysia Airlines, Air Asia, dan Iain-Iain karena abu vulkanik.
Jadi, ide pokok paragraf 3 adalah “13 international carries stopped their flights to Jakarta because of the volcanic ash."
Jawaban: A

7. Kalimat “What is the color of the robot’s eyes?" menanyakan warna dari matanya robot. Kalimat “It has two big red eyes” menjelaskan bahwa robot tersebut mempunyai dua mata merah yang besar. Jadi, warna dari mata robot tersebut adalah “Red’.
Jawaban: A

8. Kali mat “What is the main idea of paragraph three?" menanyakan ide pokok dari paragraf 3. Kalimat “My robot can move with the energy of two mediumsized batteries" menjelaskan bahwa ro-botnya dapat digerakkan dengan dua baterai berukuran medium. Jadi, ide pokok dari paragraf 3 adalah “two batteries are needed to make the robot move”.
Jawaban: B

9. Pada kalimat “However, the robot could not bend its feet and it moves forward only” menjelaskan bahwa robot tersebut tidak dapat menekukkan kakinya dan bergerak maju saja.
Jadi, pelengkap kalimat yang tepat adalah "the robot can’t move backward".
Jawaban: A

10. Kalimat “From the label above we know that...” membutuhkan S + V + .... untuk menjadi kalimat yang lengkap. Kalimat tersebut mempunyai arti “Dari label di atas kita tahu bahwa ....". Dari gambar tampak bahwa obat tersebut berupa sirup karena dilengkapi dengan sendok makan.
Jadi, S + V + ... yang sesuai dengan label di atas adalah “this medicine is in the form of syrup"
Jawaban: B

11. Kalimat “Who must consult to the doctor before taking this medicine?" menanyakan siapa yang harus konsultasi pada dokter sebelum menggunakan obat ini. Dari penjelasan menunjukkan bahwa anak-anak di bawah 6 tahun harus tanya ke dokter. Jadi, yang harus konsultasi pada dokter sebelum menggunakan obat tersebut adalah “Children under 6years." Jawaban: B